Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2013:September:02 Monday <Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2013/9/2-11/7 [Reference/Tax] UID:54736 Activity:nil
9/2     I'm young, and stupid. Does the IRS want reporting on 401K, IRA,
        Roth 401k/IRA? I am decades from retiring, and no plan to withdraw
        anything. But, I just realized that I haven't reported any of my
        retirement plans to IRS for several years, now wondering if I'm
        in big shit...
        \_ The account custodian (bank/brokerage/mutual fund) reports it to
           the IRS anyway.  Just start doing it from now on.
           Use TurboTax or a professional. Not a big deal like misreporting income
           or failing to pay tax.
           Use TurboTax or a professional. Not a big deal like misreporting
           income or failing to pay tax.
           \_ ok cool THANK YOU! You're right, it's not like I'm failing
              to pay taxes. I'm guess this kind of stuff is more important
              as I approach retirement in a few decades.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2013:September:02 Monday <Tuesday>