5/13 Does FDIC ever matter? How likely is it that your deposit of
over $250k going to be screwed over in a major US bank?
\_ Was Washington Mutual a major bank?
\_ Was Washington Mutual a major US bank?
\_ Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Good one.
\- As with nuclear weapons, this insurance produces much of its value
just by existing rather than being used. FDIC insurance is largely
to prevent bank runs. Note also the FDIC supervises/assists with
healthy banks taking over ailing banks. There is a really funny
As for history, read about the 1980s Savings and Loan crisis.
Small banks tank all the time. --psb
\_ k thx. so if I have 2 accounts of ~= value at the same bank,
I have double the FDIC coverage?
\- if you have more than $250k in a single bank, you probably
should not be getting financial advice from me/motd, but
unless things have changed recently, the limit is per
person + per bank + per "account class" ... the last is
not totally intuitive. a personal saving/checking account
are the same account class, but your IRA is a different class.
so $200k CD + $200k savings = $250k cap. $200k IRA +
$100k checking = $300k coverage. i dont know all the nuances
about this ... like how spouses are treated (this may get
weird if you are a homosexual due to state law varying on
gay marriage) everything in the vague category of individual
demand account etc. --psb
\- hmm, apparently spouses are not treated specially ... the
special treatment applies to real persons, so not fictious
persons like corporations ... or things like estates ...
so the situation may change if the person you shared the
account with dies. --psb
\_ thank you psb, it is extremely helpful!
\_ !psb --psb #1 fan, hoping for a comeback |