5/9 I'm stock newbie. Let's say I made $1000 in Jan 2012 and then
lost $1000 in Feb 2012, does that mean I'm not liable to pay
any tax given that I made $0?
\_ Yes.
\_ Are both long term gains/both short term gains? And I assume you
mean realized gains, i.e. you actually sold the stock in an
unsheltered circumstance.
\_ they are both short term gains (less than 1 year between
buy and sell). How can I do transactions in a sheltered
circumstance in the U.S.?
\_ IRA. Also, be aware of wash sale rules.
\_ ah ok. I was hoping you'd give some awesome advice
on offshore Swiss Nigeran transactions.
\_ Sorry man, I work in Financial Services now. -ausman
\_ tell us about the city, ausman
\_ Goldman Sachs "creative financing" division?
\_ Square Inc. -a
\_ I guess that's not too evil. |