12/10 What are some of the most famous TECH companies that are NOT run
by a bunch of cronies (vs. run by those who are there because
of abilities/meritocracy)?
\_ Microsoft.
\_ Really?
\_ Isn't Ballmer pretty much Gates' crony?
\_ that's very true
\_ Facebook? Square? Twitter?
\_ ?
\_ Those companies are run by founders, so not cronies.
\_ This question is poorly worded. Are you looking for companies run
by people who are there because of their ability? I would say
most of them are in that category.
\_ partly true. most companies prosper initially because of
abilities, but then when the founders retire/die the
company's marketing and lawyers take over. Just look at
Enron, Dow, Monsanto, Halliburton, Microsoft, etc... all
these mega ass conglomerates prosper because it's run by cronies.
if you think google is evil, how do you think google will look
like when sergey and larry die/retire? it's going to stop
fundamental research and spam everyone else like all these
other mega conglomerates.
\_ This is actually kind of scary and depressing. Goggle knows
\_ This is actually kind of scary and depressing. Google knows
way too much about me. I trust them to Do The Right Thing,
but god knows what that company will be like after those
two go.
\_ they are going to sell your information to anyone
who wants it, for a fee of course. Remember all these
credit report agencies that were spawned before you
were born, and that they were on your side?
\_ Who do you trust your email with?
\_ "I trust them to Do The Right Thing" <--- bahahahahaha
the founders aren't interested in making more money now
but when they are gone, Google will be just another Y!
where every email you send is a spam ("Sent from
my Yahoo Account -- Buy Viagra now!") and everything
you see on the page is an ad, leadgen, or something
shady like the Yahoo Dating site where 10-15% of the
women are fake and Y! has no incentive to clean it
up because fake pretty women attract suckers in the first
place and PMs and VPs want to show off stats. Fuck Y!
\_ Who is your email provider?
\_ soda |