7/13 Why would Yahoo store passwords unencrypted? I recall that even 20+
years ago the passwords stored in /etc/passwd on instructional
machines here at Cal were one-way encrypted. (I think those were
Ultrix machines.)
\_ Doesn't this say anything already?
I feel bad for all the losers who are still working at YHOO
and getting weekly dosage of propaganda and waiting for their
worthless stocks to go up one day.
\_ Like Marissa Meyer. What a loser.
\_ Don't know her, but from what I read she sounds like a
risky hire.
\_ Marissa Mayer is much hotter than Carly Fiorina and Meg
http://www.csua.org/u/x1w (http://www.celebritynetworth.com
The first pic reminds me of Hanna Hilton.
\_ Carol Bartz's doppleganger is pretty hot:
\_ http://ycorpblog.com/2012/07/13/yahoo-0713201
Short answer: it was left over from the Associated Content
acquisition. Yes it is still pretty stupid. -Yahoo employee
\_ Why are you still at Yahoo? Couldn't find any other
\_ Why were you still at Yahoo? Couldn't find any other
respectable place to work at? In the tech industry, having
Y! on the resume is like having worked at Enron.
\_ Are you kidding me? Half the rockstars at the Velocity
Conference last week were ex-Yahoos.
\_ http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-07-26/the-yahoo-alumni-guide |