6/9 I'm interested in Tivo, is it required to buy subscription?
Also it is possible to record and export the AVI/MPG file?
\_ No subscription is required. Not sure about exporting the
file, though they do let you add a hard drive, so there
has got to be a way to move files around that way. Let
me know what you discover.
\_ Thank you! I just got a spanking new Tivo Premiere XL.
1) "Preparing the update... this may take a few minutes."
2) For $200, I'd expect WIFI. Nope, you gotta buy a $60
Tivo WIFI adapter. Ok. Bought a very very long ethernet.
3) Then it says it needs to upgrade software. Another
10 minutes passed with the "set up" screen
4) Afterwards it says I need to use an MCard that I should
have ordered from my cable company earlier, otherwise I
don't receive any digital channel. I selected "do it later"
5) After another 10 minutes setting up.
6) Now it says Preparing the update... this may take an hour.
7) Now, I can't do anything until I activate it. It's
forcing me to activate. No option is available unless
I activate it. I need to select payment plan. Options like
search, browse, etc are all disabled until activation.
W.T.F. Very pissed.
8) Oh hey, after 20 minutes, the screen now goes to a menu
where I have partial functionality (record, guide, play)
but I still need to pay for smart recording and search
and more advanced features. What a tease.
9) Oh wait, I can't even delete anything I record as it forces
me to subscribe (subscribe modal menu, can't continue)
10) Alright, called my cable company (Time Warner), and the
CableCard (Mcard) will cost extra $10/month. Fine.
11) According to the web, Some Tivo 1's allow you to use it
like a VCR and some Tivo 1's require subscription. All
Tivo 2's and beyond require subscription. I have Tivo "4"
which is the Premiere. Alright. So I need to pay $10/month
from cable company for the Mcard and another $15/month
from Tivo to use even the most basic features.
13) Called my cable company to cancel Mcard. Subscribed to
Time Warner's DVR for $11/month. My cable company offers
plug-and-play solution. Tivo offers-- what the fuck? POS.
I wasted fucking (#*$##$#$ hours. Fuck you Tivo.
\_ Cable companies like to deceive to make TiVo's difficult.
should be $3 for the 1st cable card.
Cablecards are also unnecessary if you're happy with
your analog channel selection, or unencrypted digital
channel selection.
\_ Build a MythTV and pay no monthly fees.
\_ a) TiVo interface and software are superior to cable DVRs.
Premiere lets you hook it up to Hulu Plus, Netflix, etc.
b) Data feeds like TV listings and program info are not free.
You expected all the above functionality forever for $200?
c) Why didn't you do the research before you bought, retard?
All the requirements above are stated in their ads and website.
All the requirements above are stated in their ads and
\_ Hey, chill. Old TiVos were primitive, but at least the
were easy to get going. The new ones are a complex
machinery that do much more but cause more mayhem as the
op pointed out (a bunch of long reboots and updates).
Tivo is nice to have but if Steve Jobs were still alive today
he would laugh at it. I don't have a lot of loyalty to
either Apple or Tivo but I do appreciate having a product
that "just works." Let me guess, you're a Tivo fanboi and
you're offended?
\_ Or he has lots of TIVO shares.
Tivo is nice to have but if Steve Jobs were still alive
today he would laugh at it. I don't have a lot of loyalty
to either Apple or Tivo but I do appreciate having a
product that "just works." Let me guess, you're a Tivo
fanboi and you're offended?
\_ Or he has lots of TIVO shares under water.
\_ None of the above. And I'm not exactly the one who threw
a fit, am I? -pp
\_ So wait, do you need a subscription to record shows or don't
you? You are saying both things here. You think the TV Guide
part should be free???
\_ None of the above. And I'm not exactly the one who
threw a fit, am I? -pp
\_ So wait, do you need a subscription to record shows or
don't you? You are saying both things here. You think
the TV Guide part should be free???
\_ This tells that it is not exactly Apple:
\_ http://www.ehow.com/how_7326726_use-tivo-subscription.html
"TiVos purchased directly through TiVo must have a service plan
purchased. Retailers, however, will sell TiVo units without
service plans attached."
\_ http://support.tivo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/18
See also though:
Your problem is that you have no fu. |