10/3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect
Does The PSB still read the motd? This reminds me of the racheting
effect you talk about (for the skilled here). -ausman
\_ 80% of participants had evaluated themselves as being above the average driver
\_ this effect is common in mega corporations
\- ausman: i dont really check in here any more ... at some point
the repeated self-inflected wounds dropped the wall-mass below
some critical threshold for me.
but on your topic, did you see this long EMORRIS article from
the NYT a while back:
\_ Yeah, I am not talking about the inability to see ones own
shortcomings, rather the other side of the coin, the inability to
recognize ones own unusual competence.
shortcomings, rather the other side of the coin, the tendency
to discount ones own unusual competence, eg things are either
"hard" (if you don't understand) or "trivial" (once you do). |