Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2011:May:01 Sunday
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2011/5/1-7/30 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:54102 Activity:nil
5/1     Osama bin Ladin is dead.
        \_ So is the CSUA.
           \_ Nope, it's actually really active.
              \_ Are there finally girls in the csua?
              \_ Is there a projects page?
              \_ Funneling slaves -> stanford based corps != "active"
                 \_ Computer Science Ugrad Asciento
              \_ It is just soda that is deprecated.
                 \_ Hardly depricated, I can use it to read class newsgroups.
                    and from what I've been told by alumni this new quieter &
                    less 4chan version of soda is much better than how it was
                    in the past.
                    and from what I've been told by alumni this is a better &
                    less 4chan version of soda than how it was in the past.
        \_ so does that mean gas price is going down? Are our
                  RIDE BIKE! _/
           men coming back home? Is the middle east safer
           now? F*** YOU GEORGE W BUSH.
           \_ Get over it.
           \_ Yawn, typical liberal.
        \_ he shouldn't have used gmail
           \_ NSA figured out, without Pakistan's knowledge, that there was no
              phone or internet service in that compound.
        \_ Is Berkeley drafting an apology letter to the islamic world now?
        \_ I never expected we would actually be able to kill him.  I thought
                    \_ That's because you're a faithless godless liberal
           he would either be killed by some traitor on his side, or fade away
           and die of natural causes decades later.
        \_ Questions:
           - Doesn't DNA matching usually take days to complete?
             \_ Depends on which episode of Bones or CSI you watch.  Sometimes
                it can take hours, sometimes week, usually dependant on the
                \_ Got it. -- PP
           - Why didn't bin Laden escape through some secret underground tunnel
             during the whole 40 minutes of fighting?
             \_ You seem to know more than a good christian should about
                musselman fighting techniques!
                mussulman fighting techniques!
           - Why sending only 15 commandos for such a dangerous high-value
             target on such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?  Why not send
             several times more than what is estimated to be adequate?
             Haven't they learned the lesson from the Battle of Mogadishu about
             the cost of under-estimating the adversary?
             \_ There's every indication that this op was done without Pakistan
                knowing it was going down (smart move, considering ISI ties to
                Taliban); since the target was a single compound in a non-
                militarized neighborhood (unlike, say, warlord-dominated
                Mogadishu), it was probably determined that a smaller force
                could extract the target and that fewer operatives would mean
                less political flak. All in all, it was a risky, gutsy move;
                the SEAL team executed it almost perfectly.
             \_ Not just commandos, SEALs.
             \_ It was 71, not 15. And they weren't "commandos" they were
                US NAVY SEALS!
                \_ Aren't SEALs one type of commandos?  What's the difference?
                   \_ I was impying that SEALs are super-hero type commandos.
                      \_ "SEALS are like commandos, only more so."
           \_ also the burial at sea is kinda curious.
        \_ Emmanuel Goldstein is dead, long live Emmanuel Goldstein!
           \_ 1984 was about 1948.
           \_ That's so pre-9/11.
            \_ Orwell was dead on about a lot of things and everyone should read
                Hommage to Catalonia (and everything else he has written for that
                matter) but he is a hair off on some things in his fiction.
                (possibly for dramatic effect).  In particular, a singular person
                as the face of your enemy, doesn't work nearly as well as a .org.
                It is Al Qaeda that is the real Goldstein.  Equally, it is not
                necessary to eliminate all the words in the dictionary.  It is
                better just to redefine them all to mean either "good" or "bad".
                Are you a coward?  I don't know, are you with us or agin' us?
                If you are with us then no, otherwise yes. -phuqm
                Hommage to Catalonia (and everything else he has written for
                that matter) but he is a hair off on some things in his fiction.
                (possibly for dramatic effect).  In particular, a singular
                person as the face of your enemy, doesn't work nearly as well as
                a .org. It is Al Qaeda that is the real Goldstein.  Equally, it
                is not necessary to eliminate all the words in the dictionary.
                It is better just to redefine them all to mean either "good" or
                "bad". Are you a coward?  I don't know, are you with us or agin'
                us? If you are with us then no, otherwise yes. -phuqm (formatd)
                \_ Brazil is alot closer to the truth than 1984 ever was.
        \_ With that helicopter crash, the op almost ended as another Black
           Hawk Down.  Phew.
           \_ Or another Iranian hostage rescue mission.
           \_ Or Twilight Zone: The Movie
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2011:May:01 Sunday