3/7 I have a C question. I have the following source code in two identical
files t.c and t.cpp:
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
const char * const * p1;
const char * * p2;
char * const * p3;
p1 = malloc(sizeof *p1);
p2 = malloc(sizeof *p2);
p3 = malloc(sizeof *p3);
free(p1); /* warning in C and C++. Expected. */
free(p2); /* warning in C only. Why warning in C? */
free(p3); /* warning in C++ only. Why no warning in C? */
return 0;
When I compile t.cpp, "free(p2)" generates a warning and "free(p3)"
generates no warning, as expected. However, when I compile t.c, the
opposite happens. Why? Thx.
\_ gcc 4.3 complains about free(p1) and free(p3) in both C and C++.
What compiler are you using?
\_ MS Visual Studio 2008 command-line for x86 (cl.exe). -- OP
\_ Some input. add typedef char * cstr, then replace char * with cstr
you will get warnings on all frees. Which means to me that the
issue might be that binding of ** is stronger than const.
\_ Some input. It may be clearer to add typedef char * cstr; then
replace char * with cstr and you will get warnings on all frees.
Which means to me that the issue might be that binding of ** is
stronger than const.
const char * * p2; // const charPtrPtr p2 not array of const char *
note, a line const char * string = p2 will not throw any warnings
note, a line const char * cstr = p2 will not throw any warnings
(if you put it after the malloc(for init)). You can also go:
p2 = (const char **)0xdeadbeef since you can modify p2.
Funny note: both:
*p2 is not const since both:
*p2 = (const char *)0xdeadbeef; // or
*p2 = (char *) 0xdeadbeef; // will work.
no warnings of "assign from incompat ptr type". (put this before
the p2 = assignment if you test them both otherwise SEGV)
with no warnings of "assign from incompat ptr type". (put this
before the p2 = assignment if you test them both otherwise SEGV)
This is on gcc 4.4.4.
I am assuming here tho that you didn't specifically mean to
create a constant charPtrPtr with p2.
My question to you is can you explain what you are declaring
with p1, p2, p3; that would be a good point to start debugging.
Also if you can get a disasm of the code look for push's of
absolute values. that should tell you where the const is.
RE: cpp vs c. If you put the code as is in g++ you will get
errors not warnings. If you cast properly in the malloc and free
you won't get any errors. My guess is that g++ has stricter
regulations than gcc.
I'll answer some more when soda has been rebooted because it's
fucking non-interactive right now. |