9/5 "Report: Castro blasts Ahmadinejad as anti-Semitic" - Yahoo! News:
"HAVANA - Fidel Castro criticized Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad for what he called his anti-Semitic attitudes and
questioned his own actions during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962
during interviews with an American journalist he summoned to Havana to
discuss fears of global nuclear war."
What surprises!
\_ we don't care. fuck off.
\_ Another one: "Report: Castro says Cuban model doesn't work"
\_ Better late than never.
\_ Cuba to lay off 1/2M government workers:
\_ http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/aug/22/mahmoud-ahmadinejad-iran-bomber-drone
Ahmadinejad said the unmanned aerial vehicle ... had "a main
message of peace and friendship" and in the next sentence he
describes the long range bomber 'as "an ambassador of death"
to Tehran's enemies.' |