2010/8/12-19 [Uncategorized] UID:53920 Activity:nil |
8/12 "Girl Born On 8/9/10 At 11:12" http://www.csua.org/u/rcf (news.yahoo.com) \_ Behold, she is the Messiah! |
2010/8/12-9/7 [Computer/SW/Languages] UID:53921 Activity:nil |
8/12 Judge Walker denies Stay. Prop 8 null and void from next Wednesday: <DEAD>ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cand/09cv2292<DEAD> |
2010/8/12-9/7 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:53922 Activity:nil |
8/12 Ruby coders, do you mostly DIY your stuff or use the ruby libs out there? How is their quality compared to other libs you have used for other langs? Thx. \_ I use Ruby for hobby stuff, etc. I use libraries for system stuff (web access, process, etc.) but that's about it. Perl libraries are much better/more complete. I assume because of the maturity and size of the community. \_ I've found the quality of ruby libs to be lower than perl, which also often has quality issues. The plus side is reading the ruby code to figure out wtf is going on is easier than reading perl, imo \_ what do either of you think of python libs by comparison (speaking of readability)? \_ python is quite mature and the programmers that use it tend to be much higher quality than ruby. ruby programmers, on average, are just slightly above average php programmers, which isn't a very good bar to begin with. \_ I've looked around with some libraries, most of which give me the feeling that you are right, from their code base, they seem to have been made for "grab that low hanging fruit for mindshare" - it's the dancing bear problem of software. Mostly written by yeah college kids or highschoolers. Reminds me of MySQL codebase. Which I guess is where most of these people are from... \_ dancing bear? \_ You don't grade the bear on its routine, you are jus amazed it dances at all. |
2010/8/12-9/7 [Finance/Investment] UID:53923 Activity:nil |
8/12 Holy crap. Feds will monitize the debt. Say goodbye to the dollar. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=ajcLVDMwN5To \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amero \_ Would Canada and Mexico want to devalue their currency by being associated with us? \_ "This has all happened before, and it will happen again." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wörgl#The_W.C3.B6rgl_Experiment (Adoption of local currency with penalties to hoarders stimulated job growth in a Depression) \_ I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords! \_ China has its own problems with its housing ponzi collapsing: http://csua.org/u/rcz \_ source is biased towards bad news. (not saying wrong, just biased). Not sure how good of an indicator Earnings to Sales price is for China since income there is likely to be dramatically understated. Quickly scanning, I didn't notice if there were rental to price ratios. (Did you see any?). -crebbs \_ Yawn, old news. Literally. \_ I <3 how nobody comments on the documented solution to the problem (the borgl experiment). |