7/28 I have a few relatives who are always on me to do/go see "this, that
and the other thing" every time i'm on vacation. I finally figured
out this was because they can't ever take vacations, and never have
the time to do the things on that list themselves, and most likely
want to live vicariously through me. Issue being is that I really
don't want to spend my time off rushing about like a madman(1) and
just to fulfill someone else's checklist(2). What's a nice iconic
statement to tell them to fuck off? (Preferably short, sweet,
repeatable, --i plan to get a bumpter sticker with this, or a tshirt).
\_ "Thanks for the pointer, I'll see if we can fit it in." -tom
\_ Thanks, tshirt ordered; going to wear it whenever I see them
and point to the statement whenever they start off with the
"At your age, you should..."-list.
\_ I recommend you "Walk with the Dinosaurs". |