4/8 In addition to below, can someone recommend a movie or soap
opera that describes the life of Kangxi Emperor? Netflix = useless.
Mandarin is fine as long as there's subtitle. Thanks.
\_ Not exactly a soap opera, but Kangxi Di Guo is a very good TV series
featuring Chen Dao-Ming as Kangxi. Whether or not it's accurate to
history is another matter, though.
\_ Thank you. I guess it's not possible to rent this on Netflix, and
I guess it's all simplified s*** that I can't read. ARGH!
No wonder Chinese media is so rare in the west, it's so darn
\_ Oops! Here's the same page in Traditional Chinese:
I've watched so much mainland Chinese media that I stopped
noticing whether it's in Traditonal or Simplified Chinese.
-- PP, Hong Kong immigrant
\_ Does this have English subtitle? My wife doesn't read
Chinese and doesn't understand Mandarin.
\_ The version I watched doesn't have English subtitle.
-- PP
\_ is it hard to learn one if you know another? I only know
one type, but my type is disappearing in the face of
dominating mainlanders
\_ It's hard to learn how the characters are exactly
written in one type if you know the other type.
However, you don't need to learn the exact characters
if all you want is to read text in newspaper and
magazines, because you can guess some characters from
the context. I guess from context to learn simlified
characters, which in turn allows me to guess more from
context. My wife knows simplified characters and she
learned traditional characters the same way. -- PP
\_ whoa you married a mainlander? How's that working
out? My parents would kill themselves had I
married a commulander as they call it. BTW do you
have problems learning the 4 tones? How about your
wife, does she have problems learning the 8-9
Cantonese tones? My wife can't hear any differences
in tones, period.
\_ My wife is from Guangzhou which is a Cantonese
city. After watching Mandarin TV series on
Channel 26 for two decades, I have no problem
with the four tones. My wife formally learned
Mandarin when she went to school in Mainland. --PP |