1/18 Look out for some serious rain the next few weeks:
\_ so... how do I read this? I didn't take meterology.
\_ Prop 8 trial continuing into next week, rainbow weather
\_ CA desperately needs the water.
\_ And yet we allow most of the water we need every year to
run into the sea. That's probably true of these storms, too.
If I hear one more person mention drought conditions and not
admit that it actually rains more than enough here to supply
us with plenty of water if we cared to collect it I am going
to scream.
\_ If you'd like to prove that fresh water running into the
sea has no beneficial effects, go ahead and scream.
\_ Plenty of water makes its way to the sea regardless.
\_ College of San Mateo says power is out at the campus, but both the
http://collegeofsanmateo.edu and http://kcsm.org web sties are
running. Both sites and their whole network paths are covered by
UPS? Strange.
\_ surprised kcsm is up, it's on dreamhost. college site appears
to be a fairly simple network, 1 hop from cenic gw |