2009/12/8-2010/1/3 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:53578 Activity:nil |
12/8 Best and worst jobs: http://oddee.com/item_96855.aspx (Director of Fun, Brothel QA) http://oddee.com/item_96873.aspx (Animal masterbator, sewage, etc) \_ The Brothel QA job is not for everyone. "The applicants are whittled down to a final six, who are then fXXXed one after the other ***in a single day*** by Jaime." Not everyone can meet the job requirement. \_ But all Persian men can do it. They're descendants of very "prolific" Persian kings. \_ 70 a year? Pshaw, I could test one every day easily, probably two, and I am in my mid-40s. \_ All I hear is the sound of envy. \_ Yeah, and I can do 1095 a year if they are hot. But can you do 6 in the same day as required? I can't. I'm almost 40. -- PP \_ Probably not, though I fail to see why they all need to be tested on the same day. \_ The Guard at Buckingham Palace job is a "hard" job also. (See pic.) |
2009/12/8-2010/1/3 [Uncategorized] UID:53579 Activity:nil |
12/8 Arguments based on word defition. So; just wondering but I wonder if alot of arguments are based on 1. what we historically viewed as consensus of the term's def 2. what new media defines as the term. for example, the petite vs. wikipedia petite. Which is more valid? a definition that someone , and their immediate culture, has used a term all their life or something a culture defines as valid no matter how young? \_ Yeah I've heard the term "anecdotal evidence is invalid" alot out of the UCB student pop lately; they seem to prefer internet definitions. \_ By that nature, those definitions can change at the flip of a bit or wiki change/revert. \_ "We have always been at war with east^weurasia." \_ We can't have different ideas about the same word, that would bring anarchy! \_ nevertheless different people use the same word for different things, and the problem is when it's used for slightly similar definitions. If you kill that you are killing diversity. \_ Is this a real discussion or one that someone added in its entirety? \_ Bill Clinton should be an expert on this subject. \- "Testimony is like an arrow shot from a long bow, the force of it depends on the strength of the hand that draws it. Argument is like an arrow from a cross-bow, which has equal force though drawn by a child." |
2009/12/8-26 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:53580 Activity:low |
12/8 Old news, but new to me: Spam King kills himself and his family after escaping prison http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=1553&tag=rbxccnbzd1 Hopefully more spammers will take the hint. \_ I wish the same fate can go to all marketing and advertising folks, selling people things they don't really need. I esp. hope it happens to people who advertise cigarettes, promote alcohol, and gambling. I hope it also happens to all diamond marketing folks. And luxury car marketing folks. Actually, I hope ALL marketing people die the same fate. \_ What about sales people? How do you feel about them? \_ So the marketing guys at my startup (who are trying to figure out which sector we should sell our storage software product to) should, in your opinion, kill themselves? Truly you are a prince among men. Keep up the good work there, twit. \_ He was sentenced to only 21 months in a "prison" with dormitory housing. Why bother escaping? |
2009/12/8-26 [Computer/Theory] UID:53581 Activity:nil |
12/8 http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/musings.html SOUNDS EXCITING The next talk in the series will be entitled Spanning Trees and Aspects (The 15th Annual Christmas Tree Lecture) The spanning trees of a graph with n vertices are the sets of n-1 edges\ that connect the graph. In this lecture I'll discuss the remarkable relation bet\ ween the number of spanning trees and the aspects of the graph, which are define\ d via matrix theory. For example, I'll explain why the number of spanning trees\ of an n-dimensional cube is equal to exactly $2^{2^n-n-1} \prod_{k=1}^n k^{n\choose k}$. \_ Cool find, thanks. \_ Haven't you guys seen all these before? I saw these when I was in high school in Wisconsin (yay online). |
2009/12/8-26 [Politics/Domestic] UID:53582 Activity:nil |
12/8 Republicans vs dems being funny. Ok I mean go figure which network aired this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wJX1Atch1k \_ Back then they were billing themselves as the rebel network. \_ "maverick, you're dangerous." \_ Simpsons, too. |
2009/12/8-2010/1/13 [Recreation/Dating] UID:53583 Activity:kinda low |
12/8 <DEAD>retirementplans.vanguard.com/VGApp/pe/pubnews/TightwadsSpendthrifts.jsf<DEAD> Spendthrifts and tightwads marry each other \_ in general white guys are spendthrifts ande white girls are even bigger spendthrifts. don't marry white if you want to save. \_ Don't marry Asian if you want to have a life. \_ They make pretty decent mistresses tho. They'll pretty much do anything. \_ Is this really true? \_ ha ha ha ha h aha there's so much truth to this. I guess grass is really greener on the other side. BTW I'm the guy who always brings lunch from home and microwave ethnic food to save money. By the way, at what point do you tell your family members that you've sent home as much money as you want to? -bored & married Asian, no debt \_ Yeah, I am always having to fight with my Asian wife to convince her to do things like go on vacation, but when I really put my foot down, she goes. I have an allowance so that I can buy things like football tickets and fine wines, or we would fight all the time. The upside is that we have lots of money in our bank account! -white guy \_ I hope you realize that very likely, none of your money will be spent on a dream vacation home, Porsche, or that world cruise you've been dreaming about. Traditional Asians put all of their money into their kids, be it education, golf lessons, dental school, down-payment for their kids' home, so on and so forth. Being Asian is to sacrafice oneself for posterity. Being Asian is to suffer now, and not enjoy later. -miserable \_ You forgot about taking care of the old parents and buying them a home near you so they can "visit." \_ Agreed, and this includes not only money, but also time. \_ We are going to an all incluve resort in Cabo next week! \_ Update. She made the vacation misable by constantly \_ Update. She made the vacation miseraable by constantly \_ Update. She made the vacation miserable by constantly complaining about everything and arguing with everyone on the trip. She did drop the hint that next time we should go someplace that is more educational for the kids. So next time I am going to try and get her to agree to a vacation in Paris so "the kids can see the Louvre." Wish me luck! \_ What does she have against Mexicans? FYI Cabo is very nice and seriously, it's not *real* Mexico. \_ How long have you been married? I'm guessing "too long." Welcome to the club. -over 15 years, no more sex \_ When did the sex stop? The day after the wedding? Seriously, though, at what point? \_ Dating 10 years, married 6. -2 kids, still sex \_ Married 13 years, sex great, working on kid 1. \_ WTF? Are you like, sterile? \_ Some of us chose not to have kids early in life like our Mormon friends do. |