2009/11/28-12/6 [Uncategorized] UID:53547 Activity:kinda low |
11/27 What happened to the Wenk thread? I had a swarthy comeback. \_ Someone deleted it. See it in ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v. \_ Swarthy? Post it anyway, I want to see what a dark, hairy comebacak \_ how do I perform a web search on it? \_ Swarthy? Post it anyway, I want to see what a dark hairy comeback looks like. |
2009/11/28-12/8 [Industry/Startup] UID:53548 Activity:nil |
11/28 A really cool fellow Soda CSUA'er is writing a book called "An Engineer's Guide to Silicon Valley Startups". While many startup books are written for founders and geared towards raising funding, marketing, networking... this is one is written by an engineer, *for engineers*. Take a look at it and if you think it'll be helpful for you and/or your colleagues please share the link! -kchang http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/piaw/an-engineers-guide-to-silicon-valley-startups In case you don't know who piaw is: http://csua.com/?entry=52970 |