10/27 See how much tom makes:
\_ Sure glad I went the private industry route. Where is jkuroda?
Doesn't he work for the UC as well?
\_ Wow I can't believe this information is public. It makes me
glad that I don't work at U.C. either. I make a lot more
even though I'm much younger than Holub, and this is not
even counting my stock options.
\_ I make a lot more too, but I am middle management (as is
Tom). What do you do?
\_ Code monkey in the EDA industry. I've worked at
a startup that got acquired by Synopsis, then a router
management software (not EDA) company that got bought by
Cisco, and now working at a mid-sized company (again in
EDA) in San Jose. In all three cases I made over $100K,
without counting stock options. You need a PhD in EDA
to make serious money in the $150-170K but I'm just a
code monkey who codes routing shit. I'm sorry I can't
give you names away or you'll figure out who I am.
\_ Obviously if your intention is to acheive the greatest
possible monetary compensation, you shouldn't be
working for UC. I would argue that if your basic
needs are met and you have a comfortable cushion
for discretionary expenses, you should be focusing
on factors other than monetary compensation. How
many hours do you work, how long is your commute, is
your work satisfying? A lot of Americans, and in
particular a lot of geeks, seem to miss this. -tom
\_ commute ranged between 20-40min one way throughout
the three companies I worked at. I work 50HR/wk
on average, but there will be 1-2 weeks a year
that'll be more like 60-70HR/wk. How satisfying?
I read algorithmic papers and do implementations.
I don't deal with whining users, so I can't
imagine it being worse than sys admin.
\_ Personally, I find it important to work for
an organization whose overall goals I support.
I wouldn't be happy in any role at some random
dotcom producing nothing of real value. That's
a personal choice, of course.
By the way, I've not been a sysadmin for almost
10 years now. -tom
\_ EDA/CAD/routing/optimizer/placement is not a
*dot com* internet type of company. Do you
even know what EDA means? We use software
to build hardware.
\_ I wasn't speaking specifically about your
situation. But I also would find it
less than fulfilling to be in your
business. I worked for GE for 8 years
and that was probably 6 too many. -tom
\_ Is Google a dotcom producing nothing of
real value? Do you use Google? The Internet?
\_ I wouldn't work for Google.
\_ I wouldn't work for Google. -tom
\_ Google wouldn't want you. Too old and
not educated in the CS field.
\_ What are the retirement benefits like, though?
Are you going to be one of those State leeches
who makes more from the State after you retire
at age 52? If that's the case I would argue
$120K is overpaid.
\_ I will feed the troll only once on this:
earning a pension is no more "leeching" than
cashing in stock options is. It's part of
the non-salary compensation package. -tom
\_ Answer my question:
Is this pension going to be from age 50
until death at something close to (or more
than) your regular salary? If so, I would
argue that your current compensation is more
than fair. Most of us are not getting
$120K/year plus health benefits for our
retirement starting at age 50. It's not
that you are earning a pension. I don't
begrudge anyone that. I begrudge people
who earn exorbitant pensions whether it's
a Golden Parachute or whatever. When I see
some State employees retiring at age 50 at
more than their full-time salary it makes
me sick, especially when they are then
rehired at another salary. No one should be
paid more after retirement than they earned
while working and very few people should be
able to collect retirement before age 65.
I believe it is fair to retire at age 65
at 50% salary and even that is more than
most people get. Government workers who
were made promises we shouldn't have made
and can't keep are strangling government
\_ You'll have to get your next meal elsewhere,
troll. -tom
\_ So contract law doesn't apply to
government pensions? How else would you
like to rewrite common law?
\_ It's not that the contract doesn't
apply so much as the State needs to
declare bankruptcy because they
cannot pay it. That's what other
entities do when obligations exceed
the ability to repay them.
\_ The State can easily afford to pay
all of its obligations. Some citizens
may not want to pay, but the potential
tax revenue is available.
\_ You're one of those people who
see every dollar that anyone
earns anywhere as "potential
State revenue" I take it.
Let's raise taxes to 100% and
we will all work for the
government in a utopian society.
The taxpayers did not promise these
pensions to the government
employees and they, rightfully,
refuse to pay for them. It's easy
to give away money if it's not
yours. You can just raise taxes
and get more. It's like magic!
\_ You get to declare bankruptcy
if you are unable to meet your
obligations, not just if you
don't feel like meeting them.
The taxpayers most certainly
did make this promise. They
elected representatives who
signed the contracts. No
different than when shareholders
elect a board to sign contracts.
\_ The State is going broke.
Hello, McFly! Have you
been asleep for the last
two years? When the CEO
screws up by making
promises he can't keep, like
happened at GM or United
Airlines then the company
goes BK! The State is in
the same situation. It
will take 25% of the general
fund to fund retirements
pretty soon. We cannot tax
our way out of that mess
without severe repercussions.
The Feds need to tax us
to fix the mess they made.
You can't just raise taxes to
90% to pay for all this crap.
However, the State, unlike
the Feds, *can* declare
bankruptcy. It's where we're
\_ Wan to bet? CA is not
\_ Want to bet? CA is not
going to declare bankruptcy
that is just a kook fantasy
I do hope we cut down
retirement benefits for new
hires though.
PS $15k invested each year for 25 years
at a 10% nominal gain (stock market avg)
gives you $2.5M, which is worth at least
as much as a $100/yr for life pension.
\_ First, you are lucky if you see a 10%
gain. It might be that much. It
might be less. Second, how many
employers out there that you know of
are putting 12.5% (15/120) of your
salary into an account for you? Mine
is better than average and it is 8%.
The average is 5.4% according to the
"50th Annual Survey of Profit
Sharing and 401k Plans." Third, to
save $2.5M over 25 years at 10% you
would need to invest $1886 per month
or $22K per year, not $15K.
\_ Private employers pay more, in return
you have to finance your own
retirement. There is risk here, but
you knew that when you decided to take
this route, right? No one was
bellyaching when the stock market was
on a tear, in fact a bunch of morons
tried to privatize Social Security
as well. If you want to try and strike
it rich, work in private industry, if
want security work for the government.
Hopefully this is not news to you.
Your math is correct, btw, thanks for
catching that. I was using 30 years,
not 25. Most UC plans need 30 years
to really get a good retirement.
\_ CalPERS lost a shitload of money
investing in the same crap
everyone else did, except they
have a government backstop.
They need to be held responsible
for the investments they made
*or* else everyone else needs
to be given the same luxury.
Meanwhile, our "safe" Social
Security investments are earning
crap. Damn straight I want my
SS $$$ to invest myself. Why
should State employees get to
invest 12.5% of their salaries
in high-risk, high-return
vehicles while I get almost
nothing on the money my employer
and I am contributing? BTW, I
wouldn't say private employers
pay that much more for most jobs.
Only high-level executives are
grossly underpaid by the government.
I have been browsing the lists
of State and Federal employees
and salaries are much higher
than you'd think.
\_ you're an idiot.
\_ This is a compliment
coming from you.
\_ State employees are now paying
8% into their retirement, which
they weren't before, to make up
for CalPERS losses.
\_ Oh, I get it, this database only includes those who made
\_ See sacbee link above. ALL state employees in that DB.
\_ I really hope TEDFORD, JEFF is worth what you're paying him
\_ Donations to the althetic department are up over $10M/yr since
Tedford was hired, so the answer is yes, he is worth it.
\_ Brian Harvey makes slightly more than Holub. Both make more than
Hilfinger. WTF?
David Patterson makes 345K, the highest I've seen so far. Nice.
\_ Why is John Canny's salary not higher?
\_ In the industry, salaries are set by how often you move
around; every move gives you an opportunity for an increase.
In academia, the same can happen, but people move much less.
So academic salaries are often driven by competitive offers;
Stanford will offer a package to one of our faculty, and the
deans will scramble to match the package (depending on the
faculty member). So faculty salary is partly a function
of how interesting the faculty member is to other
institutions, but also a function of how much the faculty
member is willing to go out and solicit offers for his
services. -tom
\_ That's because Patterson is worth it.
\_ According to salary, Mr. Football Coach is more worth it
than the RISC guy that brought huge changes and billions
of dollars and new opportunities to Silicon Valley.
Football rules!
\_ Why is John Yoo still making $1/4M? Isn't he on sabbatical?
\_ It's the government. He'll probably earn money until he dies
even if he never works again.
\_ No he is still working, he is just on loan to some OC school. |