2009/10/27-11/3 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:53471 Activity:nil |
10/27 "40 Under 40 - Business's hottest rising stars" http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/40under40/2009 I'm 39 and a code monkey making $120K/yr. This article makes me very depressed. \_ Are any of these not born to millionaire parents? \_ where can I get stats on their parents' income? I can't seem to find that information on Wolfram Alpha \_ Was Tiger Woods' dad a millionaire? Also, Sergey Brin's bio said his parents were a professor and a scientist while Larry Page's parents are both CS professors. \_ rising stars usually get much more help from a nice family than those that came from the slums. Do you think Bill Gates was born in the slums? Hell no, his family was pretty well off already and that gave him a lot of freedom to do what he loved doing instead of trying to work at a stinky $120k/year job that can barely support a family in Silicon Valley. \_ Bill Gates was a trust fund kiddie. So was Donald Trump. I would argue that Larry&Sergey and Tiger (certainly) were not. If you hate your job and your salary then do something about it. Go to medical school or go get an MBA and work for Goldman Sachs or get good at golf. Things could be a lot worse than making $120K before age 40. That's in the top 10% of incomes. $160K puts you in the top 5%. \_ Maybe not trust fund kiddies, but still started on second base. You are telling me that a bunch of kids who were raised in upper middle class families and went to Stanfurd are underprivileged? You have a very distorted view of the real world. \_ Did I say underprivileged? More like middle class, which is a far cry from being born to millionaire parents. \_ Two college profeesors are either millionaires or really bad with their money. I am sure they consider themselves "middle class" just like most millionaires, but they are clearly quite privileged. The best way to be succesful in America is to be born to money. \_ but most wealth disappears by the 3rd generation! Why do you hate rich people? -Republican \_ I don't hate them, I just recognize that if I had been given that level of opportunity, I might be there, too. I don't beat myself up for not being in newsweek. Considering how I have done so far, I still might make it by the time I am 50 or something. \_ 2 X CS profs = what, $1/4M/yr in annual income? Maybe they are "only" single digit millionaries. Evan Williams is probably from modest means (though still solidly middle class). |
2009/10/27-11/3 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:53472 Activity:nil |
10/26 End of $5.29 Big Mac: Yahoo! Finance: http://www.csua.org/u/pdu |
2009/10/27-11/3 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Eyes] UID:53473 Activity:nil |
10/28 I am a perfect man and I am never wrong. I tried to read the following color blindness test and I cannot read it even though people around me claim that they can read it. I think this is impossible because I am a perfect person and I don't have color blindness and I find it impossible that people can read it. How does it work? How much time did you guys spend to "get it"? This is an impossible test. I call it shenanaigans. http://www.archimedes-lab.org/images8/reverse_ishihara.gif \_ My color blind friend couldn't read it. He got mad at me when I accused him of faking being color blind. Maybe you need to be a certain kind of color blind. \_ I see big and small circles of different colors. What am I supposed to read? \_ I see a n3kk3d gurl, you don't? \_ Damn, http://www.archimedes-lab.org/colorblindnesstest.html actually says only color blind people can read it. No wonder I can't. But what's strange is that even after I convert it to B&W by using "Desaturate" in Photostop, I still can't read to B&W by using "Desaturate" in Photoshop, I still can't read it. -- PP \_ Color blindness doesn't work that way. It's more like color blind people cannot distinguish between two different specific hues. \_ 30? A trick question? Oh I can see it with my glasses off and halway across the room from the monitor. Pretty funny. \_ Somewhere back in the 90s, a pretty well known guy in networking got his kid a summer job with LBL network operations. Part of his job was making custom ethernet cables and such ... but for some reason, the cables he made never seemed to work ... which was awkward because his supervisor didnt want to tell the dad that his was incompetent at cable punching. Eventually they discovered he was colorblind and couldnt read the colored wiring map or see the wires correctly, so nothing was connected correctly. \_ the kid says the whole thing is shinanigan because his girlfriend can't do the job either. Since he and his girlfriend are perfectly normal people, it's impossible, or at best improbable. he calls it shinanigans! |
2009/10/27-11/3 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:53474 Activity:nil |
10/27 I just read an article that Facebook had moved their database to all SSD to speed throughput, but now I can't find it. Has anyone else seen this? Any experience with doing this? -ausman \_ I hope you're not running mission critical data: http://ask.slashdot.org/story/09/10/27/1559248/Reliability-of-PC-Flash-SSDs?from=rss \_ Do you have any idea how much storage space is used by Facebook, and what the cost implication would be to move *ALL* the data to SSD? I believe they may have experimented with using SSD as a 3rd tier cache layer between RAM and disk but the cost of *ALL* data is simply prohibitive. -kchang \_ SSD is $3k/TB now, I doubt that Facebook has more than 1PB of total data, so that would only be $3M. They probably spend more than that on electricity every year. \_ Are you thinking of MySpace, perhaps? http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/10/14/myspace_fusionio It's not clear from that article whether they're using flash for all their storage, or just for caches. \_ Yes, that is it, thanks. -ausman \_ SSD doesn't make any sense in terms of $ for stuff like video and music and pictures. It does make sense for frequently used metadata. The question one should ask is, what is the infrastructure of MySpace like, is it using sharded MySQL or something else? \- our 12x or 16x RAID is faster than our SSD [high $$$ SSD, medium quality RAID. These are generally large seq reads, not small random ones.]. \_ How fast is each? \_ Just because SSD r/w is 4X faster, doesn't mean your system will run in 1/4 the time. You gotta take in account of request overhead, and processing time (complex MySQL join is particularly expensive). My friends in the SSD industry said basically that speed-up wasn't as mind-blowing as they originally anticipated, and that if the application isn't SSD tuned, you may not get the amazing speed-up that you thought you would get. \_ I know that some FS are not well designed to take advantage of SSD, what other tuning to I need to be aware of? \- our biggest speedup was buying a lot of memory [+100gb] and judicious use of compression ... with lots of cores but limited bus IO, this is generally a big win even using gzip style compression, although there are some faster compression systems which dont compress as much in space but are like 4x faster than gzip. BTW, does anybody other than GOOG use "zippy"? Are there any tools/filesystems which use zippy, or is that GOOG intenal. (we didnt spend much time researching this ... we want to throw money and a little time and the problems to mitigate it ... at some point we'll start indexing, which is what will get us to the orders-of-mag improvements). \_ I think Zippy is fine tuned for Bigtable data, which is basically value-key-time. Since they know their input well, you don't need an all purpose gzip, hence the 10X encode rate and 3X decode rate over gzip. By the way if you find Zippy implementation, let us know! http://feedblog.org/2008/10/12/google-bigtable-compression-zippy-and-bmdiff |
2009/10/27-11/3 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:53475 Activity:nil |
10/27 http://www.maxgames.com/play/flash-mind-reader.html how does this work? \_ sh -c 'for ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do for ((j=0;j<10;j++)); do echo "$i$j-(\ $i+$j)" | bc; done ; done' | uniq \_ bash -c 'for ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do for ((j=0;j<10;j++)); do echo "$i$j\ -($i+$j)" | bc; done ; done' | uniq \_ ksh -c 'for ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do for ((j=0;j<10;j++)); do echo "$i$j-\ ($i+$j)" | bc; done ; done' | uniq \_ fixd. above script only works if your sh is really bash. -Solaris Geek \_ sorry, I somehow lost the k. Also, works if your sh is ksh93 in opensolaris, etc. Not sure that putback has made it into s10u* \- i thought that was pretty clever presentation. thanks for sharing the link. |