10/16 Interesting new Canon P&S cameras: G11, S90.
BTW, has anybody used the new D10 [not the old 10D] ... any thoguhts?
I'm trying to pick between {my G10 + buy waterproof housing} or
a buy a nw D10 (beach, boat/raft/kayak, snorkel ... not scuba).
\_ http://visualsciencelab.blogspot.com/2009/10/canon-g11-new-professional-camera.html
\_ i think this review is overly gushy. there are a lot of pix
you can take with 28-105mm field of view ... esp if the camera
is small enoght to keep with your, and the image stab is really
nice and give you an advantage over optically nice but older
non-IS lenses ... BUT imagine never shooting blew f/8. Come on.
The inabilty to chop DoF is a big lose. Maybe you can debate
the benefits og 2.8 -> 1.4, but even the supposedly "fast"
S90 or LX3 ... dont really give you a much shallower DoF.
Also, I dont think this dood's G11 sample are that good ...
I take pix that are as good with my G10 and I dont think I'm
a pro worth listneing to.
[BTW, I own and really like my G10 and have recommended it to
others so not dissing the specific model or P&S in genreal.
But when O was evaluating whether to buy a LX3 as a "portrait"/
"fast indoor" camera i did the math to calculate the real DoF
corrected for sensor size [just like you need the FOV multiplier,
you have a DoF multipler], so f2 is not what you expect.]
\- YOU FUCKING DIP SHIT, delet my post again and I'll
delete yours from now on.
\_ You're an idiot for suggestion G10 over anything else without
making consideration of other things like over-megapixel (do
you seriously need 15 MP on a small sensor)? Also, when
you pack so much MP into a tiny sensor, you get lots of
noise at anything above 80 ISO thus the extra MPs you get
will have much higher noise. The G10 looks amazing under
the most ideal lighting situation and at 80 ISO. However,
most people normally shoot at all conditions (indoor,
night, etc), under less than ideal situation, and their
extra MP and extra disk space is wasted due to much lower
signal-to-noise ratio.
Secondly, you're an idiot for even trying to compare
the depth of field of a small compact to a SLR. Even if
if you have f/1.0 on a compact, the DoF is still higher
than an SLR at f/2.0. It's the same reason why DoF on
SLR will *NEVER* reach the DoF of a medium format on
an equivalent focal length.
The G11 is a great camera because Canon finally learned
that people are demanding less noise and a better well
rounded camera, than a G10 that only looks good in
ideal situation. The G10 is an awful awful camera that
a lot of pros (that want compacts) didn't want to get.
Overall, your response shows that you're an idiot.
\_ I was debating between a G11 and a LX3. On the other hand, I think
I will just wait now that I'm not working. The new D3x with
oven 100,000 ISO is simply amazing. |