10/12 In the same spirit as below, I'm going to be in the Florida Keys
for a few days Thanksgiving Week. Any recs on what to do, where
to stay, what to eat. All I know about is going snorkeling.
Also in Miami for a day and half, if you have any recs there.
\_ http://csua.com/?entry=51778
\_ You know how when you depart from an airport you need to pay
extra $2-3, depending on the airport? Well one time I took
a taxi from Miami back to the airport, and when I got
off the taxi I gave the driver $14 (fee) plus $2 tip. He asked
for tip. I explained that I already gave him $2 tip and he got
all worked up and said I need to pay the extra $2 airport fee.
"I work for tip, mon!" I explained on the taxi sign that the
extra fee would be incurred when going out of the airport,
not going in. He obviously didn't read English well and started
to curse at me. I gave him the extra $2 so that he would go
away but went to an authority and confirmed that they're not suppose
to do that. I then called the mass transit/taxi registration
to report the case since I got his taxi stall number, and
they promised to call me back on their investigation. They never
called back. You really have to watch out in Miami. It is
not as peachy as Seattle or Houston. Shit hole.
\_ Leaving the SF airport, I had a cabbie not turn on the meter
until we were already into the ride, and tell me "to here
it's usually $2, so you can pay me $2 more than the meter."
The scam is that they have to pay the taxi company based
on the meter (which should include any airport fees), and
they're pocketing the extra. -tom
\_ Miami is like a 3rd world country. If you like Los Angeles
then you may like Miami. Lots and lots of ethnic food, TRAFFIC,
women in skimpy clothes and shady looking guys in gold that
scream ROB ME PLEASE, TRAFFIC TRAFFIC and lots of rude
\_ and really really nice cars
drivers, partying, ethnic food, lousy parking situation.
Driving there REALLY sucks. So in a sense it's like a
hybrid of Venice, Rodeo Drive, Hollywood Sunset, and I-10 freeway
all merged into one. If that's your kind of thing, yeah go to
Miami. -person who will NEVER go back
\_ Good food and partying with scantily clad women. I can see why
you'd avoid it. Driving sucks in every big city and it's 10x
worse to drive in Boston or DC than it is in LA. How does
Miami's traffic compare to those?
\_ I don't like Los Angeles, and that's probably why
I don't like Miami. If that's your type of thing, fine.
\_ Maybe you should say what you *do* like. So far we know
you don't like food, don't like parties, don't like
scantily clad women, and don't like traffic. We need
to calibrate your comments. Let us know that you like
quiet time at home reading, bookstores, skiing, fat women
who wear glasses and your favorite food is a sandwich (or
\_ I love food and whatever you said, I just don't
enjoy driving between the points in Los Angeles.
I don't enjoy I-10, I-110, I-405, I-5, and whatever
it is you need to take to get between the amazing
points of interest on Sunset, Santa Monica, Westwood,
Orange County, and what not. I'll gladly take
inferior ethnic food in the Bay Area without your
rude drivers and the time you need to spend on the
road, thank you very much.
\_ Bay Area has great food.
\_ Compared to many places, yes. Try to find
a decent burrito, though, for example.
\_ I actually don't like most mexican food.
I never liked beans and salsa.
\_ Probably because you never had good
Mexican food. What kind of food *do*
you like?
\_ Cheap likes: Italian, Japanese
Expensive likes: French, Russian
I suppose any big city will do,
but I think elite foodies will
beg to differ and offer a plethora
of suggestions below.
\_ I don't find Italian or Japanese
to be cheap. Maybe you should try
Mexican fish dishes. The best
catfish I had in my life was at
a gourmet Mexican restaurant and
the sauce was made with guava. The
Mexican preparation of skate
wings is also really good. In LA, I
really like La Serenata de
Garibaldi and miss (now gone) El
Emperador Maya. I also like Monte
Alban, Guelaguetza, and Babita. I
have heard Rosa Mexicano is good,
but I don't know. It's a small
chain like Border Grill. Menu looks
good. Do any of the dishes in
good. Also heard good things
about LA institution El Rinconcito Del
Mar. Do any of the dishes in
the "Favorites" section of the below
page appeal to you?
\_ I've been to nice Mexican
and Texmex restaurants and I
just don't enjoy them as much
the same way certain people
don't enjoy pizza or burgers.
Having that said, yes a lot of
the food desc are good, I would
probably like them, esp. the
ones without beans and salsa.
Thanks for your suggestions.
Are there any other non Mex food
in LA you can recommend?
\_ Papalote is decent, but LA Burrito > SF Burrito
Burrito discussion starts at 44:29.
\_ SF Burrito > Miami Burrito
\_ Mexico burrito > SF burrito
\_ No such thing as a Mexico Burrito.
\_ SF Cuban <<<<< Miami Cuban
\_ You would think that, but when I was in
Miami I never had any great Cuban food.
The Jamaican food was great. I was only
there for a week and busy campaigning
for Obama, so I didn't really have time
to check out Little Havana. Do you have
any particular places you would recommend?
\_ If you couldn't find good Cuban in
Miami then you are hopeless.
\_ If you can't help by offering
alternatives then you're a total
ass !op
\_ Maybe so, but a 60 second
Internet search followed by
a talk with a concierge and
perhaps a few locals is not
hard to do. It's not like
searching for good Latvian food
in Arizona. Maybe the OP just
doesn't like Cuban food. I'm
curious where he had better.
Only better I had was in my
friend's kitchen.
\_ If the op wanted opinion from
a random guy on the internet,
he would have searched
already. There is
value/anti-value in
getting opinions from CSUAers.
If you missed that point,
why bother contributing shit
on motd you fucking dip shit?
\_ Teaching a man to fish
is more valuable than
giving him a fish.
\_ I was in Opa-locka and Miami
Garden busting my ass 16 hours
a day campaigning, I didn't
have time to go to the
Republican parts of Cuban
Miami. The only real Cuban
food I had was from my bosses
wife in The Army, who was
Cuban. Cha Cha Cha has a few
vaguely Cuban dishes, which
I like. In Miami, I asked
quite a few locals where to
food I have ever had was from
my bosses wife in The Army,
who was Cuban. Cha Cha Cha has
a few vaguely Cuban dishes,
which I like. In Miami, I
asked quite a few (black
Hatian) locals where to
get Cuban food and finally
ate at a place in Opa-locka
that was mediocre, but that is
probably like eating Chinese
food in The Mission.
\_ Er, thanks for your concern, but I'm passing throught Miami,
not moving there. Anything about the Keys? |