Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2009:September:21 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2009/9/21-29 [Uncategorized] UID:53385 Activity:nil
9/20    Turn YouTube videos into animated GIF, easily!
2009/9/21-29 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:53386 Activity:nil
        If you can figure this out, you may have a future with Google.
        8MLDQ6 T UI
        6TFML RH AA
        NRA6Q 8EFL
        DMQ86II2 O3
        2S5J 13JXOJ
        \_ keywords: MIT Google interview job
        \_ Assume wrap-around, then if you just count the characters before each
           space, then you get 617 ...  617 is a Boston number. Hmmm...
           \_ That's not it. JOBS is your answer. Have fun.
           \_ What? 62, not 617.
        \_ It amazes me how much computer job hiring depends on doing
           puzzles and how little that correlates to actually being
           a good engineer.  -good at puzzles
        \_ It amazes me how tough some of the algorithmic questions are really
           tough yet you don't need a lot of brain to do most of the tasks at
           Google.  P.S. having fun with your fucking perf yet? You enjoying
           bragging^H^H^Hself-assessment to standout to get that EXCEED
           EXPECTATIONS and to get promoted?                      -Googler
           \_ A good company takes a few brilliant minds and leverages
              their ideas. Too many cooks spoil the soup. You get a lot of
              second-guessing, overengineering, difficult personalities,
              and large egos to handle. If you are too successful you also
              have a lot of brain drain as people leave for things more
              interesting or to retirement if they have piles of cash.
              It's much better to have a few brilliant minds and a lot of
              worker bees. I'm not sure what Google is thinking. It's
              working so far, but my opinion is that it's in spite of
              their culture and not because of it.
              \_ obviously, you never worked at Google          -Googler
                 \_ So you think that hiring a lot of brilliant people to do
                    brainless tasks is a winning strategy?
                    \_ Yes, because they all get paid the same anyways, so
                       smart people make less dumb mistakes than dumb ass.
                       P.S. Not everyone at Google is smart. Most of the
                       new hires after 2007 are hired out of desperation
                       as they relaxed the standard substantially. The
                       quality of new hires has gone down by quantum leaps.
                       \_ Ever hear the phrase "too many chiefs, not enough Indians?"
                          Do you think it makes sense to hire a PhD to be the
                          \_ yes I actually do. No one forced the PhD to
                             eat shit. He/she asked for it, and the company
                             gets a pretty good deal. And BTW, learn to read.
                             I already said most of the new hires post 2007
                             are (*@&($*#@ Indians. The company nearly
                             doubled between 2007-2009. So yes they're hiring
                             cheaper and dumber. Apparently, you can't read and
                             maybe you should join the Indians.
                       P.S. Not everyone at Google is smart. Most of the
                       new hires after 2007 are hired out of desperation
                       as they relaxed the standard substantially. The
                       quality of new hires has gone down by quantum leaps.
                             \_ They are all just going to get disillusioned
                                and quit, so it is bad for the company to have
                                to be constantly retraining people like that.
                                I bet you are wrong about the salaries, too.
                                \_ I bet everyone is wrong. Google 600!!!
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2009:September:21 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>