8/27 ... further proof that Antioch is full of slime balls.
\_ further proof that Contra Costa police are incompetent.
They could have solved the case LOOOOONG time ago.
\_ Antioch is a safe haven for sex offenders:
One San Francisco Chronicle columnist dubbed the city "the finest
slum this side of Stockton."
\_ Christian Fundie slime balls at that.
\_ Uh, this guy had a religion all his own. And was a serially
convicted rapist since the 70s. A shame he wasn't in prison.
\_ Uh huh, this guy hung out on Sproul trying to convert people.
Why is it always the Christian Fundies that do this stuff?
\_ fundies like to live in the middle of nowhere.
Antioch is in the middle of nowhere.
\_ From MSNBC: "Garrido was spotted Tuesday with two children as he
tried to enter the University of California, Berkeley, campus to
hand out religious literature."
God I hate these people. They're killing trees for literatures
that no one really wants to read.
\_ To me it's proof that the kooks who infest Berkeley are far from
the harmless oddballs some portray them to be.
\_ How long do you think Garrido's blog will remain online before
the Feds ask Blogger to take it down?
\_ can I get a californiwhatthefuckareyouguysdoing?
\_ I read on MOTD that we should release these guys from prison. |