2009/8/3-13 [Computer/Companies/Google, Computer/SW/Security] UID:53230 Activity:high |
8/1 Yahoo to get 88% of the ad revenue in team up with m$. Y!m$, discuss? \_ I thought Jerry Yang would never sell! \_ He's gone, replaced by some broad. \_ 88% of pittance is still pittance, I don't know how people think there is money in click through ads. Who clicks on them? \_ do some math please and come back \_ so my question is, are you one of these "know everything about everything without researching it" guys? Because FYI, Google / AOL partnership made $678M in ad revenue last year. GOOG reported $5.54B 2008 Q4 alone. Most of that is click ads! Are you saying 88% x 678M = 596M is a "pittance" ? And that is using the AOL numbers, not Yahoo/Microsoft numbers. \_ It doesn't matter who clicks on them it's like the stock market, people think other people click on them so they value the ad space. \_ So one good paper, story, journal can end all this? \_ Who watches television or radio ads? One of the things advertisers \_ My Parents. Your Parents. Your Grand Parents, your neighbors who didn't go to Cal. Your waiter, the guy delivering your mail the guy you buy your groceries from, the guy your parents and grandparents buy your groceries from. As for radio, do any of your parents drive? I know it is gauche to admit to drive in Blue Belt Bay Area but in the next county over like vacaville there are alot of car radios. \_ You totally missed the point. The fact is that advertisers only have a very limited way of telling who is listening to their ads and what the effect is on buying behavior. They can get much better real statistics online, which they love. \_ Is click fraud a problem? Can infact advertising spots inflate their 'standings' by bots? \_ Are these all rhetorical questions? \_ no; how is the problem being addressed? It looks to me that the same people paying out and taking in revenue can work the system for fraud. And since they hold all the logs who would know? \_ All the big advertisers use third party verification services, they don't rely on what the website says is their ads delivered. There is an ongoing war about click fraud, this doesn't mean online advertising is dead, there is bank fraud and perhaps more to the point, things like Nielsen rating gaming as well. / "According to critics, this complex relationship may create a conflict of interest. For instance, Google loses money to undetected click fraud when it pays out to the publisher, but it makes more money when it collects fees from the advertiser. Because of the spread between what Google collects and what Google pays out, click fraud directly and invisibly profits Google." \_ Right, so that's why all the newspapers are dying and Google is the fastest growing big company in the world and advertisings are starting to throw big bucks to online media. Because it all doesn't work. And all they really need to do is listen to you to wisen up. \_ "Property values only keep going up, they'll NEVER come DOWN." \_ Post your real name so I can taunt you in two years. Are you GOOG short @ $100/share guy? \_ I tihnk he's trying to say that if you buy into a bubble you're just as guilty of the Pass-The-Buck mentality as the countrywide guys and the mkt mgr funds who invented Toxic Asset Technology. \_ What bubble? The Internet Bubble? In 2009??? really like about online ads is the fact that they get real metrics. |
2009/8/3-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:53231 Activity:moderate |
8/1 Where's the place people go for free webspace these days? Helping my sis's kid learn how to set up html/php/some minor javascript. \_ not geocities: http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/geocities/close/close-07.html \_ why are there 2987394872 places offering free blog space but not alot offering free webspace like before. \_ Throw $10 at a <DEAD>nearlyfreespeech.net<DEAD> site - it'll last a few months, and the site does a damn good job. \_ Throw $10 at a <DEAD>nearlyfreespeech.net<DEAD> site - it'll last a few months, and the site does a damn good job. \_ $10 is more than $10 in the time it takes for me to fill out all that online bs. I want the kid to be able to do it. i am silicon valley programmer, my time is like $120/hr man. \_ Just get them a CSUA account. \_ she's a bit far from college, by that time i would hope she's progressed from web pages and computers to do interesting stuff to actually get an education, like doubling in english and sociology. \_ You've already spent more than $10 writing a reply. Be a man. Besides, this will teach them SSH and shit. It'll be good for them. \_ http://sdf.lonestar.org ? http://silenceisdefeat.org? |
2009/8/3 [Computer/Companies/Apple] UID:53232 Activity:nil 70%like:53235 |
8/1 Where is the mac desktop going to go? It seems all the development in sw/hw now is for the iphone, imac. What happened to the xserve? |
2009/8/3-11 [Finance/CC, Academia/GradSchool] UID:53233 Activity:low |
8/1 http://www.eyeweekly.com/print/article/55882 "Quarterlife Crisis" Too many options == no goals in life. \_ Really good read. Enjoyed this article a lot, though it also was fairly depressing. It seems like there is quite a bit of freedom for young people, but all that means is they have anxiety about making the wrong choices. -mrauser \_ Thanks, am trying to kick up the motd a bit. \_ If it wasn't for that last sentence I would call this a bunch of self-indulgent drivel. Poor bastards, they are too privileged and are suffering for it. |
2009/8/3-13 [Uncategorized] UID:53234 Activity:nil |
8/1 MySpace::Facebook: a) YouTube::Vimeo b) Picasaweb::Flickr c) Yahoo::Google d) All of the above? \_ e)Google::Apple (look who just resigned). \_ how'd the stock do? |
2009/8/3-11 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:53235 Activity:low 70%like:53232 |
8/1 Where is the mac desktop going to go? It seems all the development in sw/hw now is for the iphone, imac. 2 finger Gestures won't work on the desktop. What happened to the xserve line? \_ Two finger gestures DO work on the desktop. Have you used a new Apple laptop lately...they support up to 5 finger gestures. \_ you're making my point even harder, do the 5 finger gestures work at all on the desktop with the mouse that God^Steve sold us when we bought our quad g4 with the screen of giantness? I look at apple store, there is no mouse replacement from Steve I will not go 3rd party that is not The Way of Quality. \_ desktop, laptop, not the same. \_ laptop = thin client for desktop \_ macbook, modern male jewlery for The Quality. \_ So the Xserve line is dead then? \_ Nobody here owns one. \_ Why not? \_ because not everyone is an iDiot |
2009/8/3-13 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Politics/Domestic] UID:53236 Activity:low |
8/3 "Tenn. senator has affair with intern, resigns" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090803/ap_on_re_us/us_tenn_senator_scandal That intern looks hot. \_ state senator. yawn: \_ Who cares about the senator. I only look at the intern. \_ "McKensie" sounds like a last name rather than a first name. |