Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2009:July:31 Friday <Thursday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2009/7/31-8/11 [Computer/Companies/Apple, Finance/Shopping] UID:53226 Activity:high
8/1     PCs are cheaper and offer more bang for bucks. So why do I still prefer
        Apple? To signal reproductive suitability. The same reasons why
        people buy stupid fancy cars and stupid name brand clothes.
        \_ You and the women you're trying to get are iDiots of the Cult of
           Steve.  iPhones/iMacs don't last as long as Roles nor do they
           Steve.  iPhones/iMacs don't last as long as Rolexes nor do they
           appreciate like Bentleys.  Yet they are symbols of wealth?
           Have you tried on a tailored armani? it feels GREAT.  Unlike my
           experience with Spotlight w/ ext raids or TimeCapsule.
        people buy stupid fancy cars and stupid name brand clothes.
        \_ I'm pretty sure the richest man in the world uses a PC not an Apple.
        \- That is what is called a "signalling good". There are "weak"
           singalling goods, and a Apple computer is at best a weak singalling
           good, but is mostly "useful". A rolex watch is a little bit more
           of a signalling good ... it's slightly higher quality in terms of
           accuracy, it to some extent self-advertises [the rolex crown], but
           is not super obvious about it [medium "bling" factor], but you
           certainly get an acceptable time telling watch for much cheaper.
           One reason people were excited about the "I am rich" app on the
           iPhone is it was a rare "pure" signalling good ... it literally
           had no other use than to say "i can burn a $1000". There is an
           interesting study about minorities and singalling goods:
           (BTW, there are obviously goods that signal things other than
           wealth ... and arguably an apple laptop sends a stronger signal
           about something other than income). --psb
           \_ Lots of Burning Man camps are literally signalling "I can
              burn $1000s" to peers and potential mates. -ausman
              \_ I've never been to BM, what does this mean? I thought
                 a bunch of bums just go there to have fun and watch
                 naked women dance while drinking alcohol.
                 \_ BM is a mirror to your soul. You tend to get out of it
                    whatever you bring to it, I have found.
                    whatever you bring to it, I have discovered.
                    \_ I agree.  Of course you could also say most of life
                       is like that!  No one owes you a good time.  --brain
                    \_ that's why it costs about 300 pound sterling to go.
                 \_ It means, that just like in the real world, women and
                    courtiers respond well to displays of wealth and power.
                    Note: displays aren't/don't have to be == to the reality.
                    \_ There is a whole field of game theory devoted to this.
                    \_ There is a whole branch of game theory devoted to this.
                       Needless to say, people are pretty good at distinguishing
                       between real and fake displays, for very important
                       \_ not when they're rolling on E and doing a few lines.
                       \_ not when they're rolling on E and snorting a few lines
                          I think the people you're referring to are grown up
                          40 somethings who spend hours analyzing things. Not
                          the 20 somethings roaming around burning man.
                          \_ Actually, young women are pretty good about this,
                             not too surprisingly. Hence the literally burning
                             thousands of dollars comment. Nothing signals
                             reproductive fitness than spending thousands of
                             dollars on some cool toy you spent hundreds of
                             hours (or even better, got other's free labor) and
                             then burning it up.
                             hours building (or even better, got other's free labor)
                             and then burning it up.
                             hours building (or even better, got other's free
                             labor) and then burning it up.
                             \_ that's why young women shag guys running
                                \_ is this what happened to hotshot dans?
2009/7/31-8/11 [Uncategorized] UID:53227 Activity:low
7/31    Happy Sysadmin Day!
        \_ too bad the fucktards don't realise they can unite and bring the
           world to its knees.
           \_ Yeah, talk to your average libertarian sysadmin about the
              importance of collective action and group solidarity sometime
              for a real hoot.
           \_ Why are they like that?
              \_ Inferiority complex.  They have a really low self opinion of
                 themselves- the minute they can do something that something
                 must be 'omg so simple so easy'. it creates a way for them
                 to feel arrogant at people who don't have the time to memorize
                 trivial like  'whats the magic command this time to do X on
                 this version of decunix' but sadly makes them feel very empty.
                 Zealously guarding secrets, like alchemists chanting "if you
                 have to ask you don't know."  If they get together they will
                 realize they're not that special, just specialIZED; eg: a cog.
                 \_ project much?
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2009:July:31 Friday <Thursday>