2009/7/28-8/6 [Politics/Domestic] UID:53208 Activity:nil |
7/27 http://csua.org/u/oon "Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has sacked the countryĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s intelligence chief in the wake of a controversy that further exposed rifts within the political establishment in Tehran. A look at recent developments, as top U.S. officials gather for talks in Israel." \_ When are we gonna invade already? |
2009/7/28-8/6 [Uncategorized] UID:53209 Activity:nil |
7/27 Pres Obama is the first out of the closet, proud of it, technocrat isn't he? (I speak of his wide use of electronics, and his like to move old systems into the information age. |
2009/7/28 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:53210 Activity:nil |
7/27 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_Whig_Party "On 19 May 2009 during a national online meeting, the Modern Whig Party and Florida Whig Party jointly announced the first federal Whig candidate since the 1850s: Paul C. McKain of Florida. |
2009/7/28-8/6 [Health/Men, Health/Women] UID:53211 Activity:nil |
7/28 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/science/article6727710.ece Yes!!! Women are getting prettier and prettier due to evolution. "In men, by contrast, good looks appear to count for little, with handsome men being no more successful than others in terms of numbers of children. This means there has been little pressure for men appearance to evolve." Yes!!!! I have a chance to win at the reproductive game of human race! -average looking overweight sysadm \_ I believe it. Look at the old paintings of women. Yes, beauty ideals evolve, but so many of those women were downright homely. The men in the paintings look similar to men now. \_ Actually old paintings indicate that women were fat. Thanks to media, they are skinny malnutritioned sticks, the way our culture want them to be. \_ You are talking about Rubens, but not every painter portrayed women that way. I am not talking about their bodies anyway, but their faces. There are a lot of paintings by people like Gainsborough done in the 1700s which depicted the wealthy. The subjects were not fat. However, neither were most of them attractive. Some of them were quite, but that seemed to be more the exception than the rule. I think better nutrition, and possibly evolution, has lead to more attractive women certainly. \_ The wealthy ate better than the poor, and the wealthy had painters. Eating better-->getting fat-->getting more pictures. As for nutrition and evolution, IMHO better healthcare in general explains it all. You ever wonder why the average American has better looking teeth than the British? It's because Americans spend much more on dental care than any other developed nations. \_ Did you completely ignore my comment that the subjects did not appear to be fat? Ugly, maybe. Fat, no. |
2009/7/28-8/6 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:53212 Activity:nil |
7/28 My girlfriend and I took care of my girlfriend's nephew for 3 weeks while his mom was off working for the Air Force (she is a reservist and a single mom). As part of that my girlfriend stayed at her apartment a lot, watching him and the cats. Occasionally he stayed at our house. It was a lot of responsibility. The weekend before she got back we spent a lot of time cleaning her place. In fact, I would say it is a lot cleaner than the way she left it. She got back Sunday and came to our house to get her son before going back to her place. She was off Monday to recuperate before going back to work today. We are a little miffed that she hasn't called to say thanks or ask how things went. We thought she'd be pleasantly surprised that everything was clean and straightened up. We don't want a medal or anything, but a call saying "Wow. Thanks for taking care of the place. It looks great. Cats are fine." would have been nice. Are we right to be a little (a lot) pissed at this point? \_ Yes, she should be fawning over you and your gf. That said, she is probably tired, there is only one of here. Also, I hate it when people clean up my stuff. (did you thrown anything out?) \_ I absolutely did not throw anything out. I hate that, too. We just did all the laundry, including things like bath mats, vacuumed, mopped, cleaned the toilets and tub, did all the dishes, made the beds, arranged the furniture (not *re*arranged but made sure things like pillows were in place), emptied the trash, dusted, sorted the mail, and all the typical stuff. I know certain things (like dusting and vacuuming) hadn't been done in a while based on the condition, which is why i say we left it cleaner than she did. \_ Do you mean Monday as in yesterday? Yes, I think you should give her a couple of days at least. I am sure she is overwhelmed. At least you got a taste of what being a parent is like. Are you going to have any of your own? \_ Chill, give it a week. You're tired from all of this? Imagine doing it every single day. \_ Not really tired by it. Did I say that? However, how much trouble is it to pick up the phone, if even just to ask if we had any problems or issues while she was away? I know I would definitely want to know what happened while I was gone and I think it's polite to call and say "I noticed you guys cleaned the place up. Thanks." \_ Did you make sure to thank her for the sacrifices she has made to help defend you and your country? Maybe now would be a good time! \_ She may not have even noticed. 3 weeks of training would certainly wipe my cache about the state of cleanliness in my house. Why don't you just feel good about having done service for a loved one? |
2009/7/28-8/6 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:53213 Activity:nil |
7/27 I have an actual technical question here. My MySQL DBA tells me that I can't expect a MySQL port to be able to run effectively on more than a two CPU box, he says that the extra CPUs will sit there unused. Is this true? I have a bunch of new quad core servers that I would like to use as Database machines. -ausman \_ It's not that simple. If you stress test your new fancy multi core machine, you'll see that mysql doesn't really use all of those cores as much as you want. one way to really use everything is shard your data, and run several instances of mysql on one machine, then you'll really use all of the cores ! - danh \_ http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?24,53893,262315#msg-262315 (you can probably get it to use four cores) -tom \_ I realize MySQL is free, but what a POS! \_ is this a troll? What do you want? I've had no problem loading multiple CPUs, yes, you can't have more than one CPU working a a single SQL query, but this has never been a problem for me. What do you use? \_ Have you ever gone beyond 4? \_ Yes, was not benchmarking and can't be sure how much more throughput I was getting vs. 4 but I have had 8 cores processing at near 100% utilization. \_ Well, a modern database should be properly multithreaded. Oracle and MS SQL Server are. A database that slows down when you throw more CPUs at it is a POS. |
2009/7/28-8/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:53214 Activity:kinda low |
7/27 Minutes from politburo: We should migrate email to Google Apps instead of hosting it ourselves, since managing the mail server takes up too much of VP's time website needs: *RSS *calendar *static pages \_ Why is CSUA mail such a problem? Please discuss? \_ Bahahahahaha. CSUA should just outsource UNIX to India. While you're at it, move motd to Yahoo Groups, irc+ntalk to Google Talk, and picture hosting to Flickr. I'll miss alt.binaries.erotic.* but that's the price we have to pay, I guess. \_ politburo, i will run email for you if you want. i have a decade experience doing it. \_ who are you? \_ #2.New() \_ whois number.1 \_ Relevant discussion happening on csua@csua mail list \_ summary: vaheder rejects outsourcing and wants to use the the antiquated light saber. the force in vaheder is strong. there is hope in this one. \_ summary: tom[holub] says sysadm for <10 alumni isn't going to be very interesting. however, Amazon donated EC2 and cloud computing could be the future, and it'll probably be more fun using a canon than a light sabre. \_ lol@cloud computing \_ If we had a filer, I am of the opinion that much of the pain of keeping our services up and running services would be mitigated. Most of our uptime problems were because of crashy keg. Another server to run VMWare e-sex or whatever it's called now would be nice, but no doubt out of our reach \_ Who are you? I can probably wrangle a filer to donate. -ausman \_ I am politburo. I am root. I am nobody. |
2009/7/28-9/24 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:53215 Activity:nil |
7/28 Restored basic website functionality. I also killed user websites, because I think the new root staff had set up the website with a default config and were not aware they were enabled. Sorry if this causes inconvenience, hopefully they will be restored soon once the website is taken in hand. -mrauser |
2009/7/28-8/6 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:53216 Activity:nil |
7/28 Does it make sense to defragment disks on VMWare? My 80GB disk on VMWare isn't really using 80GB, it just uses what it needs. Will defragment do anything to it? \_ If you want to speed up disk operation in your VM, it's best to defragment the disks in your VM, then defragment the disk on your host machine where the VM files are. If you want to shrink the VM files, you need to defragment the disks in your VM, then do the shrink operation on your host machine. \_ I'm running WinXP under Mac's VMWare Fusion. I can't defrag Mac's file system. So is defragging useless under Fusion? \_ The mac automagically defragments for you. \_ Don't question the Steve. Everything from Apple is good. |