7/24 So I bought into the hype after being in San Diego during Comicon
last year (but not attending) and decided to go this year. I can't
say I really enjoyed myself. It was $40 for a 1 day ticket and
\_ so don't go next year. I liked Comic Con the times I went; it's
a blast. No one is begging you to go to a convention!
\_ I doubt I will. I bet when you went it was much less crowded.
I heard it is worse and worse each year.
\_ supposedly so is Burning Man. But that is a lie.
\_ like you've ever gone.
\_ hey nerds. I've been to Burning Man 3 years, had a camp,
went to Comic Con and partied with artists, drank with
celebrities. I hung out with Avi Arad.
I'm not sure where you're all getting these
weird ideas about who goes to each thing, but your
narrow world view and judgemental nature is definitely
doing you a disservice and outing you as a jerk. Maybe
I've just been trolled, I dunno. But your nay-saying
makes you a poisonous person and ultimately only
cheats yourself. --brain
\_ And I bet you stopped going to burning man because it
got too big and is not fun like it used to be, right?
\_ Comic Con is for... people who like comics. All the rest
of you yahoos can be my guest and stay away. Yes that
includes the hot girls, unfortunately. I want my comics.
\_ I have Asperger's Syndrome and I enjoy colouring, playing
Playstation games and watching Rugrats, and I'm 21 years old\
. Don't be ashamed about who you are or what you like.
\_ You both should get that Asperger's looked into then.
Get some professional help.
what that entitled me to was to stand in line for hours (literally) if
I wanted to see any of the cool stuff/people like Tim Burton, the
ability to buy overpriced clutter, er, collectibles, and the
ability to buy autographs from has-beens like Richard Hatch. I
would have far preferred to spend $$$ to get into the interesting
programs without standing in line. The freaks wearing costumes
were interesting, but overall I wouldn't go back. Example of why
Comicon sucks: You could win a drawing to be one of 10 lucky
people who could get your photo taken and get an autograph with
Stan Lee. Not a year ago I was able to do both things for free at
a Barnes and Noble without standing in lines, paying $40 entry,
and entering a raffle. I felt like cattle at Comicon. I saw Buzz
fucking Aldrin yesterday for $20 and Comicon wants $40 for me to
be able to enter the show to buy stuff?
\_ I can't believe anyone on soda would actually want to go to stupid
comic conventions. I mean, how old are you?
\_ waaaah I wanna be peter pan and live out my infantile fantasies
\_ insecure much?
\_ quite secure in my belief that comic books are for my kids
not for me, thank you.
\_ Grow up.
\_ I did, which is why I didn't enjoy myself.
\_ wow you are so mature for not having a good time.
\_ Just beyond the age where I want to wait in line for
4 hours for anything. It would have been great had I
been able to see what I wanted to see without that hassle.
\_ In the roadmap of life, 'Adolescent Phase' is back the other way.
\_ You're immature! No, You're immature! No, YOU'RE immature!
When did 12 year old girls get motd access?
\_ since we let pussified infantile nerd types access to it |