2009/7/22-29 [Science/Disaster] UID:53178 Activity:nil |
7/22 New Zealand moved 12 inches closer to Australia last Thursday: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090722/sc_afp/nzealandquakescience |
2009/7/22-27 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:53179 Activity:low |
7/22 "California Apologizes to Chinese Americans" http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20090721/us_time/08599191198100 \_ That 1850 picture of that Chinese man is pretty damn good for a 1850 picture. In fact, too good for a 1850 picture. I'm willing to bet that it's a forgery. \_ where's the picture? \_ Oh weird, they took it out. It was there this morning \_ We have always been at war with east^Weurasia. |
2009/7/22-8/6 [Uncategorized] UID:53180 Activity:nil |
7/22 Anyone read this? Worth it? http://csua.org/u/onl "Darwin Among the Machines" Dyson |
2009/7/22-27 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:53181 Activity:nil |
7/22 Why does everyone's 'mail last read' date say Jul 19th? even for people who don't log in (shell is safesorry)? Just wondering O mighty unix gurus. \_ Modification time change when it was copied to new soda. |
2009/7/22-29 [Uncategorized] UID:53182 Activity:nil |
7/22 Other than you folk who work at Twitter and some HP anyone else here use Scala at work? If so, how popular/stable/supportable is http://lift.net? \_ Who works at Twitter? -ausman |
2009/7/22-29 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:53183 Activity:nil |
7/22 How many people here use rss/atom, and how many people don't use it at all? If you use it, what client do you use? I'll start. \_ mix of google reader and safari subscription -kchang \_ I go to <DEAD>blogger.com<DEAD> and http://livejournal.com \_ I use NetNewsWire on mac. |
2009/7/22-27 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:53184 Activity:nil |
7/22 Freepers plotting overthrow of the US government http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2295624/posts \_ so they make Hillary president?! Makes no sense |