7/14 Every once in a while, the woman becomes a TOTAL BITCH and starts
to bitch and whine about every little thing about you and is trying
to pick a fight. What the hell do you guys do when the bitch becomes
a total bitch?
\_ logic and defense will only take you so far. Just realise that
not everything is about you and be okay with it. Maybe it's
brain chemicals. Maybe she didn't eat well today. Maybe it's
that time of the month. Maybe people were mean to her today.
Maybe the potholder she's looking at reminds her of when her
cat died when she was eight. It has nothing to do with you.
I also like the technique of apologizing for things which
logically couldn't possibly be your fault. Use sparingly or
you will be accused of being patronizing. These techniques
will work on anyone, not just your lady.
\_ I usually talk it out. I tend to defend myself and my position and
when she is right, I take it to heart and try and change my habits
so that it won't be an issue in the beginning. If she is just being
unreasonable I tell her and then grovel until it blows over. I don't
have the best success with women though :) In the best relationships
I've had I just had to lick the clit. But all women aren't like men,
some want you to prove yourself.
\_ You "had to" lick the clit? In my relationship I have to behave
really well before I *get to* lick my wife's clit.
\_ That is why I said best relationships!
\_ you can't REASON with the bitch. That's the whole point of
the post "there's not much I can do, what do YOU do?"
\_ I take off and go for a long walk. I only have to do this a few
times a year, but it is better than a pointless argument. Not sure
this is the best answer, but it is better than what I learned from
my (divorced) parents, which is to have screaming fights that
eventually turned physical. |