Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2009:April:27 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2009/4/27-5/4 [Uncategorized] UID:52911 Activity:nil
4/27    How accurate is this chart?
        \_ Ask Paul Ehrlich
        \_ Of course it misses the whole "mining our garbage" solution.
2009/4/27-5/4 [Transportation/Airplane, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:52912 Activity:low
4/27    "Statue of Liberty flyby startles New Yorkers"
        I understand that maybe they didn't want to disclose this to the public
        ahead of time because of security reason.  But isn't it much cheaper
        to fake a picture with PhotoShop give that the picture is not about
        any real events anyway (unless the event is "New Yorkers terrified by
        stupid military maneuver in 2009")?
        \_ Check out the picture at "FAA alerted, but not public"
        \_ And then there's this video:
           \_ Good grief. Wtf were the White House folks thinking?
        \_ The aftermath: "Obama orders review of New York City flyover"
2009/4/27-5/4 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:52913 Activity:nil
4/27    Git, Darcs, or Mecurial?
        \_ If you do not need and will not want anyone on Windows, Git is OK.
           I'm partial to Mercurial, since it's simple, and doesn't pollute
           my directories with .svn, it just has a top-level .hg directory.
           I hear darcs is good if you want to allow multiple people editing
           the same file, since you can merge different changes within a file.
2009/4/27-5/4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:52914 Activity:low
4/27    "Obama the first Asian-American president?"
        Just like the way Clinton was the first African-American president.
        \_ Two wars, a banking, housing, and general economic crisis, a truly
           massive deficit, and now, Swine Flu.  Has any president except for
           Lincoln and Roosevelt faced worse?
           \_ Clinton faced impeachment for an affair with an intern who was
              fat and who wasn't even pretty compared to the average
              twenty-something.  IMO that was worse.
              \_ The two situations don't even seem comparable to me.  One
                 is a media "crisis", whereas the wars, economy, deficit, and
                 flu are real threats to the country.  Even Nixon's situation
                 wasn't so dire a threat the the country:  that was just
                 removal of a criminal from office, not "jeesus, we're
                 all fucked."
                 \_ just curious, what made you write this response with
                    any degree of seriousness?  - !pp
                    \_ A cynical belief that a lot of people REALLY DO
                       think that sexual pecadillos such as Clinton's
                       are that important.  Look who voted for Bush in the
                       last election.  Rabid religiousity is rampant in
                       this country, to our great detriment, and I know
                       from experience that motd commentators are not
                       all immune from religious rabies.
                        \_ See the post on "Who would Jesus torture" above
                           and ask yourself, am I wrong to be cynical about
                           rabid religiousity?
              \_ What does her looks have to do with it? Would impeachment
                 have been okay if Clinton's intern had been better looking?
2009/4/27-5/5 [Uncategorized/Multicategory] UID:52915 Activity:nil
4/27    Where can I find soda's IMAP/secured POP3 instruction?  It used to be
        on the web site but I don't see it anymore.  The search form on the
        web site just says, "You don't have permission to access
        /mt/mt-search.cgi on this server".  Thanks in advance.
        \_ You have to use secure IMAP; the server is <DEAD><DEAD>.
           I'm not sure why this isn't on the website.
           \_ Standard secure IMAP port? Thx
    \_ Whoops, cgi is disabled on http but not on https. I'm in the midst of
       CS150, will fix later. Also, you can add the info to the CSUA Wiki if
       you like. We find that the most common use case is for people to forward
       mail, so we just automatically create .forwards for people on account
       creation. --t
        \_ Whoops, cgi is disabled on http but not on https. I'm in the midst
        of CS150, will fix later. Also, you can add the info to the CSUA Wiki
        if you like. We find that the most common use case is for people to
        forward mail, so we just automatically create .forwards for
        people on account creation. --t
2009/4/27-5/4 [Computer/HW/Display] UID:52916 Activity:nil
4/27    I love the new Mac 24" Cinema display, but it only takes in Apple's
        proprietary mini DisplayPort plug. Is there such a thing as VGA-to-
        DisplayPort adapter out there? I can only find the reverse online.
        \_ You want a DVI to DisplayPort adaptor.  VGA is ancient.
2009/4/27-5/5 [Computer/SW/Languages/JavaScript, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:52917 Activity:kinda low
        SCOTUS upholds FCC's zero-tolerance obscenity policy.

        4/27    Nice:
        For all you crusties out there itching to come back and troll with
        wall and motd, but whose accounts are still sorried from a few years
        back, I'd like to remind you that it's not hard to un-sorry your
        account. We just need some way to connect you to your name, to make
        sure we're reactivating the accounts for the right person. A scan/
        photo of your old student ID, or a driver's license will suffice, or
        anything stronger if you really want to. It would also be nice to have
        a timeframe for when you signed up, as an additional sanity check,
        though it's not required.

        Alumni, we want you back!
        Andrew Toulouse
        CSUA President
        \_ translation: also don't forget to DONATE to poor students!
        \_ is there an alumni mailing list we should be on for announcements
           like this and the bbq?
           \_ This was an email I sent to announce@csua which an alumni kindly
              reposted to motd. Perhaps your .forward is out of date, or you
              requested to be removed from announce@csua. We don't keep an
              alumni mailing list, since it'd be too hard to track, and since we
          have a record of members with somewhat ambiguous enrollment statuses
              have a record of members with somewhat ambiguous enrollment
              alumni mailing list, since it'd be too hard to track, and since
              we have a record of members with somewhat ambiguous enrollment
              statuses ;).
              P.S. I usually sign my posts on motd with --t.
              \_ Is that pretentious or merely annoying?
             \_ Dunno. You sound like an expert on annoying. I have my reasons
                for doing it. --t
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2009:April:27 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>