2009/4/22-28 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:52888 Activity:nil |
4/21 Hey Dr. jblack, turns out not only were the lying, they tortured people to make their case: http://news.yahoo.com/s/mcclatchy/20090422/pl_mcclatchy/3217245 \_ And in other news, stress positions and waterboarding prevented another terrorist attack. So much for the meme that torture doesn't work. \_ No, accoring to Dick Cheney, there is double top secret info that indicates that torture stopped another terrorist attack. He is the same guy who said there was proof that SH had WMD. \_ No, according to NYTimes, via Obama's national intelligence director: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/22/us/politics/22blair.html \_ "was valuable in some instances" is not the same as your claim that it prevented another terrorist attack. \_ slavery also works. should we reinstate it? Just don't cry when some American being accused being spy in Iran, ok? |
2009/4/22-23 [Reference/Celebration] UID:52889 Activity:nil |
4/22 Happy Lenin's birthday! \- this is s big week for bdays: hitler, lenin, shakespeare, kant \_ His birthday was last week: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_de_Vere,_17th_Earl_of_Oxford |
2009/4/22-28 [Transportation/Car] UID:52890 Activity:nil |
4/21 Ironic end to road rage http://csua.org/u/o2h \_ Darwin Award winner \_ She was menopausal already, so disqualified. |
2009/4/22-28 [Politics/Foreign] UID:52891 Activity:nil |
4/22 Is there some international law or agreement that says whenever person A performs an act on person B, and person B is a citizeon of country X, and the act violates some law in country X, and the act is performed outside of country X, the incident still falls under country X's jurisdiction? Thx. \_ Got got with underage thai hookers, hmm? \_ No, I'm thinking about the pirates. \_ No, I'm thinking about the pirates. -- OP \_ Pirates are special under international law. \_ I see. -- OP \_ mostly because the piracy is in international waters \_ No, though some countries claim jurisdiction (and some do not). |
2009/4/22-28 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:52892 Activity:nil |
4/22 Freddic Mac CFO killed himself: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_freddie_mac_official_dead \_ more air for rest of us \_ one less banker, one less crook. Thank goodness. \_ For all you know, this might have been one of the good ones. \_ At least he is now. \_ He came in after the meltdown to help fix things. He was one of the people trying to make things better. If you're happy to see someone die who didn't cause the disaster and was stressed from trying to fix things, go kill yourself. |
2009/4/22-28 [Science/Biology] UID:52893 Activity:nil |
4/22 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,517466,00.html Another nail in the coffin of evolution objectionists who say that there are "too many missing links". Of course, objectionists will now just say that there are "two more missing links", i.e., intermediate forms between this newly found one and its evolutionary ancestor/descendant. \_ If they cared about facts, they wouldn't be evolution objectionists. -tom |
2009/4/22-28 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:52894 Activity:nil |
4/22 ok, here's a little networking puzzler. I haven't been able to access youtube for a couple weeks. Couldn't figure out why. Happened on all browsers. traceroute did weird stuff and then timed out. Finally I got so frustrated I setup firefox to ssh tunnel through soda.csua, which worked great. Then, I kill the ssh proc, quit FF, and now, I can access youtube just fine from any browser. wtf? any explanation? thx \_ Sounds like not a networking problem, but a messed up OS problem. Which OS were you seeing this with? Did you try to diagnose with any non-browser tools (ping/telnet/wget/etc ?). \_ yes ... dig seemed to resolve ok. ping seems to work. telnet/ curl behave the same as my browser (wait for a while then timeout). I don't totally know how to read traceroute but but after about 8 hops it starts showing stars and then craps out. The problem came back today. I ssh tunneled to csua, and then a couple minutes later, it started working fine in my non-proxied/tunneling browsers as well. \_ Is this from work or home? 8 hops, wow that is a long way, is it crapping out at a corporate firewall perhaps? It doesn't sound like it though, at 8 hops... \_ I couldn't tell where it was crapping out. It seemed to me like it was bouncing around a bunch of different hosts at some ISP or something. This is from home, using Time Warner cable internet. I did some research and read some anecdotal accounts that TW "doesnt like" youtube ... not sure if that means throttling traficc? or causing intentional routing headahces? Anyway, youtube still working today so I can't give you a sample traceroute. thx \_ ps, mac osx 10.5. \_ Where you SYN FLOODING youtube? \_ no \_ J00 R P0WN3D |