4/11 http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/12/magazine/12sugardaddies-t.html
\_ Most of the men profiled in that article reek of Asperger's.
\_ No, they smell like overpaid narcisists.
\_ Check out "Sam."
\_ Nope. Do you actually know anything about Asperger's
beyond every geek on the net's self diagnosis?
\_ Page 4 of 7: '... one-quarter of the site's sugar daddies
(including married ones) are looking for male 'babies' ..."
Wow! I didn't know % of gays among rich males are that high.
\_ I'm sure if you put your thinking cap on for just a second,
you can come up with a few good reasons why that may not be
a valid conclusion.
\_ Gays tend to have higher incomes than straights.
\_ If gay people ran the world, there would be less wars,
useless regime changes, and empty Mission Accomplished.
\_ Old straight guys have less problem attracting young women
without having to pay for it. BK is pathetic, btw.
\_ Uh, they'll likely be paying for it, whether through formal
arrangement or otherwise.
\_ Uh, why do old straight men have an easier time time dating
younger women than old gay guys have dating young men?
Young gay men don't want money?
\_ This still doesn't explain the difference between the
dating prospects of older straight guys vs. older gay
guys. Young gay men don't like money?
\_ I said nothing about that. Homosexuality still has a
stigma attached to it, and rich gay men are less
likely to be openly propositioning young men. The
relative anonymity a website like this affords
can therefore be attractive.
\_ That can be true also. But it is still easier for
an older (maybe I should say middle aged) straight
guy to date a woman in her 20s than for a gay guy
to have a similar arrangement. Though maybe this is
just because of the fact that the straight couple
can get married -- paying for it otherwise -- in your
\_ No, I meant the older guy will be shelling out
plenty (fancy restaurants, gifts, etc.) whether
or not he pays the woman a formal stipend or
whatever you want to call it.
\_ So you still have not explained why this does
not happen as much in the gay community.
\_ Happens all the time from what I can tell.
My neighbors are gay and I go to a lot
of their parties. The older, rich guy with
the younger, hot companion who works as a
personal trainer or hair stylist is a pretty
common scenario.
\_ I just realized that there is an
alternative explaination and that is that
there is more demand from older gay men
for young guys than the similar
arrangement in the straight world.
Marraige explains this pretty well, since
older married guys are less likely to
\_ Don't know many older married
guys do you? Especially of the
rich asshole variety.
\_ BK is a soda user.
\_ Please tell me you are kidding. |