2009/3/19-23 [Uncategorized] UID:52729 Activity:kinda low |
3/18 was massive blue penis in IMAX really necessary? \_ All I can say is there better not be anyone at ComicCon this year going as Dr.Manhattan. \_ How about with a fig leaf? \_ I wouldn't mind a female Dr. Manhattan. But I guess Mystique is close enough. \_ Is the Metreon IMAX show the same price as the regular screens? |
2009/3/19-23 [Finance/Banking, Finance/Investment] UID:52730 Activity:kinda low |
3/19 Can someone explain how this does not end up as Weimar or Zimbabwe? http://www.iht.com/articles/2009/03/18/business/fed.php \_ Because hyperinflation is not the same as inflation. The idea is to create some inflation to fight the deflationary trend. (Note: this scares me too, but let's not unrealistic Chicken (Note: this scares me too, but let's not be unrealistic Chicken Littles) \_ I realize the plan is to create an inflationary trend to prevent deflation. However, this seems to me to be flapping our arms to avoid hitting the ground. -op \_ The alternative being? \_ A different analogy. -op \_ Because the total money supply (credit plus currency) is currently contracting and this extra $1T is less than the amount of credit that has been withdrawn from the economy. \_ The Jan & Feb CPI updates both say that inflation is occurring, after 6 months of deflation. How do we know when enough money has been injected vs. not enough? -op \_ That is a good question, but I am sure the Fed has an answer. Probably when the inflation rate is "high enough" which is at least 2%/yr, probably more like 3-4%. There is a risk of overshoot, of course, but the deflationary forces are so strong worldwide, worrying about hyperinflation is pretty silly, imho. The BOE, BOJ and EU banks are all doing the same thing, btw. |
2009/3/19-23 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:52731 Activity:moderate |
3/19 Any comments on IE8? How's its memory usage? \_ Who cares. Microsoft will eventually push it onto everyone. Accept your fate. \_ Well, if IE8 uses less memory than Firefox 3, I'll get it now instead of wait for it to be pushed. |
2009/3/19-23 [Reference/RealEstate, Reference/Tax] UID:52732 Activity:high |
3/19 Communist/Socialist House reps pass bill taxing bonuses at 90% for that portion of the bonus that pushes you over, for individuals, total AGI > $125K ($250K married) working at an entity which took >= $5B in TARP money. A disgrace to meritocracy. Cost of living in Manhattan is expensive you know?? It's a good thing it only starts for the 2009 tax year! \_ ha ha you're stupid \_ I think it's not fair to be based on household income. I think it should be based on the income of the person (married or not) getting the bonus. \_ It's an unconstitutional bill of attainder. \_ That's not obvious. \_ corrected again after reading the bill \_ It should have been 99%. Seriously, the people owed bonuses should become third- or fourth-tier creditors; if there's anything left to pay them after paying back the govt., fine. If not, tough. \_ "While the House legislation calls for a 90 percent tax, Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, said he expected local and state governments to take the remaining 10 percent of the bonuses." http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/aig_outrage \_ what is your suggestion? continue to let those free-market guys run the banks and continue their practice of leveraging 35:1 ? let me know. \_ Rent a cheap condo in Brooklyn and take a train to work. $250K is plenty to live in Manhattan too. Just find a cheaper place to live take the kids out of $30K/year private school. is plenty to live in Manhattan too. Just find a cheaper place to live take the kids out of $30K/year private school. \_ If 250K/year isn't enough for you to live in a nice condo in Manhattan you need to stop doing 10k of coke a month. \_ A 3 BR apartment is about $5-7K/month. $12K/month doesn't seem like much with those prices. I think the guy who \_ A 3 BR apartment is about $5-7K/month. $12K/month (after tax) seem like much with those prices. I think the guy who said Brooklyn or Jersey was more on the money. \_ And really, who can live on just 7k a month? \_ Slippery slope. I bet you can live on a lot less than you make, too. Most people can. Once you start trying to define a "minimum livable wage" you have already lost and might as well embrace communism. \_ You are really bad at this reading comprehension aren't you. Are you the same person who was mad because those dirty poor people don't live on potatoes and milk? |
2009/3/19-23 [Computer/Rants, Finance/Investment] UID:52733 Activity:low |
3/19 Communist/Socialist leadership of China, Russia, India, Brazil issue joint report to pending G20 meeting for a discussion on how to replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency \_ with what? rubles? euro? both are terrible. \_ SDRs, I believe http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/facts/sdr.htm \_ Gold! \_ That was the old way decades ago. |
2009/3/19-21 [Uncategorized/Multicategory] UID:52734 Activity:moderate |
3/19 when i take a dump, the outer lips of my outer colon/sphincter become grossly inflamed and angry, preventing further expelling of matter. what is my condition? what is possible treatment? \_ Have you read: Sometimes, internal hemorrhoids will come through the anal opening when straining to move your bowels. This is called a prolapsed internal hemorrhoid; it is often difficult to ease back into the rectum, and is usually quite painful. View hemorrhoid gallery for detailed photos. \_ sounds like what I have. motd medical doctor can you take a look at these - http://pastie.org/421631 \_ Is that latest issue of LinuxJournal \_ medical advice by wikpedia! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemorrhoid \_ woah does anyone's butt here work this way? mine doesn't: If hemorrhoids pop out of your rectum put a heavy dose of neosporin ointment on them then pop them back in. \_ do you think House reads motd \_ He carries his cane for a purpose, you know. \_ He carries his crane for a purpose, you know. \_ maybe sony can motd-diagnose-you \_ This discussion scared me. I just took a moment to eat an apple and a whole grain cereal. |
2009/3/19-23 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:52735 Activity:low |
3/19 Pres. Obama's gift of DVDs doesn't even play in England http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/mandrake/5011941/Gordon-Brown-is-frustrated-by-Psycho-in-No-10.html \_ maybe it's a crypto-protest against region'd DVDs |
2009/3/19-23 [Health/Skin] UID:52736 Activity:moderate |
3/19 "When It Comes To Shampoo, Less Is More" http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=102062969 "(dermatologist) recommends that patients wash their hair no more than two or three times a week." \_ Be a true geek and wash it 2x a year. \_ Headline on that page says Eco-Conscious 'No-'Poo' Movement \_ I think that guy a few blocks down in the motd should talk to you \_ I only use shampoo twice a week, unless I really get sweaty or something. I have been doing this for years, ever since my hairdresser recommended it. My hair is much happier that way. I run warm water through it every day though. \_ If I don't wash my hair my scalp itches like crazy, even if I "wash it" with just water or sometimes even with just conditioner. No problem if I use shampoo, though, and it doesn't matter too much which shampoo except for the really cheap ones that smell like dishwashing liquid. \_ I use shampoo every three days. If I go for four days, it always gets itchy on the fourth day and it's very consisitent. So I go for three days. -- OP |