3/2 http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/Business/story?id=6977202&page=1
Conservative states consume the most internet porn. Damn
hypocritcal bastards.
\_ The bigger question is how many are GAY porns? That's against
Jesus Christ and God's belief.
\_ Funny, then you would think conservatives would know what
"teabagging" means.
\_ Ha ha! I didn't know this:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teabagging -- !OP
\_ You know, I think Jesus would hate most American "Christians".
\_ There is one other small problem with Edelman's efforts. His very
first reference in the paper is built on a source long known to be
completely false. On the second page of the report on his study
published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives (Vol 23, #1,
Winter 2009), Edelman relies on the claims of porn industry trade
publication AVN Media Network that says the online porn industry
made $2.8 billion dollars in 2006. AVN also claims that the entire
porn industry pulled in nearly $13 billion in 2006.
However, it has long been known that the numbers presented by AVN
are in no way verifiable. Forbes Magazine took AVN.s claims to task
back in 2001 (after one of AVN's earlier reports of porn industry
takings) and found the numbers impossible to verify. In 2001 Forbes
reckoned that the industry could not have made more than $4 billion,
a number far less than the $10 billion AVN was then claiming. A
2007 Boing, Boing article also discussed the unverifiable AVN
\_ What does that have to do with his original research using
credit card data?
\_ Give Conservatives a break. It's pretty lonely living in the
farms and suburbia. |