2009/2/9 [Uncategorized] UID:52535 Activity:very high |
2/9 Does anyone here own a Kindle? \_ Yes, why? \_ Are the books tied to your kindle? Is there any kind of resale/lending option? \_ Are the books tied to one device? Can you lend them out/ resell them? |
2009/2/9-17 [Uncategorized] UID:52536 Activity:nil |
2/9 Is it my imagination or it seems like it rains more this year in Q1 more than last year? \_ Considering that the data are easily available, and pretty much every newspaper and news broadcast has been talking about the water shortage: you're an idiot. \_ Wow, you're pretty arrogant for a guy who doesn't know what the word 'seems' means. Furthermore, since the lack of rain last year is having a large impact on the shortage this year, the water shortage doesn't necessarily mean there hasn't been more rain this year than last year, just not enough. Although, you are correct there was more last year. \_ We just had two straight weeks of sun in January. Get a clue. \_ Try reading next time. Seriously. \_ We seem to have had more rainy days at more regular intervals where I live this year, but there has been less total rainfall. Last year it rained almost every day in January, and then nothing till I live this year, but there has been less actual rainfall. Last year it rained almost every day in January, and then nothing till December. |
2009/2/9-17 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:52537 Activity:low |
2/9 Moral of the story, never stay in a Chinese-built high rise? http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/10/world/asia/10beijing.html?hp \_ Moral of the story, high rises suck. I prefer my single family house \_ Because single family homes never burn down? \_ Moral of the story: building safety is yet another thing you shouldn't leave to deregulation. \_ moral of the story: not everyone shares young people's vision of dense living urtopia. A SFH has less dependency on others, hence is more fault resilient. Also as you get older, you realize that there's much more than meeting new people and partying everyday in your dense living utopia in San Francisco. Also, when you have \_ moral of the story: not everyone shares young people's vision of dense living urtopia. A SFH has less dependency on others, hence is more fault resilient. Also as you get older, you realize that there's much more than meeting new people and partying everyday in your dense living utopia in San Francisco. Also, when you have kids, you really don't want them to grow up with a bunch of crackheads and weirdos. There's a reason why SFHs in Pasadena and San Marino cost so much. P.S. Jackie Johnson & JPL rock! Francisco. Also, when you have kids, you really don't want them to grow up with a bunch of crackheads and weirdos. There's a reason why SFHs in Pasadena and San Marino cost so much. P.S. Jackie Johnson & JPL rock! \_ moral of the story: 80 col is the standard. Also, I'm 39. I very purposefully do not live in a SFH. I like a vibrant neighborhood with shops and diversions in walking distance. Not all urban living is the projects. Get over your fear. \_ any kid? \_ Working on it. \_ Stop trolling. \_ http://www.spur.org \_ Some hot girl from school added me in Facebook. Looks like she just had a kid. A cute kid. A cute kid with Down's Syndrome. Her husband is a manly alpha male Special Forces officer. No nerds for miles. Kids are overrated. |
2009/2/9-15 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:52538 Activity:low |
2/9 GOP may be "winning" stimulus debate on TeeVee, but they're losing quite badly with the public: http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2009/02/another-poll-shows-public-approving-obama-disapproving-gop-on-stimulus.php http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2009/02/poll-obama-way-ahead-of-gop-on-stimulus.php \_ Uh, the support for the pork package is falling, and now the CBO says we'll get out of the recession without a stimulus. \_ Is the fallback position for the GOP? First they claim that \_ Is this the fallback position for the GOP? First they claim that the stimulus bill will be a disaster, then after it works, they are going to claim "we would have gotten out of the recession anyway"? \_ No, they'll claim that the stimulus package prolonged the recession. They'll keep repeating it and repeating it until the dittoheads think it's a consensus view instead of the product of ideological wack jobs. (See: Conservative positions on FDR and the Depression). -tom \_ Oh, yah, UCLA is conservative. \_ Last I checked, CBO wasn't Republican. \_ Your track record of reliably reporting from other sources is suspect, at least to me. What is the URL to the CBO report in question? It is not an exaggeration to claim that almost every economist, no matter their political stripe, think that a stimulus package is warranted. stripe, thinks that a stimulus package is warranted. \_ There's a summary at: http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2009/02/cbo-predicts-recession-will-end-in-2009.html But you'll dismiss that. So here's a link to the PDF from the CBO: http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/99xx/doc9958/01-08-Outlook_Testimony.pdf \_ There is nothing in the CBO report that supports your claim. In fact, it actually says this: Principles for Fiscal Stimulus In the absence of any changes in policy, CBO projects that the economy will produce about $1 trillion less output per year than its estimated potential in each of 2009 and 2010 and significantly less than its potential in 2011 and 2012 as well (see Figure 12). The unemploy- ment rate is forecast to rise above 9 percent by early next year. Many economists believe that a stimulative fiscal policy (that is, an increase in spending or reduction in taxes designed to foster faster economic growth in the short run) is desirable under the current economic conditions. \_ You apparently have a different definition of the word "falling" than most people. \_ 62% Want Stimulus Plan to Have More Tax Cuts, Less Spending http://tinyurl.com/cajvyb [rasmussen] \_ Wow, just wow. So a 36 point approval gap means nothing to you? Keep drinking that Kool aid, man. \_ I was responding to the "different definition of falling" claim. Sorry for that linear logic. |
2009/2/9-15 [Consumer/Camera] UID:52539 Activity:nil |
2/9 http://www.nikonusa.com/Find-Your-Nikon/Product/Camera-Lenses/2183/AF-S-DX-NIKKOR-35mm-f%252F1.8G.html AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G just announced. Best news: MSPR is only $200, and will make a perfect companion for the D400. |
2009/2/9-15 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:52540 Activity:nil |
2/9 What hypocrites we are--everyone climbing on Phelps' back for possibly taking a hit of marijuana from a bong? How many of us HAVEN'T done that, and other similarly petty crimes? Fer chrissake, cut the guy a break. \_ Hello liberal, soft on crime? \_ your childlike fundamentalist idea of "law" is amusing to me. |
2009/2/9-17 [Uncategorized] UID:52541 Activity:nil |
2/9 New NAS study claims that ethanol is worse for health and environment than regular gasoline. http://greeninc.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/02/05/new-study-tallies-corn-ethanol-costs \_ I'm sorry, are there still people who aren't directly benefitting from corn subsidies (yes, this include our president), who still claim to think any- thing else? -phuqm \_ I'm sorry, are there still people who aren't directly benefitting from corn subsidies (yes, this include our president), who still claim to think anything else? -phuqm |
2009/2/9-17 [Recreation/Media] UID:52542 Activity:nil |
2/9 What are good alternatives to Netflix? \_ Bittorrent. Usenet + nzb files. \_ I mean renting the disks. I actually would like to watch movies without infringing copyright, I'm just tired of netflix. \_ Why are you tired of it? There's VoD type services but they kinda suck. There's a few other Netflix wannabes out there but they suck. The movie industry is so scared of pirates they are unwilling to provide any service that is even remotely as useful as illegal downloads. It's not a money thing it's a convenience thing, so until the movie/tv studios pull their heads out of their asses I'm sticking with piracy. \_ This is one reason: http://abcnews.go.com/Business/CEOProfiles/story?id=6823376 |
2009/2/9-17 [Finance/Banking, Finance/Investment] UID:52543 Activity:nil |
2/9 motd finance whizzes, if the total value of CDS last year was 62 trillion, and now it's basically worthless, does that mean somewhere, somehow, someone collectively has lost 62 trillion? thanks \_ Yup. Somehow, somewhere, $62T of money just went with the wind. And what's more, if people suddently decide that CDS is worth something again, that money comes right back. \_ These things are supposed to net out, so for every loser, there should be a winner. Some of the losers are bankrupt though and won't be able to make good on the claim. Your second proposition "now it's basically worthless" is dubious, btw. \_ Who are these 'winners'? Also I'm asking a real question, not being an ass. thanks. \_ I understand that you are not being an ass, but you are repeating some common misperceptions here. If I buy a CDS from you, giving you some cash up front in return for your promise to make me whole if GM goes bankrupt and I lose the money on a bond I just bought, and then GM goes bankrupt, you are the loser and I am the winner. Is that clear enough? Now if I go to redeem my claim and you declare bankruptcy, then we are both losers, which is what people are afraid of now. We don't know what this "counter-party risk" really tallies up to right now, which is why the economy is in such a mess, but it is certainly less than $62T. \_ I disagree with you about this being a "zero sum" game. Here, I definitely think there are losers without there being any winners. Suppose suddenly all stocks are worthless. Who wins? People who just got out of stocks might consider themselves lucky, but they didn't directly benefit from stocks going to zero: they won "otherwise". Short sellers might win, but that's a small fraction of the loss, not a zero sum. \_ Stocks aren't very much like CDSs. If I redeem my CDS to you and you honor it, you lose money and I gain it. The only way there can be an overall loss if via counter-party risk e.g. you don't make good on the contract. \_ Why do you think they are worthless (URL, please)? They are still enforceable contracts, unless written by Lehman. They also aren't "supposed to net out." That was the undoing of the ibanks. They're supposed to be underwritten by people who can price the risk of default accurately. They're like tradeable insurance. \_ Yes, for every person losing a dollar, another person gains a dollar. That is what "net out" means. The $62T didn't just disappear, except in bankruptcy cases, where it can be argued that it never really existed in the first place. \_ Correct me if I am wrong, but the costs of insuring debt fluctuates because these things are traded. Worse, derivatives based on these things were traded. \_ Yes, but their book value is not $62T, just the nominal value. \_ I would argue that most of the value of the 72T CDS market is/was imaginary, and therefore all of the profits and jobs and stock fluctuations based on CDS trade profits are a load o'crap, and this is a huge contributing factor to current financial woe. |
2009/2/9-17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:52544 Activity:nil |
2/9 Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, May 1939 "We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and now if I am wrong somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosper. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. I say after eight years of this administration, we have just as much unemployment as when we started. And enormous debt to boot." \_ Let me guess, 6 years ago you were telling us how great the Iraq war was because look how WWII caused us to spend out of a depression? \_ Uh, no. It was a cost that I think needed to pay for our safety. I was against Bush's expansion of medicare, against the first bailout and against Bush's unconstitutional cash grab for the big 3. \_ rememebr when Iraq invaded us? I wonder what motivates people to think like this. \_ Remember, in 2004 a majority of Bush voters believed that Iraq was responsible for the WTC attacks, maybe even our motd poster. What do you say guy who thinks that attacking Iraq was needed to pay for our safety, do you think that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11? Did you believe this in 2004? do you think that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11? Did you believe this in 2004? \_ http://tinyurl.com/57nocs Stop lying about Roosevelt's record. \_ Uh, are you talking to FDR's friend and Treasury Sec'y? |
2009/2/9-17 [Uncategorized] UID:52545 Activity:nil |
2/9 Likud is going to win the election in Israel. \_ It's possible, esp. in light of continued rocket attacks from Gaza, but what would that mean? I don't recall Bibi solving the problem last time he was in power. |
2009/2/9-17 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin, Recreation/Dating] UID:52546 Activity:nil |
2/10 paolo here are some links to tide you over http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6QcFDqgEDg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpoO49AUzxk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcxYlhJdvhc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQYsKjUTkeQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewxJjZb40kk |
2009/2/9-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:52547 Activity:nil |
2/9 I am new to signal handlers in C. I want to clean up some temp files if my program is interrupted. I can catch the interrupt just fine, but signal() doesn't take any args to pass to the handler. So how can I pass it the information it needs to be useful, like the names of the files to delete before exiting? STFW doesn't yield much. \_ You are going to need a global variable. \_ Be careful. Almost every library function can't be used from within a signal handler. Take a look at this website, and take its message to heart ;) <DEAD>www.securecoding.cert.org/confluence/display<DEAD> seccode/11.+Signals+(SIG) \_ You will probably need to do something with sigsetjmp and siglongjmp. Stevens APUE Ch 10 has a good explanation iirc. \_ Depending on your security needs this is a bad idea <DEAD>www.securecoding.cert.org/confluence/display/seccode<DEAD> SIG32-C.+Do+not+call+longjmp%28%29+from+inside+a+signal+handler \_ Didn't know this. Thanks for the link. |
2009/2/9-17 [Uncategorized] UID:52548 Activity:nil |
2/9 Oh wow, the motd still works? What happened? I've been asleep for a hundred years. -John \_ Hello sleepy beauty, where have you been? \_ Who the fuck are you and why should we care? \_ he makes tanks. \_ excuse me? Care to elaborate? \_ He misspelled (close, though.) I own the company that makes all the lolcat pictures. -John \_ HEIL! \_ John Van Winkle ? |
2009/2/9-17 [Consumer/Camera] UID:52549 Activity:nil |
2/9 Dear Canonboi, poll shows that Nikon is preferred over Canon, at least as of December 2007: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13580_3-9827989-39.html |
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