2009/1/22-26 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:52438 Activity:high |
1/21 One datapoint on rental prices, please post yours if applicable. Please don't give me this "this is why I buy a home" crap. Not everyone has money: -S Cal, $2055/month with 9 month contract expired. Signing one more year=$2055/month, month-to-month=$2255. Bunch of empty parking spots and people moving out, but according to the manager the economy hasn't diminished rental demand. \_ Oakland, Grand Lake District: 2.5 BR, large living room, large kitchen, $1125/month. \_ Thanks for the data! Is the trend going up or down in this weird economy? I expected rent to go down because of all the empty spots but nothing changed. -op \_ People still have to live somewhere. If anything, it might go up because of all the people who can't afford to own a home and have to rent again. \_ That is true, but when I survived the dot-com, a bunch of people moved OUT of Silicon Valley back to their homes. I know a bunch of 2nd class engineers went back to LA and Orange County, and a bunch of marketing people went back to Nebraska, Arizona, Ohio, etc. \_ Well, that is certainly happening now too (people moving back to cheaper locations). \_ Why do you say that? SF population seems stable, perhaps even growing. \_ Nevermind, what I meant is practically a truism (it's always happening somewhere in the Bay Area). I don't have any special knowledge on current rates of occurrence. \_ Between 1950 and 2000 SF gained about 1,000 people in population with a big dip in between. Since 2000 it has declined: http://www.usbeacon.com/California/San-Francisco.html \_ http://tinyurl.com/am39ft San Francisco has attained the highest population on record with a population of 824,525 on January 1, 2008. This continues the significant upward trend in growth that began in 2006. The city grew by 1.5 percent this year. http://tinyurl.com/dmklko The U.S. Census Bureau admitted underestimating the city's 2007 population and raised it to 799,183, according to a statement from the mayor's office. Where does usbeacon get its numbers from? \_ I rented out my house in Fremont via the Housing Authority. The rent, determined by the Housing Authority, hasn't gone down. BTW it's 4-bed 2-bath 1444sqft, 10-min walk from bus stop, not walkable to BART, $2165/mo. \_ Livermore (Far East Bay), 3Bed 2Bath 1200 sq ft, duet $1600 a month. In Livemore rent prices have increased significantly since the housing crash. All the foreclosed people need to rent now. That said, my rent is pretty low. \_ Why are you renting in Livermore when housing is dirt cheap relative to the real Bay Area? \_ Basically we're just biding our time a bit. When it starts going back up, I don't think it's going to go very fast, so we're just waiting for a house we like at a price we like. You're correct that we could afford to buy right now. \_ Why don't you buy? I pay less mortgage than that at 4.875%. You can borrow about $400K for that rent (without even considering tax deductions). With your $40K down that means maybe a $500K place once considering taxes. You can find something for that. \_ I'm looking for a job. Will you find me a job? Then maybe I'll consider buying. Thanks for your thoughtful response asswipe \_ I know of a couple of job possiblities in interesting startups. One with languages in Menlo Park, and one with Social networks or scientific computing in Viriginia. -jrleek \_ Sorry to hear that, but with no income *all* rent is expensive. However, if I lose my job at least I can live on my home equity and, like I said, my payment is less than that guy's $2K rent. \_ Most likely, you bought the home when the price was lower than it is today. If you buy the same home today, will your mortgage still be less than $2K? \_ I just told you that you can borrow $400K for $2100 per month. My house is worth more than $450K according to the recent appraisal, but I have seen houses in my neighborhood for sale for $450K. For \_ I don't know anywhere in California desirable where you can actually buy a non-condo, non-townhome, real single family HOUSE for lower than $450K. Maybe in Valencia and or San Dimas and Compton, but not Pasadena or Santa Monica where 2nd tier tech jobs are located. -1st tier techie in LA \_ 1. Nothing wrong with San Dimas or Valencia. Lots of people live there. They are no worse than Fremont or Sunnyvale. \_ Sorry but average income and education is WAAAAY higher in Sunnyvale than these dumpy places in LA. Also, if I buy in San Dimas, how many good tech companies will I be able to work at with a Masters degree in EECS? \_ Lots of aerospace companies in the area. From Valencia you can work in Palmdale. From San Dimas you can work in Orange County. I don't understand your point. We're working under the assumption that you HAVE a job, not that you are trying to relocate. What does "average income and education" get me? Do you want a nice house in a safe suburban area or do you want to find a mate? Make up your mind. 2. $450K or less gets you a condo in WeHo, a house in Pasadena ($550K median in the "not bad" ZIPs), Monrovia, Northridge, slums of Encino, or Simi Valley. None of these places are luxurious like Malibu, but you can't have champagne taste and beer budget. \_ Monrovia not exactly cheap due to the average large lot size. Northridge? What jobs do they offer in San Fernando again? \_ The SF Valley has Yahoo! in Burbank and lots of entertainment jobs like Dreamworks, Disney, etc. It's also not a bad commute to the Westside if you can work offhours. You seem to be under the mistaken impression that all the good jobs are on the Westside, but there are a lot of highpaying jobs other places. Downtown, for instance, has the highest paying jobs in the city, Westside included. From pharmies like to Amgen, cool startups like the one I interviewed at which made fingerprint-based safeties for guns (lots of EE jobs there), prototyping companies like Applied Minds (http://www.appliedminds.com and animation companies like Dreamworks, lots of companies need engineers and are not based on the Westside. I think you are too narrow-minded, like a lot of Westsiders are. Life doesn't exist east of the 405, I know. Get over it. I'm not in medicine, law or porn industry. Anyone having to commute on the 405 to get to "save rent and get real city jobs" is a moron or has a high threshold for pain. \_ Redfin shows me 48 homes >$450k in Monrovia. \_ Redfin doesn't talk about the Monrovia gangster. They're blacks feuding with the Mexicans btw. \_ In the bad area of Monrovia by the freeway, but the northern part is nice and not too expensive. 3. In the Bay Area you could buy in Albany, Santa Clara, Dublin, Concord, Pleasant Hill, Novato, San Rafael, Pacifica, or Milpitas - among others. These are ordinary towns just their LA counterparts, \_ Any of these are commutable to Silicon Valley fortune 500 jobs or startups. When I live in Northridge or Valencia, what jobs will I get there? \_ Tangent. Someone asked where in CA you can buy a house for $450K. I told you where. Sounds like you agree that these are reasonable locations so buy there. \_ Santa Clara is in the heart of the Silicon Valley. Milpitas is not too far away. There are also now many cheap homes in San Jose. \_ I thought GOOGLE is the heart of Silicon Valley considering they store, process, and output more information than any company. ordinary towns just like their LA counterparts, but it beats renting and you are never going to get that house in a wealthy area by renting and saving. Buy a starter home, pay some down, wait for equity to build, and move up. In 15 years when my house is paid I can sell it and buy in Santa Monica if I want to have another mortgage, whereas if you rent it will be much harder to get there - unless you rent very cheaply and dump every last cent into the stock market. I prefer to live in my own house in the interim, but that's me. $3K/month you can borrow $600K and have even more choices. Makes more sense to me than $2400/month for a 2 BR in SF (which is a steal BTW and not common), but that's me. If you are going to rent to save money then rent a cheap place with a roommate. Luxury apartments (and their associated high rents) are a waste of $$$. I guess some people like to live in an apartment and drive a Porsche (I see this all the time in luxury buildings) but to me it seems retarded and I love nice cars. Plus, when I bought my house I only had a beaten up Nissan and a just-paid-off Honda. Now, some years later, I have two luxury cars because my salary has risen while my rent has not. In another 15 years I won't have any rent at all except property tax. \_ I own a 8 unit apartment building next to Downtown Oakland, all singles and studios. I've had to rent 3 units within the last 2 months and haven't had to drop my prices. Although, I already rent low, studio ~650 and 1brdroom ~900. My buddies who have 2 bedroom/ 1 bath houses say that the competition is pretty fierce these days, probably because there are so many foreclosures going on the market as rentals lately. There is an article in the SF Chronicle talking about the current Bay Area rental\ situation. -scottyg article in the SF Chronicle talking about the current Bay Area rental situation. -scottyg \_ I just moved in to a new place in SF a few weeks ago. 2bdrm $2400. I negoitated the rent down at this place and also several others in the city. I did this after someone who was listing a 1bdrm for $1800 told me that the price was flexible. \_ http://mullinslab2.ucsf.edu/SFrentstats Rents are pretty stable in SF. |
2009/1/22-26 [Industry/Jobs] UID:52439 Activity:high |
1/22 Layoffs at Microsoft, Intel, IBM. See, this is part of the problem with deflation amid a recession. When prices crater, companies' revenue decreases and people get layoffs. \_ Poll: If you're the CEO, would you try to lay off a large percentage of your workers, or would you implement changes like mandatory vacation or pay cut? Either case will decrease morale but it seems for me to make sense to me to cut pay since it's darm hard to hire talented engineerss when you need them. Then again, I'm not in management so maybe pay cut is a lame thing in the first place. -dumb engineer \_ Maybe the layoffs are an excuse to get rid of dead wood: "Lay off your lowest 20% of people, the underperformers." Alternately, perhaps they concentrate the layoffs in areas where replacement is easy: leave the engineers, fire the salesforce. \_ Layoffs *always* get rid of deadwood, unless the company is in a death spiral. In good times, you get fatty, in slim times, you cut the crap. Unless of course you're in government. \_ Seriously, here in the government, instead of firing people, we give incentives to leave. So, the good people take the money and get a job elsewhere. The deadwood stays. \_ Not all government positions are the same. When you say "here", what is here? There's a huge difference between DMV and NSA. Even within JPL there's a huge difference between people who are launching missions and people who do IT support for people who do missions. \_ You clearly know nothing about how intelligence agencies are staffed. \_ I don't. Please enlighten me. \_ Check out "Spies For Hire" which is a good overview of this topic. Basically, large portions of "employees" at the big intel shops are actually (extremely expensive) outsourced contractors, a trend which is true across the board in the federal govt. right now. Also check out SAIC, Booz Allen Hamilton, et al. Random factoids: - 50% of the clandestine case officers at CIA are contractors. - Virtually 100% of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is contracted - 70% of all US Intelligence Community funds are spent on external contracts rather than internal capabilities. - Booz Allen Hamilton has 10,000 employees with Top Secret Codeword clearances \_ The private sector is obviously more efficient at creating spooks than the public sector. \_ Your analysis would be correct, except for the fact that most of the intelligence contractors are massive barrels of FAIL. \_ Your analysis would be correct, except for the fact that most of the intelligence contractors are massive barrels of FAIL. \_ BTW, finding a competent salesperson is much harder than finding a competent engineer. Sales also has a more direct effect on the bottom line. These two reason are why salespeople make more money than engineers despite the perception that they are "dumb leeches". \_ Good salespeople make more money. Bad salespeople get fired. \_ What happens to bad engineers? \_ They usually hang on much longer than bad salespeople. \_ #t. Bad engineers are hard to weed out because they tend to get close to management and management is nicer to people who are loud and social (vs. those that are technically good). These are the same people who move up the chain and manage more bad engineers. The plus side is that they create more job opportunities for even more engineers who have to fix up 20 year old legacy code. Heck 50% of the engineering jobs in Silicon Valley are systems integration, QA, and bug fixing. \_ One of the most depressing attitudes at Berkeley is the one that social skills and coding skills are diametically opposed. It is possible (in fact, extremely desirable) to have both. \_ Sure. But the reality is that serious coding is a rather isolating and time- consuming activity. This doesn't lend itself to practicing social skills. I've noticed a definite correlation between sociability and low engineering skill. The sociable ones make up for their lack of engineering prowess by talking a lot and getting others to give them insights. Or they constantly make noise and are visible to management even though in reality their antics are a waste of time (theirs and others) if you compare it to the quiet engineer who just Gets Shit Done(TM) because he is smart enough to figure stuff out. Of course, the noisy visible stuff is pretty much what a manager is supposed to do; but management is really a separate career to engineering. Then there's marketing, which has few performance metrics compared to sales and engineering... \_ Actually, I disagree. The "silent" serial killer coder types are actually among the worst to work with for other engineers. A primary reason for this is their distorted view of their own intelligence and value, and their inability to listen to other people. One of the worst jobs I ever had was populated with these "silent geniuses," and they spent so much time being impressed with their own genius that they forgot to produce a marketable product. \_ I agree with you. Most of the best engineers have good people skills. Not all of them, of course. They are willing to talk to people to bounce ideas around and they are receptive to criticism. Engineers should pay more attention to scientists. Most scientists are extremely smart just like engineers and yet also more social. Would you say Feynman was a bad scientist because he was social? Of course not, so why make the same assumption about engineers? If the social engineers are the ones getting ahead then maybe you should pay attention to that. The few true "quiet geniuses" I know who likely are affected with something like Aspberger's get taken advantage of. That doesn't mean the ones who do not display that quality are not just as competent or add less value to the organization. What adds more value to the company? A bad engineer like Steve Jobs or a good one like Steve Wozniak? I can tell you they are both very successful but one got taken advantage of and the other made the most of his talents. Try to be the latter. \_ But Jobs's value isn't really as an engineer, that's the point. Jobs uses other people and makes judgement calls. That's what a manager/executive is supposed to do. Wozniak did ok. But ultimately Woz was replaceable and Jobs is not, \_ This is the key. Good engineer or not, Jobs added more value to the organization. It wasn't that he was "loud and social" which made his career a success. What Bitter Engineer needs to realize is that some of the people he is badmouthing are adding more to the organization than he is and that just because they are "loud and social" does not automatically make them bad engineers anymore than it makes Feynman a bad scientist. He needs to be less jealous, realize what is contributing to their success, and learn from it. Otherwise, he will always be Bitter Engineer With Feelings of Jealousy and Smug Superiority stuck in a crappy role while other move on up. because Jobs had the market vision. Jobs successfully judges human desirability of products. It's a lot different than just making a faster CPU or a cost-effective highway bridge. \_ Microsoft is sitting on more cash than some sovereign nations. They're just using this opportunity to get rid of dead wood. \_ In my econ classes we learned that most people would prefer layoffs to pay cuts when given the choice and just hope they are not the ones being cut. Presumably this is because they think they are more valuable than their peers and will be kept. There is some truth to this (see: dead wood) but most people also consider themselves better-than-average drivers \_ Most people are better-than-average drivers. Learn your medians and means. \_ I know the difference between median and mean. I doubt most people are better-than-average drivers. |
2009/1/22-26 [Recreation/Pets] UID:52440 Activity:nil |
1/22 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,481426,00.html Clinically Depressed Poodle Mauls Former French President Chirac Told you Poodles are bad. |
2009/1/22-26 [Consumer/Camera, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:52441 Activity:nil |
1/22 Amazing inaugural ceremony shot. Zoom in to see GWB and Clintons! http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/01/20/us/politics/2009-inauguration-zoom-photo.html http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/01/20/us/politics/2009-inauguration-zoom-photo.html#4-1853-904 PS Bush is probably not feeling loved compared to Clinton. \_ One more from a different angle. It's a friggin 1474 MEGAPIXEL stitch picture. http://www.davidbergman.net/blog/2009/01/22/how-i-made-a-1474-megapixel-photo-during-president-obamas-inaugural-address |
2009/1/22-26 [Finance, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:52442 Activity:nil |
1/22 Does "A new era of responsibility" mean that I will have to take responsibility for the mistakes that people made in the Bush era, like paying off national debt and helping the middle class while the rich already got richer and got away during the Bush era? \_ Oh hell no. It doesn't even mean you need to pay your taxes. |
2009/1/22-26 [Computer/Companies/Google, Finance/Investment] UID:52443 Activity:kinda low |
1/22 And that's why you should own GOOG. \_ Google reported fourth-quarter net income of $382 million, down 68% from $1.2 billion a year ago. \_ I don't get it. How can you have 68% down but sales going up 18%? Are they getting more sales but with less money per transaction? \_ Profit = (Price - Cost)xQuantity - Fixed Costs Costs went up? \_ They wrote down the value of a few investments. \_ $1.09B \_ Leaving aside the asset write-down, GOOG had $1.48B in operational profit for the quarter, up 23% from last year. In this economy that's amazing. GOOG is still a frieght train. -tom \_ I do own GOOG and I am underwater on it even though I bought at a comparatively low price. Brilliant. \_ AAPL profits are still growing at an increasing rate. $2.3B in adjusted net income ($1.61B GAAP profit) \_ AAPL is another good company to own. |
2009/1/22-26 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:52444 Activity:low |
1/22 Paid Sharper Image 3 years of extended warranty and now my product is dead and so is Sharper Image. Moral of the story: extended warranty is a complete waste of money. \_ http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080814120850AAltd6v \_ THANK YOU MOTD GOD. Who says Motd isn't helpful? It is by far the most helpful thing wrt to my dead Roomba. Thank you Motd God, you've saved me $300. \_ Paid apple 3 years of extended warranty for my laptop and they fixed it when it broke 2 years into the warranty. Moral of the story: extended warranty was worth it for a laptop. \_ Many times the extended warranty is provided by a 3rd party. Overall extended warranties -like all insurance- are a moneymaker. |
2009/1/22-26 [Reference/Military] UID:52445 Activity:nil |
1/22 Virginia Tech student saws off another student's head with a kitchen knife in a cafeteria. Several bystanders witness it but don't stop it. Police there in less than 2 minutes. Good thing they have a gun ban! http://www.roanoke.com/news/nrv/breaking/wb/192005 \_ What's with the violent VaTech students from the gun guy to Michael Vick? My gf's sister went there and she and her circle of friends seem normal, but apparently there is evil lurking. \_ Damn. Killer is an Asian guy again also. \- You may wish to see the movie: Dark Matter \_ You are making assumption that lack of a gun ban would have a) prevented this crime b) led to less violence in general. |
2009/1/22-27 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:52446 Activity:nil |
1/22 We now have more government workers than manufacturing Note the steady growth of gov't jobs http://fabiusmaximus.wordpress.com/2009/01/20/milestone \_ What is this guys source for data? Overall employment in the Federal Govt shrank during the Clinton years, but state govt may have more than made up for that, I don't know. \_ He says what his source is, right there on the page. \_ That source doesn't do it for me, but I tracked down the original data, which is from the US Census. Good enough for government work, right? The percentage of the population that has been employed by the government has been steady at 7% since 1980. The percentage employed in manufacturing has declined. \_ The numbers at http://www.bls.gov/emp/empmajorindustry.htm match OPs chart. (and btw, these show a 14% Gubment employment level, again not including tax attorneys and gubment contractors.) |
2009/1/22-26 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:52447 Activity:nil |
1/22 Anyone have a Samsung Omnia? Thoughts? |
2009/1/22-26 [Uncategorized] UID:52448 Activity:nil |
1/22 Hey, polls don't matter guys. Obama has a 62% approval rating... in Texas. \_ Most of the Texans who disapproved have loaded up on food and ammo and shielded themselves from civilization, thus they cannot be polled. |
2009/1/22-27 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:52449 Activity:nil |
1/22 http://tinyurl.com/dehplu His aides are barred from lobbying any executive agency for the life of the Obama administration. That means an appointee who leaves the White House in, say, 2010 would be barred from lobbying the executive branch until 2017 if Obama were to serve two terms. |
2009/1/22-27 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:52450 Activity:low |
1/22 Celtic Women are HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT and they sing well. HOT. \_ I saw a version of Riverdance in Branson, Missouri that was full of very fit Irish women and in one dance they wore white and with the lights it left absolutely nothing to the imagination. The crowd was pretty stunned. I turned to my girlfriend and said "Uh, what was that?" and she confirmed. If you know Branson (conservative Christian Disneyland) you'd think it amusing. Maybe not shocking in Las Vegas, but there was a hush over the crowd after that. What's weird is that most Irish women are not attractive according to some of my Irish friends who moved here. I guess when they are hot they are *very* hot, though. \_ That's true with any race. People in the world think every old guy looks as good as Sean Connery and they're usually disappointed when they get off of LAX. \_ Some more than others. British women in general are not as hot as Latinas, for instance. For every Liz Hurley there are probably 20 good looking Venezuelans. Denmark and Sweden have hotter women than Germany and Greece, in general. Anyway, my point is that people think Irish women look like Jennifer Connelly or Anne Hathaway (who are both about 25% Irish), but most are stout and unappealing (according to my Irish acquaintances, women included). I think Australia also has a better-than-deserved reputation as does perhaps India, where Aishwarya Rai is a stunner but hardly represents the typical Indian. \_ you're an idiot, and likely an ugly one. \_ you're ugly too, that's why your wife left you. \_ Australia has a good proportion of fit, attractive people though there are still plenty of corn-feds. \_ Have you ever heard of "hybrid superiority"? |
2009/1/22-27 [Uncategorized] UID:52451 Activity:nil |
1/22 Just bought a LG env2. For the most part it's great, but it's very annoying that when I open it to use the QWERTY keyboard, it doesn't automatially capitalize the first letter. Anyone know of a way to have it do this? |
3/15 |