2009/1/19-26 [Politics/Domestic] UID:52416 Activity:low |
1/19 Creepiest video ever? Especially the end. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=50632298 \_ What is wrong with Patriotism? \_ Pledging alligiance to a PERSON is not patriotism. Pledging to \_ Pledging allegiance to a PERSON is not patriotism. Pledging to be a servant, is not patriotism. \_ Do you have a problem with the Oath of Enlistment as well? \_ Swearing to support the Constitution is not the same as swearing to support a person. -op \_ "I do solemnly swear ... that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States..." Compare with: "I swear to be a servant to the President and all mankind." Both of these oaths swear fealty to the President (the office, not the person). \_ It was sweet. Right up until the end, which I agree, was pretty creepy. -phuqm (sweet as in nice, not sweet as in "cool" ) |
2009/1/19-26 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:52417 Activity:nil |
1/19 I hate my newspaper. The Obama inaguration has been on the front page for four days so far. WTF? How is that even news, let alone front page news? Let alone 4 days worth of front page news? \_ Presidential inaugurations are always front page news, aren't they? \_ didn't you get the memo? racism is over, we can now tell them what we really think of Rap and R&B!! \_ All this pageantry seems unnecessary. Just swear the poor bastard in, thank him for volunteering, and let him get on with his really, really hard job. |
2009/1/19-26 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:52418 Activity:nil |
1/19 Mirror's Edge review: meh Great tech demo, not a very good game. \_ Agreed. Graphics and visual style were really, really good, but the plot was utter shit. The parkour was pretty fun, but in the end, all it really was was Parkour: The Game. --t |