Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2009:January:15 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2009/1/15-22 [Uncategorized] UID:52385 Activity:nil
1/15 (
        Image of people today lined up on the wing waiting to board ferry
        \_ Was that taken with a Canon or a Nikon lens?
        \_ How come the plane doesn't sink?
2009/1/15-22 [Uncategorized] UID:52386 Activity:nil
1/15    I'm supposed to put together a slideshow of Cub Scouts visiting
        different places in the US.  I need some background music. US themed
        but not overly patriotic, not anti-US at all of course.  I've got
        Animanicas 50 states, any other ideas?
        \_ Schoolhouse Rock has a number of possibilities.  -tom
           \_ That's a good suggestion, although I wasn't specifically
              looking for all educational songs.
        \_ How about Johnny Cash's "I've Been Everywhere"?
           \_ That's an excellent suggestion.
        \_ Route 66, get a clean version, maybe the JAMC version, since
           it's to a drum machine, and easier to syncopate with.
        \_ This Land is Our Land by Woody Guthrie
2009/1/15-22 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:52387 Activity:nil
1/15    What is the Debian/Ubuntu equivalent of Centos/Redhat PXE booting
        and Anaconda?
         \_ If you mean PXE+Anaconda+kickstart, the answer is PXE+FAI
         \_ Check out System Imager. I much prefer it to kickstart because
            you can get an almost exact image in minutes without a lot of
            effort and it is OS agnostic.
2009/1/15-22 [Politics/Foreign, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:52388 Activity:nil
1/15    Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review finds (1) a foreign
        intelligence exception to the 4th amend.; and (2) that a warrantless
        search under FISA is not unreasonable for 4th amend. purposes: [NYT] [opinion]
2009/1/15-22 [Health/Disease/General] UID:52389 Activity:nil
1/15    Now that Steve Jobs and Patrick Swayze are sick with
        pancreatic cancer, is pancreatic cancer going to become
        a cause celebre and get lots of research funding,
        far beyond what is actually justified by the magnitude
        of the actual problem?
        \_ they have Elton John doing benefits, not Jimmy Buffet.
           \_ maybe the Cure for Aids will also cure cancer?
        \_ Unlikely.  BTW, the most common form of cancer in men is prostate
           \_ Yes, but medical research funding level has little
              to do with commonness or severity or likely effect of
              research dollar.  Instead, medical research funding
              is capricious at best.
              \_ I'm aware of that (I work with oncology). -pp
        \_ agree with pp.  wherz mah two-week hard-on pill??
           \_ Idiot!  Don't you know that your dick will die
              if you have a hard on for more than 4 hours?
        \_ First, Jobs isn't dying of pancreatic cancer. after his
           surgery he was cured; these are complications of his surgery.
           Next, the pancreatic cancer swayze has and the one jobs had,
           they are very different beasts. swayze has the one that's
           a killer. jobs is the one that had the very rare one. randy
           pausch had the one swayze has. anyway, the answer to your
           question is no.
2009/1/15-22 [Consumer/Camera] UID:52390 Activity:low
1/14    The official presidential portrait of Obama was shot on an
        exclusive all digital camera for the first time in American
        history on a Canon 5D Mark II. Go Canon!
        \_ 5D2 >> D700. Sorry Nikon, you've been losing every spec
           war since 2002, and STILL losing in 2009. Canon >> Nikon.
           \_ I really can't wait to see how your photograph are limited
              by those lousy Nikon Cameras.    I also bet your otherwise
              beautiful handwriting are limited by those cheap Montblanc
              pen you have.
              \_ My investment into Canon gear will last me many decades
                 to come while your Nikon gear will be as dated as
                 Olympus and Pentax today. Invest in winners, ditch losers.
                 You still have a chance to switch now while your Nikon
                 gear are actually still worth something today. As to
                 your bet, I bet I'm taking better pictures today. My
                 IS lenses have been taking waay better picture even when
                 I have one shakey hand, way before Nikon even introduced
                 VR into the game. My Live View has been helping me take
                 awesome macro pictures in 1/4 the time of tradition view/
                 test conditions way before Nikon even considered
                 implementing their broken version of Live View. My Canon
                 cameras have had auto ultrasonic sensor cleaning systems
                 many years ago; Nikon just started implementing this. I
                 bet I've been taking cleaner pictures than you. And guess
                 what, I spend 20-35% less than Nikon equivalent gear. Why
                 \_ first of all, unless you are making money with your
                    photo on the side, the money you dump into Canon is
                    a *COST* not *INVESTMENT*.   Real pro with *ROI* in
                    mind usually don't buy lenses like the way you do it.
                    they RENT it.
                    secondly, photography has been around for past 150
                    years.  Many great masters has taken great photos
                    without all the fancy functionalities you've talked
                 do people even consider Nikon these days? Oh I forgot...
                 they already invested in a bunch of legacy lenses, most
                 of which are feature crippled on new Nikon bodies in the
                 first place.
                 \_ FYI: it's "gear" not "gears".  Gears refers to the
                    toothed sprockets.
                 \_ first of all, unless you are making money with your
                    photo on the side, the money you dump into Canon is
                    a *COST* not *INVESTMENT*.   Real pro with *ROI* in
                    mind usually don't buy lenses like the way you do it.
                    they RENT it.
                    secondly, photography has been around for past 150
                    years.  Many great masters has taken great photos
                    without all the fancy functionalities you've talked
        \_ The official presidential portrait of Obama was shot on an
           exclusive all digital camera for the first time in American, and
           it's a Japanese camera!!??  Shame!
           exclusive all digital camera for the first time in American ... with
           a Japanese camera!!??  Shame!
           \_ Yay, Free Market Democrats!
           \_ I don't recall any serious camera makers from USA...
2009/1/15-22 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:52391 Activity:nil
1/14    The Elements of Spam
2009/1/15-22 [Computer/Companies/Ebay] UID:52392 Activity:nil
1/14    I'm an eBay power seller. In the past couple months I've had
        a bunch of people claiming that they never received their items
        and they're all from the AL, MO area. I'm going to start adding
        tracking (75 cents more) which will eat up my profit margin
        significantly since the items I sell are really cheap (sub $10
        and $5 items and eBay+PayPal are already eating up 10% of fees).
        Is is a well known trick for eBay buyers to pull tricks like this
        or is the USPS really lousy in the AL/MO area?
        \_ Welcome to the Obama Depression.
           \_ And the cycle of Republicans wrecking the economy and leaving
              the blame to Dems continues.
        \_ I'm the op. I reluctantly refunded this woman who complained
           several weeks ago. Today, to my surprise, she told me she just
           got her merchandize. That's after 3 weeks of shipping out the
           merchandize even though I used first class. Anyways, I feel bad
           for stereotyping people who live in the South. I am ashamed
           of myself.
2009/1/15 [Recreation/Media] UID:52393 Activity:nil
        My new favourite tv show.  Enjoy!
2009/1/15-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Security] UID:52394 Activity:nil
        2009 CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors
        \_ "Avoid inconsistent messaging that might accidentally tip off
           an attacker about internal state, such as whether a username
           is valid or not."  Really?  Fuck you buddy.  I don't always
           remember what my goddamn username was on your stupid fucking
           site.  Just tell me if I got it wrong thank you very much.
           (Just like if my password doesn't conform to the rules for
           what a valid password is FUCKING TELL ME WHAT THE RULES ARE.
           Any attacker knows that information and giving it to me may
           remind me what password I used so please, make our lives
           \_ at that level of frustration i would just choose another
              website for that service, or go see the store in person.
              \_ offers no helpful hints, but their prices are
                 good. Does make me want to strangle people, though. -!pp
                 \_ I wish there was a counter/way to determine how with
                    online stores i can be assured of creating jobs/ buying
                    american.  I am wondering how much we are screwing
                    ourselves into a longer recession by sending a job
                    overseas by saving five dollars.  I think i'd rather
                    pay the extra $20.
                    \_ My last three purchases all shipped from
                       American companies.
2009/1/15-23 [Uncategorized] UID:52395 Activity:nil
1/15    Ha. Yet again, poor Bushie can't get in a single speech without being
        upstaged by something else going on in the country or world.
        Good riddance, sucker!
2009/1/15-23 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:52396 Activity:nil
        Obama 2.0 to reboot the economy. WTFBBQLOL.
2009/1/15-23 [Reference/Religion] UID:52397 Activity:nil
2009/1/15-23 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:52398 Activity:nil
1/15    can any serious development be done on OSX that is not *for OSX*.
        i'll grant that ruby on rails has excellent tutorials for the mac.
        \_ What kind of serious development?  If you want to use the standard
           OSX ui then your ui code will be pretty much useless elsewhere,
           but that's why concepts like MVC are so important.  Otherwise
           OSX is pretty much standard unix (with case insensitive files,
           grr) and most of your work will be easilly portable.
           \_ I agree that case insensitive HFS+ is a pain, but it is
              pretty easy to work around it by doing you development on
              a UFS or HFS+ case sensitive disk image.
              Re original question - I used to do perl, java, & c development
              for Solaris & Linux on OS X.  As a side effect, my application
              for Solaris & Linux on OS X.  As a side effect, our application
              worked on OSX (but we didn't ship an OS X version) and I was
              worked on OS X (but we didn't ship an OS X version) and I was
              able to find lots of OS dependencies in our code and abstract
              them away, making future porting to other OSes much easier.
              \_ you said "used to" does that imply you are not doing them
                 on OSX now?
                 \_ I am no longer a programmer (but I still use OS X).
                    \_ when's the last year you programmed on os x?
                       10.4 was pretty good.  Still dunno what to think about
                       dashcode.  - !op
                       \_ 2006. I think I was running 10.4, but I can't
                          remember.  I started out using X Code, but it
                          was really overkill for what I needed b/c our
                          app was mainly Makefile based and didn't need
                          all the X Code bells and whistles.  Mostly I
                          was happy using either emacs or TextWrangler.
                          [ To clarify - I am no longer a professional
                            programmer, but I still write some c & perl
                            code for my own use on OS X ]
        \_ I assume phone App Store development doesn't count, since the phone
           runs OS X
2009/1/15-23 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:52399 Activity:nil
        Bart icon.
        \_ i finally SAW the video.  Shot in the BACK ugh.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2009:January:15 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>