2009/1/7-12 [Science/Battery, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:52329 Activity:low |
1/7 new macbook 17" THE BIG ONE not the portable, has a non removable 8 hour battery. Dicuss. \_ it's like the airbook \_ no it's not, it's giant and i'm not going to carry that thing \_ stupid idea, will alienate customers. \_ Who will it alienate? Assuming they can get longer battery life (both charge and number of charges) who cares? So it costs an extra 100-200 bucks to change your battery but most likely you won't ever need to. (I use my laptops pretty heavilly and it is only near the very end of their lives that the batteries start to go. Give me 2x battery lifespan and that isn't going to be a problem.) And if you do you save anyway because you replace the battery less often. \_ did you weld the hood shut on your bmw? \_ if the hood didn't need to be opened until 4 years later, and the car had little economic life after 4 years, that might be a better analogy. A better analogy might be that cars use a lot more electronics than they used to, so a 2009 BMW is a lot harder to self-maintain than an '82 bug. \_ steve has syphilis and it's finally showing. \_ Why not? \_ Not as crazy as it sounds. I've only ever removed my battery to upgrade the RAM, and a 8 hour battery life is very attractive, since this past semester one of my classes was 2 hours and my macbook barely made it each time. --t \_ why are all these idiots sold on the 8 hours of battery life? \_ because apple has never provided that before \_ do they know you can get 8 hours of battery life with any number of non-apple laptops? \_ Not a thin(ish) top of the line, full power laptop with a large screen. It's hard getting 8 hours out of a netbook. \_ Yes. But choice of OS > battery life. I'd rather run OS X than Windows, and with Linux I have the nasty tendency to play with everything until I muck things up to the point I have to reinstall (so I keep it on my desktop, which I don't use as much, and can keep it working). --t have to reinstall (so I keep it on my desktop, which I don't use as much, and can keep it working). --t |
2009/1/7-12 [Uncategorized] UID:52330 Activity:nil |
1/8 http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2009-01-06/forgotten-bush-scandals |
2009/1/7-12 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:52331 Activity:low |
1/7 Ride BART, get handcuffed and shot in the back by BART police http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/01/05/BAK61540MH.DTL&tsp=1 \_ Now now, that also includes fighting and resisting. \_ Oh, so you think the shooting was justified? \_ No, just in favor of full disclosure--and it looks like he really thought he was drawing a tazer. \_ Not so sure about that - it looks to me like he's using a regulation draw, hold, fire, and re-holster. Isn't the taser usually kept on the other side? And why would you taser someone at point blank range? Isn't that dangerous/ineffective? \_ Capture error. I don't think he intentionally shot the guy, I think it was a mistake. Involuntary manslaughter, rather than 2nd degree murder. \_ did anyone else notice that the last line from SFO is now at 11:40pm? \_ I read on the Mercury News that the taser is kept right next to the firearm. I finally saw the video last night and the officer looked pretty surprised right after the shooting. \_ When cops use lethal force, they're not trained to "draw, fire, reholster". It's draw, fire MULTIPLE times, then assess before reholstering. The sequence he goes through is closer to taser. \_ Why the hell was he tasering him? When did tasering a dude become something you do because you are grumpy and want to cause someone serious pain? \_ did anyone else notice that the last line from SFO is now at 11:40pm? \_ welcome to the post auto bailout america. Do you really think they'll reward rail riders now that detoit got free monies? \_ Now you see why we need civil rights groups like Copwatch. \_ now we scream 187 on a motherfucking cop. |
2009/1/7-9 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:52332 Activity:low 57%like:52328 |
1/6 Sanjay Gupta? Really? --> New surgeon general of USA \_ But inside he is as white as KKK's white satins sheets. \- a friend of mine was in a lot of classes with him in high school. apparently he was kind of a sociopath, but evidently sociopaths make good neurosurgeons. it's too bad he didnt pick AGAWNDE. \_ Isn't everyone in high school kind of a sociopath? \_ Only the people worth knowing. \_ Indians have a core competency (+2) in Medicine. \_ well they sure can't code or sink pirates \_ The Danes have +2 hitpoint in axe and in bezerk mode. \_ +5 to hp and Str if we're drinking Akvaavit. \_ The Asians have +1 intellect and -4 in shield \_ Only if you mean getting degrees. In my experience they aren't necessarily good doctors. At least clinicians. Surgeons might be something else entirely. Not enough experience to say. \_ wrong stereotype. you're thinking of asians. \_ My Indian GP rules. --white guy \_ i pick white doctors. \_ I've had best experiences, by far, with Jewish doctors over Indian, Asian, Arab, African, Russian, Armenian, or caucasian, although I had a really good Italian neurologist. Lots of Asian doctors are good, too, but only if they are born in the US, especially the women. I had a mysterious health ailment that required me to visit many, many doctors of many specialties and, if I didn't have a referral, I started going to the Jewish specialists (and Cedars Sinai hospital). It was a Jewish gastroenterologist who finally diagnosed and cured me. My pediatrician growing up was also Jewish and overall I found the Jewish doctors don't really know more or less, but have a better bedside manner and were more likely to actually to have a conversation and *listen* to me, which aided diagnosis. \_ Why do you hate Israel? |
2009/1/7-12 [Health, Health/Sleeping] UID:52333 Activity:nil |
1/8 13:35 Nap? or coffee?? \_ You can sleep when you're dead. \_ Combine, but get that nap in first. I find that lying down with my feet up for 10 minutes is really rejuvenating. \_ Caffeine takes about 20 minutes to kick in. Slugging something, then napping often is best -- it kicks in after you get a few winks. \_ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7783201.stm stop thinking so small. |
2009/1/7-12 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:52334 Activity:nil |
1/8 I have several old CS books that I want to get rid of, just in time for the new semester. If someone from the CSUA wants to pick them up for the CSUA library or for themselves, contact me. I don't have a list handy but they include the dinosaur book, dragon book, some crappy EECS122 networking book, an intro to Java book that was used in 61B, and a few others. I'm keeping my Programming Perl book but might get rid of K&R ANSI C as well. --abe \_ More books for our library! You're in Cupertino, right? I wonder if Steven might be close enough to pick them up. He may already be back in Berkeley, though. --t \_ work in Cupertino, live in SF (Haight/Ashbury). Here's what I could find (I have another box of maybes somewhere, includes an^H^Hthe ANSI C book and Design Patterns): computer networks 1558603689 java language specification 0201634511 java how to program 0132634015 operating system concepts "dinosaur" 0201591138 DBMS 0070507759 \_ If you'd like me to pick stuff up, I can come to Cupertino. Email vp@csua if so inclined. |
2009/1/7-12 [Finance/Investment] UID:52335 Activity:nil 61%like:52338 |
1/7 http://tinyurl.com/7lzzhv Barron's article warning about Treasuries says to buy TBT and PST. \_ Of course last year Barron's was telling us that the housing crisis would be minor and blow over by mid 2008. \_ CBS Marketwatch commentary says the same: http://tinyurl.com/7swxxd I am not saying this is good advice. It may be a contrarian indicator. However, it is something to consider and do more research on. |
2009/1/7-12 [Consumer/Camera] UID:52336 Activity:low |
1/7 Anyone have a rangefinder camera? Like it? \_ LESS CAMERA BULLSHIT, MORE BOOBIES. OK TNX BYE \_ here you go: http://www.anonib.com/_teensnorules/index.php?t=2673 \_ What is the deal with geeks and cameras, anyway? \_ There was a time when people were interested in rangefinder camera because without the pentaprism, it's lighter than SLR.... and it's cheaper to build. Neither of these two reasons are valid in these days. It seems that you are more interested in "camera" than "photography." If that is the case, I would urge you look at some of more interesting cameras, like Kodak Brownie, Polariods, etc. \_ Yes that is true. I like cameras more than taking pictures. I like collecting them. It drives my wife nuts because she hates "old junks." But I like them, and I'd like to put up a mini at-home museum when I retire. \_ Rangefinders are still more quiet and has less vibration than SLRs. -- !OP, owner of 3 SLRs \_ I don't know how they even work under certain situations. Let's say I use a rangefinder lens equivalent to that of a 85mm f/1.2L lens with only 1-2 inches of depth of field (DoF). How do I even measure 1-2 inches precisely on a rangefinder? I can't because the distance measurement isn't THAT precise on a rangefinder. |
2009/1/7-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:52337 Activity:nil |
1/7 This was becoming a bit like message of the month instead of motd. *nuke rediculously old shit* |
2009/1/7 [Finance/Investment] UID:52338 Activity:nil 61%like:52335 |
1/7 http://tinyurl.com/7lzzhv Barron's article warning about Treasuries. \_ Buy corporate bonds while you still can! |