Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:December:10 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2008/12/10-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:52219 Activity:high
12/9    A new politburo has been elected. --t
        \_ I'm glad at least you guys could fill all seven offices this time.
           Its really a shame that the amendment failed, the politburo is
           too heavyweight at 7 officers (some of whom are so superflous,
           there is little need for them to give a crap).  I wish you guys
           had proposed the amendment in a way that might actually convince
           some people rather than "hey, so we want to do this." -mrauser
           \_ hey, is it kosher to top-post like this? anyways, I dunno, if we
              have enough officers to fill the 7 spots (as we did), I'd rather
              have the larger offices. Part of my consideration in voting
              against (I was initially for) was that I wanted to pull some more
              people in to the CSUA, and so we can rely on others if some of us
              happen to be busy (especially since 3/7th of Politburo will be in
              CS150). --t
              \_ You have been here for a week, don't start becoming a format
                 nazi.  I find it astounding that you voted down the amendment
                 seeing as I could not find a single place where you voiced
                 any dissenting opinion to it.  Why didn't you voice your
                 concern instead of silently hoping for failure.  The concern
                 you gave was the original reason for the amendment but it
                 completely failed.  Do you not remember an entire semester
                 where steven held two offices because you couldnt find a
                 single person who could act as events director? The rationale
                 for the amendment is clear from your description.  Right now
                 the "larger" offices are the offices taking up the majority
                 of the responsibility and work burden for the csua.  The
                 amendment would have left you with positions with more
                 balance between them instead of the large disparity now. -mr
                 \_ I've been here for two weeks, at least. Also, I have no
                    obligation to email you when I change my opinion, but FYI
                    I did talk with other members of politburo about this,
                    outside of politburo. That I sent out the email surveying
                    possible candidates for each of the position should indicate
                    to you (after the fact) that it wasn't a sudden decision,
                    and (though it's also not something I'd email you about) I
                    CSUA members for intent to run should indicate to you
                    (after the fact) that it wasn't a sudden decision, and
                    (though it's also not something I'd email you about) I
                    okay'ed it with a few politburo members. And of course I
                    took into account Steven's dual-position. Do you think I'm
                    an idiot? To me, balance was not really the issue; if
                    anything the low-stress positions such as librarian and
                    secretary are IMO a good gateway for members to test how
                    much they want to involve themselves in managing CSUA
                    affairs. It's why I ran for secretary in the first place.
                    I could go on, but my lock time just expired. --t

        \_ There are also plans for a forum to replace motd.  Yah!
           \_ No there aren't. There are plans to pilot a forum to see if any of
              you crochety old folks can be arsed into using this newfangled web
              technology to connect with undergrads. --t (president-elect)
           \_ No there aren't. There are plans to pilot a forum to see if any
              of you crochety old folks can be arsed into using this
              newfangled web technology to connect with undergrads. --t
              \_ if there are gals as hot as karen@csua circa 2004-5 I'll
                 definitely donate and connect with you undergrads.
                 \_ Pics of karen please?
                    \_ karen likes fruits, but does she like gay people?
                    \_ Commence stalking now:
                       \_ I'm in LOOOOOVE. Time to donate to the CSUA.
                          \_ She's taken.
                       \_ oh man, karen is really creative. impressive
                       \_ I thought Karen has big breasts.  Guess not.
                    \_ http://xcf/~paolo/brc2004/3444600-R1-034-15A.jpg
                       \_ Blown out highlights in the back, typical when
                          you're trying to save details in front. Actually
                          I'm surprised to see how much shadow (subject)
                          was saved despite this high contrast scene.
                          Was a fill-in flash used in this situation?
                          What camera+flash if any was used here?
                       \_ She's VERY taken.
                          \_ I'm still going to jerk off to her pics.
                    \_ http://xcf/~paolo/brc2004/3444600-R1-034-15A.jpg
                       \_ I thought someone on motd once said Karen had big
                          breasts.  I guess not.
                          \_ they're bigger than mine. certainly bigger
                             than typical Japanese and Taiwanese ones.
                 \_ I guess you could call that hot...
              \_ oh boy, another web forum to ignore.
                 \_ just like motd
            \_ Ummm, do you really want these guys connecting with the
2008/12/10-16 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:52220 Activity:moderate
12/9    Another idea for the CSUA that lets you spend money and maybe get some
    cool toys. Instead of buying a beefy server (like say, a massive server
    with 20 386DX processors), buy a few cheap machines (like the ones
    mentioned below) that have good disks and work on failover / load
    balancing. A netscaler or other piece of hardware is complete overkill,
    but maybe hacking an OpenBSD box could do the trick. The idea is that
    this project:
    - Lets you learn a lot about failover/redundancy/scalability, which
      are real-world, relevant skills and also interesting. The fake
      CSUA head-hunter would be all over these real skills.
    - Increases the reliability/performance of soda / csua machines.
    - Gives a justification for buying new hardware.
    - Give a cause for the CSUA.
    Good idea: ..
    Bad idea:
        \_ 386DX is cool:
        \_ Too late, the server has already been ordered. We already have cheap
           machines, and we're note exactly getting pounded on the web, nor do
           we have sites to scale up. We already have stuff on FreeBSD as well
           as backup LDAP. The point of failure is keg and the fact that we have
           16 small disks. We've also ordered new disks to rectify that. I gat
           16 small disks. We've also ordered new disks to rectify that. I got
           the idea that you'd rather we work around a lack of resources than
           exploit more than we think we need...or at least, that's what I keep
           hearing. I don't think that's really going to help. --t
           as backup LDAP. The point of failure is keg and the fact that we
           have 16 small disks. We've also ordered new disks to rectify that.
           I got the idea that you'd rather we work around a lack of resources
           than exploit more than we think we need...or at least, that's what
           I keep hearing. I don't think that's really going to help. --t
           \_ Good decision. Especially good to just make a decision and
              start fixing things, instead of debating endlessly.
           \_ I like what you did more than my proposal! Stability, not speed,
              should be the first factor. Good disks and stable builds are
              two of the biggest contributors to stability. Do you still hit
              up alums for donations? -op
              \_ We were going to hit up alumni for donations for the server
                 before we got it, but the stability was (literally) getting us
                 down and so we decided to get the new server. Steven, last I
                 heard, plans on installing ESXi (the free one) on it setting
                 it up. It should be in place by mid-to-late-January, possibly
                 heard, plans on installing ESXi (the free one) on it setting it
                 up. It should be in place by mid-to-late-January, possibly
                 earlier. --t
2008/12/10-16 [Consumer/Camera] UID:52221 Activity:moderate
12/9    Hey how old do you think the girl is in the picture?
        \_ Which one?
        \_ Which one? Both are "too young for me"
           \_ both, but the first one is cuter
                \_ they both look mid-late teens to me, and I'd say the second
                   was cuter.
                   \_ teeage girls are cute.
                      \_ But we're bound to agree
                         on tautologies, like oxygen is necessary for living,
                         drinking water is good for you, literacy is good etc.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:December:10 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>