11/27 Hey, I'm new to motd...Are there any general rules/habits I should follo\
w/know about? --toulouse (Secretary)
P.S. The office has actually been in 337 Soda, not 343 Soda, for the
past year and a half or so. Speaking of which, the http://csua.com
wiki doesn't look editable, whereas there is in fact an official CSUA
wiki that authenticates to our LDAP backend (i.e. CSUA members can
edit it). It's located at wiki.csua. I'd appreciate it if you guys
could help add stuff to it. :)
\_ For starters, 80 char per column. I fixed it for you this time.
\_ Welcome here! I'm an anonymous old fart from the 90s and I donate
to CSUA. I used to do recruiting but stopped for a while. Anyways
the best thing you can do is to recruit more members who want
to learn more about the UNIX system. You can start by
enabling motd for new users which will generate more interests
and awareness to our beloved time shared system.
\_ Welcome. Use an editor that locks the motd while you edit, either
vi or emacs, or expect some of your edits to be lost. Some people
only edit remotely, for privacy reasons, so you still might lose
some change. Expect to get flamed if you post anything controversial,
so grow a thick skin. -ausman (The guy that did the CBS infosession)
some change. Expect to get flamed if you post anything
controversial, so grow a thick skin. -ausman (The guy that did the
CBS infosession)
\_ I'm using /csua/bin/motdedit, which launches my $EDITOR, vim.
Does that work?
\_ Yes, but don't ctrl-z the process, or you'll get death
threats. Which is why I don't use motdedit anymore. Vim
warns if the file has changed when you write it, so I don't
bother locking the motd, just don't write if someone else has
modified it. -emarkp
\_ I never ctrl-z processes, I use screen to multitask. --toulouse
\_ I don't ctrl-z, I use screen to multitask. --toulouse
\_ Learn to make fun of people. Tell them to rtfm. They're gay.
Yermom is ugly. You're welcome.
\_ That's what she said. --toulouse
\_ Replies are better if the indent is minimal, not a full
\_ learn to bait tom, emarkp, danh, LOLPAOLO, psb
\_ My tabs are 4chars long, so I don't see the
difference. Are yours 8? I noticed people were using
tabs so I switched to indenting with them. I'm
fiddling with it right now. Any other vim'ers have
tips on the most convenient configuration? --toulouse
\_ Ah I see what's going on. Traditionally tabs
have been 8 characters long. This changed
somewhat since the introduction of IDEs. Keep
in mind motd.public has been around way before
IDEs have been popular. 8 char=tab was the UNIX
way for decades, until... IDEs came along. Then
came along pico and other funny editors. At any
rate, a general rule of thumb is that you should
never use tabs in your programs. Space only!
\_ you can also reply to a word
\_ wiki.csua has an invalid SSL certificate.
It's good to see a current politburo member trying to engage the
community here, while also bringing up new web services.
I would like to see more CSUA web services--a bulletin board,
blog, etc. Current undergrads don't have any interest in wall
or MOTD, and most of the alumni population is gone via
attrition combined with the various password resets. The
connection between undergrads and alumni used to be a major
aspect of the CSUA, and those connections created job
opportunities for a lot of people. It would be good to find
a way to recreate a CSUA online community that would be used
by current undergrads. -tom
\_ The expired self-signed certificate is a known issue. SSL is a
pain in the ass. I suggested buying a cert that people already
generally have, though I have reservations about this, as it's
entirely about convenience, rather than technical need. Also, I
agree about the lack of interest in MOTD and wall. I was never
properly introduced to either, due to nobody else showing me the
ropes, so I'm still hesitant to make full use. Agreed on the
online forum and blog; I just shot off an email to politburo
suggesting it. As Secretary (for another month and a half), that
actually falls under my office, so hopefully in the remaining time
we can put something up.
actually falls under my office, so hopefully in the remaining
time we can put something up.
\_ Do new users have "more /etc/motd" in their default .bashrc?
This would bring in a lot of new blood. -ausman
\_ While true, this would be something take up with steven,
the VP. If you ask steven/politburo about it then response
is more likely, rather than using me as a proxy (though I
think I brought it up anyway...I don't remember.)
\_ I think it's extremely unlikely that "more /etc/motd" would
bring in new blood. Most of the undergrads probably
don't even log in on the command line, and even if they
knew it was going on, would not understand why we're
using such an ineffective discussion medium. (Leaving
aside the issue that the content isn't anything that's
interesting to undergrads). -tom
\_ Well, it would at least bring in *some* new blood. Few
members at this point even know of motd. I bet some of
our officers don't even know about it. That said, a
forum would draw in a lot more people IMO. But yeah,
other ugrads don't seem to appreciate having a login
shell as much as I do...something I want to fix next
semester. (I'm planning to run for P) --toulouse
P.S. one such thing is to get a beefy-ass server and
offer virtual private server to members on a case-by-
case basis (i.e. not willy-nilly, but to people in good
standing with the CSUA with a good reason. Incidentally,
we're thinking of soliciting donations for the server,
but that's not my department. We're also waiting for the
Core i7 to be available, since we want a quad-quad core.
case basis (i.e. not willy-nilly, but to people in
good standing with the CSUA with a good reason.
Incidentally, we're thinking of soliciting donations
for the server, but that's not my department. We're
also waiting for the Core i7 to be available, since we
want a quad-quad core.
The CSUA's in decent financial shape, and you might've
noticed keg's crashiness lately, so investing in a
bitchin' fast server seems like a good idea.
\_ Overachieving undergrad screaming to get noticed.
Just kidding, you rule. Are you an aspiring
sysadmin? If so, tell me when you're graduating,
I can place you in a good company. -headhunter alum
\_ Well, our vp, steven, is the sysadmin guru. I'm
not sure what I want to do after college, but
sysadminning is a possibility. I've been
learning from steven over time, but he's still
got the most experience under his belt. While
I pushed the wiki, it was ultimately steven who
did the setup. Not that I'm not capable, but
credit where credit is due...Anyway, tbh, I'm
not sure whether I want to program in a
professional capacity after I graduate, or keep
it as a hobby, or go into digital logic (such as
FPGAs), or possibly go into sysadminning. I'm
graduating May 2010, btw.
\_ Young man please remind us again when you're
close to graduating. Don't circulate your
resume online randomly. Give it to me.
The bottom line is I get a cut from hiring
you, and when you get hired I'll take you to
dinner. Also don't listen to a bunch of
people telling you to join their startups
that'll be the next Google, and more
importantly DON'T QUIT SCHOOL or else you'll
end up like dans. Take lots of classes and
get really good grades. Your GPA really
counts when you're fresh out of college.
Follow my advice and you'll get lots of
job offers. By the way, if you're curious
about grad school, by all means go for it
but start EARLY (late junior year).
-class of 96
\_ How can he give him your resume when you
don't even sign your post? And what is wrong
with how dans is doing? But I agree with
your advice about staying in school. -ausman
don't even sign your post? And what is
wrong with how dans is doing? But I agree
with your advice about staying in school.
\_ As ausman says, I can't exactly send a
resume directly to an anonymous person. I've
thought about the repercussions of dropping
out before and decided it definitely isn't
for me, and I've thought about grad school
and I don't think it's really an option for
me. For various reasons, I need to start
earning to support my parents, and my GPA is
about 3.1 or so, due to a few poor choices
regarding class load and study habits...so
it's probably work after graduation, and
concurrent enrollment for additional classes
-- time allowing.
resume directly to an anonymous person.
I've thought about the repercussions of
dropping out before and decided it
definitely isn't for me, and I've thought
about grad school and I don't think it's
really an option for me. For various
reasons, I need to start earning to support
my parents, and my GPA is about 3.1 or so,
due to a few poor choices regarding class
load and study habits...so it's probably
work after graduation, and concurrent
enrollment for additional classes -- time
allowing. |