2008/11/7-13 [Recreation/Dating] UID:51867 Activity:kinda low |
11/6 IMPEACH THE SOCIALIST! http://www.obamaimpeachment.org \_ Welcome back, freepers. \_ Karl Rove playbook chapter 3-- dig up personal dirt about the opponent. Best stuff to collect in the order of effectiveness: infidelity, oral sex, anti-gun, anti-religion, MoneyGate scandal. Save dirt till they're needed, they're like pocket change, you never know when you'll need them. \_ You think oral sex with your wife is really that much of a scandal in America anymore? \_ it is a huge scandal in the midwest. \_ gay sex should be number 1, I think then \_ ah, yes, but no presidential candidate has ever had gay sex scandals. not yet. \_ unless you count Lincoln. -tom \_ Oh great, now you're going to tell us that Lincoln had hot gay sex with his slaves? Sheeit \_ That's why they are called Log Cabin Republicans \_ Link please? This sounds like a San Francisco urban legend. Frankly, I think you're full of crap. \_ Obama Derangement Syndrome is going to be fun to watch. \_ I am willing to bet a lot of money that Obama only has sex with his legal wife \_ I am willing to bet a lot of money that Obama only has sex with his legal wife for the next 8 years. legal wife for the next 8 years. \_ Best part of that site: "The main Stream Media" |
2008/11/7-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:51868 Activity:low |
11/7 Now that prop 8 looks like it's passed, does that mean all married gay couples have to file taxes separately again, and revert any other agreements from married to domestic partner (if it existed)? \_ Presumably not until after the case is heard. \_ I think it should be in effect the day the results are certified, unless there's an injuction. -op \_ Even if the courts ok it, it isn't clear what will happen to people who were married before the gay marriage man. \_ well, doesn't prop 8 define marriage as between a man and a woman \_ doesn't prop 8 define marriage as between a man and a woman \_ did some more reading. apparently the fact that it may (a) retroactively penalize individuals and (b) conflict with equal protection argues the "existing marriages still valid" case. -op \_ Uh, emancipation retroactively punished the slaveowners. \_ Uh, no. Since the human beings were no longer property, no penalty was accrued. Now, if the slaveowners had had to make reparations, that would have been punishment. \_ uh, they'd paid money for slaves. the slaves were then released. Where'd that investment go? \_ By the terms of emancipation, they could not own the slaves to begin with. There was no more investment here than there would be in purchasing uncontained oxygen. The risk that they assumed in purchasing slaves (i.e., that slavery would be abolished) was merely part of the cost, not a retroactive punishment. \_fascism is the name of an ancient way o f keeping a group t o g e t h e r ; unified against decadence-and-the-perils-of a-lost-society-built-on-the cult of ego worship; usury! so that w e can pursue holism i n seeking the path to truth hidden; this is but o n e veritas \_ Wow! What a subliminal message. |
2008/11/7-13 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51869 Activity:nil |
11/7 Journalism is dead, all hail the new Obama department of Truth! http://csua.org/u/mvr \_ Unlabeled links are dead. All hail labeling your links. \_ Mormon power! Prop 8 is alive! Religion CAN control .gov! \_ Muslims, Catholics, etc. voted similarly. And? \_ Your link has been classified as: dumb. |
2008/11/7-13 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:51870 Activity:nil |
11/7 So much for hoping for change http://www.abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=6201900&page=1 \_ The report also said board members appointed by the President, such as Emanuel, serve terms that are far too short "for them to play a meaningful role on the Board." \_ Don't let your pesky facts get in jblack's way! \_ jblack, are you posting to the motd again? Welcome back, did you ever find those WMD you kept harping on about? |
2008/11/7-13 [Uncategorized] UID:51871 Activity:nil |
11/7 Everything you need to know about religion, history, etc: http://principiadiscordia.com/index.php |
2008/11/7-13 [Uncategorized] UID:51872 Activity:nil |
11/7 http://www.bloggingstocks.com/2008/11/07/retail-sales-plunge-puts-a-new-twist-on-trickle-down-economics/print Retail sales plunge puts a new twist on trickle down Reaganomics \_ when wealth doesn't trickle, guess where it stays? Yay! |
2008/11/7 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:51873 Activity:nil 80%like:51874 |
11/6 Obama to bring back slavery: http://socialism.change.gov/americaserves \_ u mean communism \_ Yeah, I like Communism. Capitalism didn't work too well under GWB. \_ I thought GWB was a neocon and that neocon = socialism + war \_ how are you going to spend your 100 hours ? scraping gum? \_ say bye to the 13th amendment - Executive Order on the way \_ That's an unfortunate sysadmin error there. \_ They really need to change that Redirect to a Rewrite |
2008/11/7-13 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:51874 Activity:nil 80%like:51860 80%like:51873 |
11/6 Obama to bring back slavery: http://assmastery.change.gov/americaserves \_ u mean communism \_ Yeah, I like Communism. Capitalism didn't work too well under GWB. \_ I thought GWB was a neocon and that neocon = socialism + war \_ how are you going to spend your 100 hours ? scraping gum? \_ say bye to the 13th amendment - Executive Order on the way \_ That's an unfortunate sysadmin error there. \_ They really need to change that Redirect to a Rewrite \_ Good point, I will contact the campaign and get them to fix it. \_ Fixed, thanks for the heads up. |
2008/11/7-13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/Security] UID:51875 Activity:nil |
11/7 Does this guy have a soda account? http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_10926276?source=rss (online stalker) \_ boring \_ I wonder if Sold Intel Secrets To AMD guy has a soda account. |
2008/11/7-13 [Computer/Networking] UID:51876 Activity:low |
11/7 Need help on http proxy. After I VPN to work, I'd like to tunnel all the traffic to my machine. How do I setup my machine (Linux) as a proxy server so that my home computers can route through it? I'm asking because the site we're testing on requires that we come from the same IP. If I use VPN, the server will reject me based on the fact that it's a different IP than my work Linux. Thanks for any help! -unix noob \_ I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but an ssh tunnel on port 80 might be the easiest thing. -tom \_ If I understand you correctly, you want to install tinyproxy on your linux box. And point your home machine to use it as your proxy. -crebbs \_ Cool i'll google for tinyproxy and try it out tomorrow THANK YOU motd proxy god. |
2008/11/7-13 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51877 Activity:low |
11/7 Obama's plans to require students to serve. http://change.gov/americaserves \_ Yes, so? Isn't that better than kids staying home and playing Nintendo all day? Or doing drugs and hanging out with gangsters? How is this different than mandatory physical education in in school, is that also bad for kids? \_ IT'S COMMUNISM! STALIN LOVED COMMUNITY SERVICE! THEY ARE GOING TO TAKE AWAY ALL MY GUNS AND MONEY! \_ http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20081108/pl_nm/us_usa_guns_1 And you thought you were just being funny... \_ Did you see the post below about slavery? Same thing. \_ Sorry the assmastery threw me off. \_ Added by an asshat after the post \_ Old truths have been relearned; untruths have been unlearned. We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we know now that it is bad economics. Out of the collapse of a prosperity whose builders boasted their practicality has come the conviction that in the long run economic morality pays. We are beginning to wipe out the line that divides the practical from the ideal; and in so doing we are fashioning an instrument of unimagined power for the establishment of a morally better world. -FDR, 1936 \_ That was while FDR was prolonging the depression http://tinyurl.com/56dqd4 [ucla.edu] \_ FDR's policies probably would prolonged the depression even longer if not for the FOUR HORSEMEN \_ Krugman thinks you are wrong: http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/11/08/new-deal-economics \_ Krugman isn't an Economist anymore, he's just another lefty commentator. Furthermore, the one link doesn't address the UCLA study, and the other is 13 years old. \_ Yeah, anyone who disagrees with you is a "lefty commentator" we got that the first 1000 times you said it. it. Even the one's with Nobel Prizes aren't as worthy as the anonymous contributors to LGF. \_ http://tinyurl.com/6naawz Stop Lying About Roosevelt's Record |
2008/11/7-13 [Uncategorized] UID:51878 Activity:nil |
11/7 Berkshire Hathaway Profit Falls 77 Percent \_ The Millennium Falcon heads right at the two TIE fighters. It's a collision course. |
2008/11/7-13 [Uncategorized] UID:51879 Activity:nil |
11/7 http://fundrace.huffingtonpost.com Pretty good breakdown of campaign contribution vs. occupation, cities \_ CEO breaks 4:1 for Obama. \_ usually NOT a good sign. How about LAWYERS, gun shop owners, and used car salesmen? \_ Do the research yourself and post the results to the motd. |
2008/11/7-13 [Politics/Domestic/SIG, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51880 Activity:nil |
11/7 Why I'm not buying GOOG (special interest & conflict of interest): http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/Google-Makes-First-Political-Contributions/story.aspx?guid={D98D82C9-98B9-4A0C-96F6-414DA5AEC365} http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=44125 http://money.cnn.com/2005/02/14/technology/google_democrats/index.htm \_ You know at this point I think GOOG in all honesty does not care even a tiny tiny tiny bit whether an individual investor wants to buy their stock. |
2008/11/7-13 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51881 Activity:very high |
11/7 Obama's draft goes down the memory hole http://tinyurl.com/63mbfa (LGF) \_ Oh please, let me quote the GOP from when that pompous cybersec guy came to ask cs studentds help in 02. "GET OVER IT." \_ You guys are irrelevant. No one cares what you think anymore. Shut up and eat your Freedom Fries. \_ Don't you care at all about the president elect? If he lies, does it matter? If he breaks promises, does it matter? \_ Little Green Footballs - yep, nobody cares what they think. \_ Sigh. The post shows screenshots of how the page has changed. It's fairly spread over the blogosphere now. Pick a source you're not scared of for your facts and you should be able to find it. \_ What's really sad is that you apparently think web site revisions are something sinister. \_ Policy changes via website revision. Oh, and $40/hr for "volunteerism" now. \_ Actually I remember him talking about tax credits for college volenteer service back when he was on the stump. \_ Dittohead Grieving Status: Denial \_ How will you be able to tell when it hits Anger? \_ That would imply progress. Dittoheads are agin' progress. \_ Now that Obama has won, there will never be another Republican in the government! Dems will rule for 1000 years! \_ Someday the Republicans will be in power again, but it won't be soon and it certainly won't be with Palin. http://tinyurl.com/6blkpg 64% of Republicans want Palin as the 2012 nominee. I sincerely hope that she is, so the Democratic Party can get one of those 49 state landslides Reagan got. \_ Really, it's quite amazing you let the press manipulate your impression of her. \_ Really, it's quite amazing how deluded you are. \_ I wasn't being sarcastic. I really would like nothing better than for the Republicans to nominate her for President in 2012. \_ Did she or didn't she sneeringly and contemptuously refer to Obama's "San Francisco friends" in front of 100M people in her first serious public appearance? That's me! She treats me with comtempt and I am supposed That's me! She treats me with contempt and I am supposed to turn the other cheek? I am not that kind of guy. \_ Dude, your eight years are up. SHUT THE FUCK UP. GO AWAY. YOU LOST. \_ Obama bought the election: http://www.sodahead.com/question/183578/did-barack-obama-buy-the-election/?link=GCPA_BuyVote_q183578_lb1 \_ Dittohead desperation level: Warp 7 |
3/15 |