2008/10/13-15 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:51489 Activity:low |
10/12 The wife lost her ATT+T dcell while here in NYC . There seems to be no fraud activity yet. We were just wonderingf its actually possible to get a location trace done like the so on TV? \_ For AT&T... pretty much no unless you are law enforcement with a subpeona. If you had Sprint you could just use our handly little product! http://sfl.sprintpcs.com and locate it yourself. \_ Technically possible, unlikely to get AT&T's co-operation, as noted above. Do you have friends who work for the Death Star? \_ They updated their logo to make it less Death Star-ish a long time ago. \_ It actually seems even more so to me. Plus all the Star Wars references made it impossible to pass up... |
2008/10/13-15 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:51490 Activity:low |
10/12 I got sucked into doing some wedding video stuff using basically a handheldsetup and a single finger holding down the record button. I have imported eveerything I have on to my macbookPro and Imovie. I would like to try to do at least some cleanup of the shakey images. My kodak V1253 is not really designed to do viddeo clips longer than a minute at most and i was doing closer to five. Lots of sorefingers and wrists as a result.Any inexpensve suggestsions that will at provide some marginal imporveent to the videos? (* And I will try and bry a tripod with mext tme ) \_ such software does not [yet] exist but I see this as a really amazing, obviously should have done startup idea that'd really take off. |
2008/10/13-15 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51491 Activity:nil |
10/12 Obama's affair, you heard it here first: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2104254/posts \_ Is this really more newsworthy than rumors that McCain is really a chupacabra? Because you heard that first here as well. \_ Dittohead Desperation Level: Magenta \_ I'd say it's really more of a mauve. \_it's ok.. he's a liberal.. they are given one free pass on an affair as well as one free pass on partial birth abortions. \_ Nice troll, want a treat? |
2008/10/13-15 [Politics/Foreign/Canada, Finance/Investment] UID:51492 Activity:low |
10/12 Is http://kitco.com a good website to trade precious metal with? \_ How many manhole covers did you steal today? :-) \_ Are you trying to be funny? How is this "clever" or "funny"? |
2008/10/13-15 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:51493 Activity:nil 71%like:51488 |
10/12 Any recommedations on budget Xbox 360 games? Here's mine: Crackdown is a lot of fun for $15 at Gamestop. I can get Sneak King for $1, is that worth it? |
2008/10/13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:51494 Activity:nil 63%like:51495 |
10/13 I just want to crow for a moment: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/economics/laureates/2008 *Boredcast Message from 'psb': Tue Oct 7 13:13:54 2008 || i wonder if the nobel people will give PKRUGMAN the econ prize || as a way of sticking it to BUSHCO || well the econ nobel people || Given all the yammering from Ben Stein lately, it is time to recycle this: http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2005/06/a_missing_piece.html |
2008/10/13-15 [Finance/Investment] UID:51495 Activity:nil 63%like:51494 |
10/13 Paul Krugman's Nobel Prize, you heard it here first: *Boredcast Message from 'psb': Tue Oct 7 13:13:54 2008 || i wonder if the nobel people will give PKRUGMAN the econ prize || as a way of sticking it to BUSHCO || well the econ nobel people || http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/economics/laureates/2008 Good informal commentary at: http://tinyurl.com/3ewln8 [tyler cowan] This is also an intereting essay for PK fans: http://web.mit.edu/krugman/www/howiwork.html Given all the yammering from Ben Stein lately, it is time to recycle this: http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2005/06/a_missing_piece.html \_ The already insane have gone insane: http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2008/10/crooked-timber.html |
2008/10/13-15 [Reference/Military] UID:51496 Activity:nil |
10/13 Laserbolts are flung from Vader's TIE fighter, connecting with Red Leader's Rebel X-wing fighter. Red Leader buys it, creating a tremendous explosion far below. He screams and is destroyed. |
2008/10/13-16 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:51497 Activity:nil |
10/13 Can anyone recommend a decent open source software package to track passwords in a global network (Windows+UNIX systems) ... I'm sick and tired of waiting days for IT to track down the one person with root on some server somewhere. \_ its not open source, but we've been using Cyberark (http://www.cyber-ark.com it's done the job well enough. Considering what it cost, I bet an open source competitor would not be hard to write... -ERic \_ LDAP |
2008/10/13-16 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:51498 Activity:nil |
10/13 It bypasses appropriations, bypasses the congress, it's in your closing documents. This from day forward we will all be paying 4.2% basis fee of $420 for every $100,000 mortgage in your closing paper will have papers. You'll have a new little line in there, a new fee that we're going to all pay to go straight to these affordable housing funds which the states then hard wire to La Raza, ACORN, groups like that. \_ THOSE BROWN PEOPLE ARE STEALING YOUR MONEY! \_ We are becoming France and in Texas we done want to be France. \_ It's hillarious how quickly ACORN become the 25%ers new Hitler. |
2008/10/13-15 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51499 Activity:kinda low |
10/13 Obama supporters calling Palin a cunt. http://tinyurl.com/4l2xrf \_ ob I thought Hillary was \_ No, Hitlary is a FemiNazi. \_ ob why not both \_ It is okay to call some a Nazi but not a cunt? \_ Wow, people are being assholes on the internet! I never! \_ Well, now, they're just following John McCain's lead. \_ Love the comments. "You are a bone gagger." But yeah, this is pretty low. \_ Calling Sarah Palin a bad word vs. calling Obama a terrorist, a socialist, an Arab, and comparing him to a stuffed Monkey. Yup, pretty much the same! \_ Not to mention doing so loudly and publicly at a McCain rally and McCain/Palin didn't even feel the need to say "hey now, that's not reasonable" until after the media started to notice that McCain was intentionally stoking such hate. Hey OP, this is an obvious attempt to turn McCain's ugly ugly campaign into just another tit-for-tat politcal story, but that's just not going to fly. \_ at what point did people call Obama a terrorist and/or Arab where Palin and/or McCain "stoked" that or let it go? I'm curious to see that. \_ You don't pay much attention to the news do you? \_ Why not give him the link instead of just insulting the guy? Not everyone is a news junkie. \_ The person was calling Ayers a terrorist, not Obama. \_ That is one interpretation, not mine however. What about the guy who yelled "kill him!" do you think he was agitating for the lynching of Ayers or Obama? http://tinyurl.com/4o73mt (HuffPo) \_ I think it's obviously referring to Ayers. \_ Saying something multiple times doesn't make it even remotely true.. |
2008/10/13-15 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51500 Activity:nil |
10/13 Obama wants to spread your wealth around http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoqI5PSRcXM \_ It's about time. \_ Dittohead Desperation Level: Purple |
2008/10/13-15 [Uncategorized] UID:51501 Activity:nil |
10/13 Christopher Hitchens endorses Obama... Yes, Hitchens: http://www.slate.com/id/2202163 \_ I loathe agreeing with Chris Hitchens. \- hitchens is a complicated case. but make no mistake people like charles krathhammer are way worse [limiting to putative serious journalists] ... those guys are in the "light on fire without further discussion" category. \_ Word. |
2008/10/13-15 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51502 Activity:moderate |
10/13 Heeeere it comes, the next McCain hail mary: http://thepage.time.com/2008/10/12/press-reset-if-campaign-freezes-and-seems-broken http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D93PD0880&show_article=1 http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2008/10/is-drudge-priming-mccain-reboot.html \_ How many of those can you throw? \_ If McCain actually disavows the loony side of his Party, I will be really impressed with him. \_ It would be a lot more impressive if he hadn't spent the last year give the loony side of his Party delicious blowjobs. \_ Why would McCain strategy #12321 be impressive? \_ Because it would take some real moral courage. \_ No, what would have taken moral courage would have been not to cozy up with the loony side in the first place. It doesn't take courage to stop being dispicable after you've discovered that's being dispicable is a losing tactic. It doesn't take courage to stop being despicable after you've discovered that's being despicable is a losing tactic. \_ Life isn't always scripted you know. It is possible that McCain did not realize that palling around with Rove's team would lead to such a lynch mob mentality. I certainly was expecting an ugly campaign, but nothing like the near- riot levels of hysteria from the Right. Pulling the country back from that kind of political violence speaks well of McCain's character. \_ So you are saying it's not poor John McCain's fault run of the sleaziest, deceitful campaigns ever? Gee, I guess he really is senile then, because that's the only reason I could see you giving him a pass for how he ran his campaign. \_ You are almost as dumb as George W. Bush. I am hardly giving him a "pass" in fact if he does not change the tone of his campaign, I will be the first to call him on it. It would be nice if he did the right thing, though I am not holding my breath. I am the guy who gave Obama $2300, btw, in case you think I am some kind of closet McCain supporter. ran one of the sleaziest, deceitful campaigns ever? Gee, I guess he really is senile then, because that's the only reason I could see you giving him a pass for how he ran his own campaign. \_ No, I am not saying that at all. I am saying that if he admits that he made a mistake and does his best to rectify it, it will make him an unusually morally courages and admirable person. It is rare that anyone does something like this, in my experience, and especially rare for the fragile egomaniacs that end up in politics. But it looks like I won't have to re-assess him, because it looks like he isn't going to fire Atwater's army of Orcs. to fire Atwater and his army of Orcs. |
2008/10/13 [Uncategorized] UID:51503 Activity:nil |
10/13 INTERIOR: MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM. Dodonna and Princess Leia, with Threepio beside them, listen intently to the talk between the pilots. The room is grim after Red Leader's death. Princess Leia nervously paces the room. |
2008/10/13-16 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51504 Activity:low |
10/13 McCain/ACORN connection, major lulz http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/2008/10/13/mccain_acorn/index.html \_ Michelle Malkin is angry??? \_ Obviously a plot by those dangerous Brown People to discredit McCain so they can take over America and kick out all us God Fearing Decent Folk. \_ What does "lulz" mean? \_ it means paolo is an idiot. \_ What does "paolo" mean by "lulz"? \_ he means "more than one lol". Really. \_ who is paolo? \_ End of an era...*sniffle* |
2008/10/13-16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51505 Activity:nil |
10/13 Tom Foley's replacement has his own sex scandal http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=5997043&page=1 |
2008/10/13-16 [Uncategorized] UID:51506 Activity:nil |
10/13 can someone recommend a PCI compliant machine or VM hosting place? - danh |
2008/10/13-16 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51507 Activity:low |
10/13 CNN on ACORN's voter fraud. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRhrT22BsIY \_ Those dangerous brown people are stealing your election! \_ What do "brown people" have to do with ACORN? \_ Obama! Community organizers! \_ Obama! Community organizers! Poor people who have teeth! \_ No matter how many times you post about it, ACORN's "fraud" does not mean what you think it means. |
2008/10/13-16 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:51508 Activity:nil |
10/13 I'm interested in buying CA bonds http://buycaliforniabonds.com What's a good broker to use? Etrade is not listed. \_ Why? CA is likely to default. \_ What the hell does this mean? Can American default? \_ Yes. T-bills are now insured for the first time. CA is marching towards bankruptcy. Every other state facing budget shortfalls is cutting spending, except CA of course. \_ ETrade sells CA bonds. I have bought them there many times. |
2008/10/13-16 [Uncategorized] UID:51509 Activity:nil |
10/13 http://cbs2.com/video/?id=78842@kcbs.dayport.com Picasaweb now recognize faces |
3/15 |