2008/10/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Academia/GradSchool] UID:51424 Activity:kinda low |
10/8 http://tinyurl.com/4pyc3o The difficulty with the evaluating the Chicago Challenge is that Chicago schools improved dramatically overall during this study. There were already vast improvements happening within Chicago Schools when the Annenberg Grant came through. It was difficult to tell what improvements were the result of the challenge and what improvements were the result of other improvements already in play. The Chicago Challenge failed only in our inability to reach conclusions based on the data. Chicago's schools faired far better than the other cities studied (including Gulliani's New York). The fact is that the Challenge very well could have improved all Chicago schools. We simply can't know this for certain based on the research. \_ Now how is this related to Obama having weekly dinners with a domestic terrorist? \_ Weekly? Is there a legitimate source for this? \_ You are so cute when you foam at the mouth. |
2008/10/8-9 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:51425 Activity:nil 57%like:51426 |
10/8 Nikkei 225 getting fucked up the ass UK getting super fucked - oh wait, UK equity indices haven't yet caught up with this fact. Don't worry. They will. \_ Japanese schoolgirl anal.... sorry, what did you say again? |
2008/10/8 [Uncategorized] UID:51426 Activity:nil 57%like:51425 |
10/8 Nikkei 225 getting fucked up the ass UK getting super fucked |
2008/10/8 [Finance/Investment] UID:51427 Activity:nil 80%like:51429 |
10/8 Coordinated intl rate cuts In case anyone didn't see it yet, please see "Stock tip 3" from two days ago \_ I asked and he doesn't know what he's talking about. Now what? You didn't give a single advice. \_ well, my advice from two weeks ago was for the desired safe part of your portfolio to be out 33% at 11388. |
2008/10/8-9 [Finance/Investment] UID:51428 Activity:nil |
10/8 By the time the next president takes office, President George W. Bush may have earned the dubious honor of being the first president to see the Dow Jones Industrial Average fall, on a percentage basis, during his two terms of service, in almost 90 years. http://preview.tinyurl.com/4wzjws \) what's the point of saying "on a percentage basis"? \_ what's the point of saying "on a percentage basis"? \_ The Dow never fell before? |
2008/10/8-9 [Finance/Banking, Finance/Investment] UID:51429 Activity:kinda low 80%like:51427 |
10/8 Coordinated intl rate cuts Ten year note up significantly even though equities down -> potential "game over" (or ass-raping) scenario In case anyone didn't see it yet, please see "Stock tip 3" from two days ago \_ I asked and he doesn't know what he's talking about. Now what? You didn't give a single advice. \_ well, my advice from 3 weeks ago was for the desired safe part of your portfolio to be out 33% at 11388. I said back then that this market could shitnap at any time so it was time to sell the pop the next day. My advice in "Stock tip 3" is: Don't go "all-in long" now in case you're thinking about it. Should you sell now, now that we're down to 9,270? It's your call, but do your research and ask me a fundamentals question. At this point I won't tell you to sell (but I will tell you to "don't buy" index funds or the equivalent). Actually, I will say I would go 80% into safe money right the fuck now, but I'm not going to tell you to do that. It's your money. \_ I think it's time to buy. The market has overreacted. \_ dude, the tip is: LEH CDS settlement in TWO FUCKING DAYS. you don't hear this in mainstream news. i haven't been playing a game with you guys for the last three months. \_ what is LEH CDS \_ lehman credit default swap settlement financial institutions (including insurance co.'s) will need significant cash to pay off insurance on Lehman debt and other securities as a result of LEH bankruptcy. these swaps are held around the world. \_ oh i thought that all got sold to barclays \_ only brokerage piece, because that has a whole bunch of regular-investor money, I believe \_ This is already priced in, imho. \_ okay, I'm glad you're thinking though. IMO you stand a better chance than people who haven't done enough research to confidently say that. \_ do you think the solvent finance firms will ask for a gov. loan to help cover the costs of buying the former assets of Lehman at firesale prices? that would be ironic. \_ if no one objects, sure! solvent financial entities will be getting a whole lot of free money. -op \_ Well, I thought so last week and I was obviously wrong. I am about 90% in right now and really itching to go "all in" but the 10% that is still out is my wife's IRA and she won't give the go ahead. At some point I will start selling bonds and buying stock, but I will probably wait until Q1 for that. To clarify, I mean "all in" for the 65% of my capital that I risk in the equity markets. I always keep about 6 months cash (that works out to about 10%) 10% in US Bonds and 15% in CA munis. \_ marital bliss >> possible equity gain besides, you already are 90% in. you'll be a hero if you can sell at a good price. a hero if you can sell at profit. \_ I am pretty sure that by the time I retire the stock market will be higher than it is today. \_ ^will be higher^return better than CD rates -op \_ Since the dividend yield on the SPY alone is equal to current CD alone is close to current CD rates, it is hard to imagine how I could go wrong. I guess all the companies in the S&P 500 could cut or eliminate dividends. |
2008/10/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51430 Activity:kinda low |
10/8 Meghan McCain is totally hot. Can we keep her if Obama wins? \_ You can keep that picture you keep beating off on. Isn't that enough? \_ You harshed my mellow dude. tnx. \_ She looks just like her dad. WHAT a turn-off! \_ I want some hot conservative slightly chubby sex. |
2008/10/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51431 Activity:very high |
10/8 So McCain just wants to buy people's mortgages? And the government will eat the difference? Thank you McCain, now not only can I not buy a house because of the stupid bubble, all the idiots who did buy a house and couldn't afford it will get a giant bonus from the government. What the fuck? \_ If you need it in simple terms, http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/10/07/martin-feldstein-on-the-financial-crisis \_ Wow it's even worse. He wants to buy them from the lenders who made totally irresposible loans AT FACE VALUE. What the hell is this kind of maverickness? Please tell me he is just desperatly trying to throw things at the wall and seeing what pandering sticks. I mean at least that's just cynically treating our economy like a joke. The only other option I can come up with is McCain has the economic sense of a retarded tapir. \_ And then he wants to renegotiate them down to current market value with the borrower, so that the government eats the loss for both the lender and the borrower. Can you say Moral Hazard? \_ Moral Hazard. \- mccains mortgage repo idea is from martin feldstein ... who may or may not be an evil fucker -- i am not sure --- but he certainly knows more about economics than you do, so trivial complaints like "moral hazard, moral hazard!" are silly, espcially when you dont know the full extent of the plan, which has to do with piggy- back/bridge loans which are not non-recourse loans. --psb \_ ok smart guy tell me why McCain's plan is not full of holes. though at the end of the day, we're both voting for Obama \- if you are interested in *martin feldstein* and glenn hubbard's [?] plan, use google. in case you are interested, MF is "clearly" in the first rank of economists. as for GH: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u2qRXb4xCU \_ You know what, this plan is actually the smartest thing I have heard from McCain yet. It is not enough to make me vote for him, but it reinforces my claim that both are very strong candidates and both would do a good job in the Oval Office. \_ You need to sign this so we can mock you for it. -aspo \_ maaaybe , but remember McCain chose Palin to be his VP, and there's a 25 percent chance McCain will die, and Palin does not have the gravitas to be VP. \_ There's a 25% chance? According to what? \_ you know what? 72 year old dudes who have had cancer 5 times have a higher chance of dying than say... YOU. Palin comes off as shrill and unable to hold a discussion that doesn't involve the talking points she just learned from her campaign handlers. I think Obama, Biden, and even McCain occasionally say things that they came up with ON THEIR OWN. Palin just pisses me off. McCain choosing Palin pisses me off. \_ Republicans cheer Palin with the same intensity that you jeer Palin. Think about that. \_ I know they do. I don't really understand it. Every statement she makes, makes me cringe. \_ Palin would be no worse than Bush, most likely better, since she is hopefully more aware of her own inadequacies. \_ "she might be better than the worst president in history" is not exactly an endorsement. -tom |
2008/10/8-9 [Uncategorized] UID:51432 Activity:nil |
10/8 She said MAVERICK again. make it stop make it stop make it stop \_ Val Kilmer was Iceman, Goose was the one who died and Maverick was Tom Cruise, right? \_ hopefully the use of that word will be deprecated after the electoral race is over. |
2008/10/8-9 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:51433 Activity:nil |
10/8 Fossil shows how turtles evolved their shells: http://preview.tinyurl.com/4dqlhk [new scientist] |
2008/10/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51434 Activity:kinda low |
10/8 Newsweek under fire for *not* Photoshopping Palin photo. link:www.yahoo.com/s/967288 First, fashion magazines are frowned upon for Photoshopping pictures of supermodels. Now a news magazine is frowned upon for not Photoshopping pictures of a political figure. Go figure. \_ I don't understand the bitching. \_ The article's or the OP's? \_ An extreme close-up to the degree that you can see pores? Compare that to the covers with Obama. \_ Desperation level infrared. |
2008/10/8-9 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:51435 Activity:nil |
10/08 Anyone notice ann increase in SPIM oflate? I am recent Mac convert and I dont see an option in Adium to only accept messages from those on my contact list. Any add-ons do this? Thanks |
2008/10/8-9 [Uncategorized] UID:51436 Activity:nil |
10/8 Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances! |
2008/10/8-9 [Finance, Finance/Investment] UID:51437 Activity:low |
10/8 Curious, how does our economy today compare to Japan's economy 10-15 years ago? I heard that they had a housing crises as well in the old days where home values dropped over 50% of the value and had an extended (decade long) recession. Is this true? What are some similarities and differences between our current economy and Japan's economy 10-15 years ago? \_ U.S.: No savers, reserve currency, natural resources, WMDs Japan: Savers, carry currency, export driven, no WMDs Common: Housing bubble, equity bubble, zombie banks \_ Not bad. You get a B+. \_ A big difference is that Japan has declining population, with low birth rates and virtually no immigration. -tom \_ Japan has no gay people, just like Iran. \_ http://www.japanboyz.com BTW what does this have to do with their economy anyway? \_ We should be able to export gay porn and build our economy that way, an option that was not open to the Japanese. \_ Have you heard of yaoi? |
2008/10/8-9 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance/Investment] UID:51438 Activity:nil |
10/8 Fed cuts interest rate by 1.5%. It's going to save the housing market! Yeah baby! Good job! Make America an ownership society! http://www.bankrate.com/brm/news/fed/main-surprise.asp http://www.bankrate.com/brm/news/fed/winners-losers_surprise.asp |
2008/10/8-9 [Finance/Investment] UID:51439 Activity:nil |
10/8 Stock market finally getting to about where it should be http://captaincapitalism.blogspot.com/2008/10/stock-market-is-about-where-it-should.html \_ This person is an idiot. Even he is right about this (which I doubt). For instance he also is a global warming denier. \_ So should I buy stocks now? It's so low and tempting... |
2008/10/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51440 Activity:nil |
10/8 Which candidate pals around with terrorists? http://preview.tinyurl.com/4zeonz \_ Wait, they're recycling this? Wow, salon sure has dropped in quality. \_ Dittohead Desperation Level: Chartruse \_ With faint hints of perrywinkle. |
2008/10/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51441 Activity:high |
10/8 Palin = Star Wars, Clinton = Star Trek: http://preview.tinyurl.com/4xcgzj [io9] \_ Obama won his Senate race because of Star Trek, no joke. \_ How so? \_ The Illinois senator/incumbent/expected to win candidate dropped out of the race after it became public his wife, Jeri Ryan, divorced him because she got sick of him dragging her to public sex clubs and him trying to nail her in front of other people. The Illinois Republican party couldn't find anyone popular enough to run in his place... so they invited Alan Keyes to move to Illinois and run for the empty spot. More people voted for Obama than Alan Keyes. \_ You forgot that Obama sued to unseal their divorce records. \_ No, the Chicago Tribune sued, on grounds that they were unjustly sealed. But why stop making shit up? \_ He got his Obama and Liberal Media talking points mixed up, you have to excuse him. \_ Jeri Ryan as in 7 of 9? Wow. \_ That's semi revisionist history going on. Yes that all happened, but my memory was it was a close race but Obama was in the lead before the whole sexual scandal. Also, Jack Ryan was not an incumbent. \_ I can't tell reliably. I found a page by Michelle Malkin about this subject. puke. \_ People should be a little more understanding for someone wanting to nail Jeri Ryan in public. \_ I'd rather nail Jeri Thompson in public. \_ I want her all to myself. |
2008/10/8-9 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:51442 Activity:nil |
10/8 motd pregnant guy i have a date for you http://meetme.hotornot.com/r/index.html?emid=ORALSMA |
3/15 |