2008/10/7-9 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:51409 Activity:nil |
10/7 Ever Drink and Blog and feel stupid the next morning? GOOG has the answer: http://tinyurl.com/3ovvzq \_ I once txt-ed msgs while I was really really wasted. They were hilarious -- the English was slightly more coherent than the average psb wall. \- you missed the entire era of "drink and su" and "drink and rwall" --psb |
2008/10/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:51410 Activity:nil |
10/6 Those VIVA VIAGRA commercials are creepy. |
2008/10/7-9 [Finance/Investment] UID:51411 Activity:nil |
10/6 Financial advice from our good 'ol Ben Stein: http://finance.yahoo.com/expert/article/yourlife/112984 \_ Finally a reason to agree with Ben Stein, at least mostly. \_ A broken clock is right twice a day. I'm sure Stein supported most of the things he's now decrying. -tom \_ ob the asspounding he was getting for the last year or so on finance segments \_ Total agreement. -pp |
2008/10/7-9 [Finance/Investment] UID:51412 Activity:nil |
10/6 Stock prices are really low. Is now a good time to buy stocks? GOOG is only $350 now. What do you guys think? \_ I think it's going to go lower. \_ If you're going to invest in stocks right now, your primary consideration should be that the companies you invest in should be companies which are likely to survive or thrive in an extended economic downturn. My guess would be that this market is going to go down more before it goes up, but I wouldn't bother trying to time it; invest in good companies and you'll be OK. -tom \_ like tom wrote, just see how TM did relative to the Nikkei 225 from it's peak. use http://finance.yahoo.com. its peak. use http://finance.yahoo.com. ob TM != GOOG, but someone find a better example. |
2008/10/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51413 Activity:nil |
10/6 "Kill him" proposed one man in the audience [at a Palin rally] http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/06/AR2008100602935.html \_ Just don't call them Brownshirts. |
2008/10/7 [Consumer/Camera] UID:51414 Activity:high |
10/7 I want to buy a Leica Noctilux-M 50mm f/0.95 ASPH. I'm also ambiguously gay and I'm ethnically Indian but I prefer to hang out with well educated white people. \_ (Responding to the troll.) f/0.95 Leica? URL please? \_ (Taking the troll bait.) f/0.95 Leica? URL please? |
2008/10/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:51416 Activity:nil |
10/7 What's the difference between bribary and lobby? \_ One of them is correctly spelled? |
2008/10/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:51417 Activity:low |
10/7 To the idiots who think the Ayers story is interesting: What Ayers did was a generation ago. He went to jail for a long ass time. He payed his debt and understands that when he was a kid he was wrong. Now he is a respected Chicago professor who worked with a legitimate group whose mission was to get money to try to improve Chicago schools. Maybe you don't think Ayers should have been able to rehabilitate himself, but isn't that the point of justice. People do wrong, we punish them and make them understand why it was wrong. Then if those people come back to society and do the right thing we are supposed to accept them back as valuable members of our community. That's what makes the justice system work. \_ He's never recanted. AFAICT he's never spent a day in jail for the bombings. He has no regrets, thinks he should have done more. "So, would Mr. Ayers do it all again, he is asked? 'I don't want to discount the possibility,' he said." http://tinyurl.com/4tb7wd [nytimes] Note that this nytimes article appeared on 9/11/2001. \_ He did turn himself in. I was wrong, charges were dropped because of prosecutorial misconduct. And you need to read his rebuttal to that article. http://billayers.wordpress.com/2008/04/21/clarifying-the-facts-a-letter-to-the-new-york-times-9-15-2001 \- look even if guilt by association isnt 1/r^2 but 1/r, CKEATING is so much closer to JMCCAIN, not to mention his crimes so much more contemporary to their involvement and the nature of the relationship directly involves what he was on the hook for, the strength of the guilt by assn charge is a whole lot stronger in this case ... not to mention its relevance to the current financial mess [regulation, moral hazard, regulatory arbitrage, lobbying-for- loopholes, money influence in politics etc]. "thanks hillary". \_ ob why do you love the terrerists? \- CKEATING is a financial terrorist ... that's what he was doing w.r.t. to the FSLIC. might be good to execute a few finance people to "find new ways to motivate them" against MORAL HAZARD. since it is highly likely you were "young" during this episode, spend the <5min to read http://tinyurl.com/yypk4l [wikipedia on CKEATING]. \_ ob sarcasm++ |
2008/10/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51418 Activity:nil |
10/7 How low can he go? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2o7LKCsrNQ |
2008/10/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:51419 Activity:nil |
10/7 Prop 8 proponents pouring millions into it, these bigoted assholes might get it to pass -- go to http://www.eqca.org and donate $$$ Don't let prop 8 pass! \_ my wife got a flyer supporting prop 8 at work. it was from a church goer, all in Chinese, and pretty slick. \_ Interestingly the poll shows that all of the pro-prop 8 movement is coming from young people. \_ URL? |
2008/10/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:51420 Activity:nil |
10/7 This is what terrorism is. (yes it's in Canada) http://digbysblog.blogspot.com/2008/10/oh-canada-by-digby-conservative.html |
2008/10/7 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51421 Activity:nil |
10/7 OBAMA DRIVES AWAY CAPITAL & REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT WITH HIGHER TAXES. Get rid of capital gains, lower business and corporate taxes,get rid of democrats in congress they are a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CONTINUED BAILOUTS WILL CAUSE MARKET CRASH. OBAMA WILL HURT OUR ECONOMY NOT HELP IT The reason companies are outsourcing is to SAVE MONEY! Your out of context spin is politics as usual smear, divide, and conquer, chicago politics at its best. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!! WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FREE TRADE IS A BAD THING? How do you think our economy is going to grow if we do not export...right now with low dollar exports are up that is a good thing. Guess what OBAMA and his imperial socialist elitists want to TAX AMERICA TO DEATH AND CLOSE OUR BORDERS. 98% of all taxes come from the RICH, oh I guess it is now a bad thing to be rich. You will kill AMERICA and spread misery across our lands you fools you fools. Yes, and we are going to send Biden out to get all those off shore accounts. Well guess what; if we LOWER TAXES then maybe that just might attract business like it did in IRELAND which has one of the lowest corporate taxes in the WORLD!!!! THE RICH WILL LEAVE AMERICA IF IT BECOMES A SOCIALIST STATE. GOOD BYE 401K's because there is a new BOSS MAN IN TOWN AND HE WILL NATIONALIZE EVERYTHING. THE TRAP WAS SET WHEN THE DEMO'S PUSHED US INTO THIS 700 BILLION BAILOUT FROM THEIR MESS THEY CREATED...OH and Polozi is going to go after the criminals that caused all of this, yeah right!!!! OBAMA=SOCIALIST AGENDA If you think this financial crisis is bad, just wait because if OBAMA is elected you will see change alright. But it won?t be the kind of change everyone hoped for because the LIBERAL plan will not work. OBAMA-CALIFORNIA is on the verge of bankruptcy because of ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMS!!!!! Washington Post Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - 9 hours ago Maxine Waters insisted, "we do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and in particular at Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Mr. Frank Raines"? ... OBAMA-will allow the idiots from http://move-on.com to take over our country. We can not afford OBAMA and the idiots like PALOZI or FRANKS- you know the democrat that ran the house finance committee to get a hold of US TAX PAYER DOLLARS. ANYMORE!!!!! OBAMA-there isn?t any money left for YOUR big spending plans!!!!!!!!! ELECTING OBAMA=DEPRESSION. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?????? THINK ABOUT IT. UNLEASH THE FURY. |
2008/10/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:51422 Activity:nil |
10/7 Was it just me or did McCain's "us" gesture look like the classic motion for signifying a jerkoff? And, um, where did he go when the debate wrapped up? He just disappeared. We were expecting that he'd at least have an interview lined up with Fox, but nope-- just vanished. \_ that's not true, "my friend". \_ Really? Where'd he go? He shook hands for a bit, then bam, gone. Obama stuck around shaking hands and taking pictures for a long time. \_ Who'd want to shake hands with him after he jerked off? |
2008/10/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic] UID:51423 Activity:nil |
10/7 If the CSUA sponsored a political debate on the election and the major political issues, which Soda Personalities would you like to see argue the Democratic and Republican positions? \_ hard to tell, since all the republicans are anonymous cowards. -tom \_ Based on what? Knowledge of the issues? Debating skill? Entertaining speaker? Inadvertent entertainment? |
3/15 |