2008/9/4-8 [Uncategorized] UID:51051 Activity:nil |
9/3 wow not ONE mention of gwbush/cheney \_ gw who? |
2008/9/4-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:51052 Activity:moderate |
9/3 What's so bad about community organizers? From the speeches tonight you'd think that was a euphenism for smoking reefer 24/7 \_ Since the GOP has nothing to run on, they're just running a Hate convention. \_ Since when has either part had anything to run on? For the last 6 years the Dems have been running on "Bush sucks" and and now they're running on a combination of "Bush sucks" and HOPE! and CHANGE! \_ Change is all you'll have if you vote for Dems! GH Bush \_ I don't know about you, but after 8 years of Bush and the GOP, I'm about ready for HOPE and CHANGE. \_ There are a whole lot more ways to change something for the bad than the good. Obama is basically running on Mcain = Bush! Scary! Which is obvious BS. \_ I don't think that's BS. McCain will continue the policies of Bush/Cheney. \_ In what way are McCain's policies different than Bush's? \_ Federal stem cell research funding. Being able to speak coherently. \_ So how exactly are you worse off? \_ Like I said, you've got nothing. \_ Does your life suck and you're blaming it on Bush? Dem party running against GOP: of course they're going to claim that this is the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVAR and that therefore due to ???? they should be elected. The most significant changes we're talking about is stuff is almost completely dependent on the legislators in Congress, and not the president. i.e. the tax plan and healthcare plan. All the other stuff is just posturing. Do you think Russia is going to give a shit about having a guy who wants to talk to them more? Obama's going to use his magic inspirational charisma to bring about the Age of Aquarius. \_ Except Bush (or McCain) would veto the tax and healthcare changes we need. Not to mention the energy plan, which is a disaster under the GOP. \_ Haha, "changes we need". Care to go into specifics about energy? \_ That's right, changes we need. The Bush/McCain economic policies have been a disaster for all but the very richest: link:tinyurl.com/69jh74 Go read Obama's policy papers on energy, I don't have the time or inclination to recap them here. But they focus on conservation, not lying to the American people about how much oil we can get out of ANWR or some BS about "clean" coal. \_ I don't need those changes. Hence "we" is laughable. Obama can't shit oil. Conservation is not a long term plan. \_ "Conservation is not a long term plan"? What does that even mean? Conservation is an choice. The alternative is destruction. Conservation alone won't save the society, but without conservation you lose before you even start. -tom \_ Whatever... McCain focuses on conservation too, and Obama's energy plan ALSO talks about your "clean" coal. You guys are so stupid and full of shit. \_ McCain focuses on conservation? Is that why he's voted against improving fuel economy and pretty much every other conservation initiative, pretty much every time he's been given the opportunity? -tom \_ Please stop parroting left wing blogs. I'm obviously referring to the published "energy plans". Though McCain has in fact supported CAFE increases in certain forms (they quibble about timescales). But of course it's easy for Obama to say he is better because after all he has no track record to scrutinize. By the way, stuff like CAFE is BS. if energy self-sufficiency is a matter of national security and protection from foreign volatility (and it is), then we should have a fairly high tariff on all imported energy (e.g. oil). We should always have had this, and we should have kept pushing nuclear. \_ So you're saying that you put more faith in a campaign promise than you do in someone's actual voting record? Interesting. -tom \_ Obama voted for the '05 energy bill. He voted for more ethanol boondoggle, clean coal, oil and gas subsidies. Obama voted for the porky farm bill. That's not a voting record I'm happy with. \_ "We" means America here, obviously. Not what some selfish prick in the top 1% of income needs. We are all going into the tank if we don't control our energy usage and our health care expenses. Even you, I bet. \_ I think the OP understands that GOP is bashing Obama by labeling him as community organizer. But the questions is why community organizer specifically. What's bad about being a community organizer? (I wonder about the same questions.) \_ Community and Communist differ by one letter, 'nuff said. \_ 2 letters, actually. Go beah! \_ That's just tit-for-tat. The Obama campaign keeps refering to Palin as the mayor of Wasilla, so McCain calls him a community organizer. \_ You have your tats and your tits backwards. McCain has been calling him that long before Palin entered the scene. \_ Link? I hadn't noticed anyway. \_ I see. Thx. -- PP |
2008/9/4-8 [Computer/Networking] UID:51053 Activity:nil |
9/3 Does anyone here have experience with Cisco AON? Success or horror stories? |
2008/9/4-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51054 Activity:nil |
9/4 http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index.jhtml?videoId=184086 Sometimes you just have to shake your head and laugh. \_ This post is sexist. \_ This totally made my year \_ The side-by-sides are my favorite part of the show. \_ Who gives a shit what those people say? What matters is what the candidate says. \_ ...as they demonstrated at the end of the clip. |
2008/9/4-8 [Transportation/Car] UID:51055 Activity:nil |
9/4 I want a car that can do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAtkoje4-eM \_ Fuck this car. I want a lifestyle that does not require me to drive. Fuck all cars. \_ Move to San Francisco, New York City or Boston then. Or Europe, you Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey. |
2008/9/4-8 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51056 Activity:nil |
9/4 "Attacks, praise stretch truth at GOP convention" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080904/ap_on_el_pr/cvn_fact_check |
2008/9/4-8 [Uncategorized] UID:51057 Activity:nil |
9/3 Car burst into flames at Chevron station on Lakeshore, around 6:30 a.m. no apparent injuries: http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~erikred/oakvideo_090408.3gp (3mb video) Fire crew was arriving on scene as I saw it. --erikred |
2008/9/4-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51058 Activity:nil |
9/3 Cindy McCain's outfit: $300k http://www.vanityfair.com/online/politics/2008/09/cindy-mccains-300000-outfit.html \_ Mostly in the jewelry. And? \_ Just amusing that the incredibly wealthy candidate is the one throwing around the "elitist" word. But I know, cognitive dissonance comes naturally. \_ Cindy McCain is a candidate? \_ elitism has little to do with wealth \_ Do tell. \_ http://www.dictionary.com \_ Don't you Democrats pride yourself on nuance? \_ how much for the plastic surgery? |
2008/9/4-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:51059 Activity:nil |
9/4 Someone asked yesterday about the Obama/Ayers link. It took me a while to find a link I was happy with, this one is ok. This guy goes into excruciating detail about the Annenberg Challenge and CAC over a number of blog posts. The full Annenberg documents were only recently released, and this post predates the release. The documents are still being digested, so this is far from the final word. Anyway, it is pretty obvious that Obama and Ayers had a close working relationship for at least 6 years (the real relationship almost cetainly predates this), in which they funneled millions to Ayers' causes and students. It's also quite obvious that Obama has been highly disingenous about this relationship, and many of his statements about it have been blatant falsehoods. ("Our kids went to school together", etc) http://csua.org/u/m9b \_ Yes, Obama supports terrorism and wants to KILL WHITEY. \_ It looks like Obama has really been trying to improve the schools, which is great. I think I am going to give him another $2300. \_ Might want to look into what he was spending that money on first. The challenge itself was deemed an utter flop. $100mil down the hole. \_ Deemed an utter flop by who? This guy is not a reliable source. http://preview.tinyurl.com/554pov The Annenberg Challange is hardly the radical far-left proposal this guy makes it out to be. \_ Sorry, it was a flop _in Chicago_. That is, it had no effect on student performance in Chicago. Your link is an overall evaluation, so not really interesting for this discussion. Also, it was deemed a flop by the Consortium of Chicago School Research (CCSR) in 2003. \_ Yes, that is interesting. I will have to do some more research. But I think it is amusing that an effort to try and weaken the hold of the teacher's union is called a communist tactic by this guy. \_ I with you agree there. -op \_ I agree with you there. -op here are some new numbers (VM Size in MB reported by Task Manager): 3.0.1 - Startup, empty the cache. 13 23 - Go to http://www.yahoo.com 17 40 - Open 6 news pages in 43 69 6 new tabs. - Close the 6 tabs above. 35 54 - Open the same 6 news pages 44 71 in 6 new tabs again. - Close the 6 tags again. 38 53 So, after opening and closing the same tabs a second time, Firefox 3 still uses more memory than Firefox 2. Any idea? Thanks. \_ The delta between 2 "close the 6 tabs" lines is 3 megs for FF2 and -1 megs for FF3. The general problem with FF2 was it tended to leak memory over time. For a desktop app, an extra 10 megs is minimal, but since people like to have long lived browser sessions, FF2's habit of slowing growing up to 2 gigs of memory is a real problem. \_ Dunno, I notice better memory usage with lots of tabs open. Firefox 2 used to go into the 500 MB range after a while, Firefox 3 typically doesn't go above 400 MB. \_ I used to have to restart my browser every day. I don't have to with FF3. \_ FF3 does seem more crashy though. \_ Anyway, you made your point. He has extensive political connections to an ex-WU guy. A big yawner to me, but perhaps middle America cares. I kind of doubt it. |
2008/9/4-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51060 Activity:nil |
9/4 http://www.abcnews.go.com/Politics/Conventions/story?id=5715542&page=3 Now even McCain is spouting the party line about how Palin knows foreign relations because Alaska is close to Russia. Wow, that's some serious straight talk going on. \_ And Alaska is closer to Canada than to the 48 state! \_ Kind of stupid but not totally without merit. I think governors in California, Arizona, and Texas have a better handle on international relations than governors in Kansas, Arkansas, and West Virginia for instance. \_ I didn't know there America was building a giant fence on the Russian/Alaska border. \_ If you can't provide content or entertainment on motd, don't post anything. Fucker. \_ Take your own advice. Fucker. |
2008/9/4-8 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:51061 Activity:nil |
9/4 Can someone point me to any well-regarded sites for GPS information? (something similar to http://dpreview.com for digital cameras, but for GPS) I'm mainly looking for in-car/dash-mount GPS, but I need to read up on the different methods available for live-traffic. I could also use a site where I can narrow down my possible choices by features. Thanks! \_ Don't. I live in LA. I spend over 2-3 hours a day on THE I-10 I-110 and I-405. Don't. I bought a GPS w/ live traffic report from Costco. The delay is over 10 minutes, so by the time you get out, live traffic condition is already over. It is very good at looking at the past, but not the present. Traffic conditions in LA is too dynamic for this sort of stuff. You'll be going at 0MPH with yellow dots while 60MPH with red dots. It is totally useless. My advice is to get the fuck out of Los Angeles instead of wasting money on GPS. PS I returned my GPS from Costco. \_ If you were a real Los Angeleno you would know their proper names: The Santa Monica Freeway, The Pasadena Freeway and the San Diego Freeway. Go back to Tofuville. |
2008/9/4 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:51062 Activity:nil |
9/4 Regarding the Firefox 3 memory usage question that I asked on 8/29, here are some new numbers (VM Size in MB reported by Task Manager): 3.0.1 - Startup, empty the cache. 13 23 - Go to http://www.yahoo.com 17 40 - Open 6 news pages in 43 69 6 new tabs. - Close the 6 tabs above. 35 54 - Open the same 6 news pages 44 71 in 6 new tabs again. - Close the 6 tags again. 38 53 So, after opening and closing the same tabs a second time, Firefox 3 still uses more memory than Firefox 2. Any idea? Thanks. \_ Dunno, I notice better memory usage with lots of tabs open. Firefox 2 used to go into the 500 MB range after a while, Firefox 3 typically doesn't go above 400 MB. |
2008/9/4-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51063 Activity:nil |
9/4 R Rep calls Obama "uppity" http://thehill.com/leading-the-news/westmoreland-calls-obama-uppity-2008-09-04.html \_ Let me spell it out for you. U P P I T Y N E G R O. there. happy? \_ "they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they're uppity," Does that even make sense to anyone here? It's a grammatical mishmash. \_ "Elitist" is code for "uppity" in this election. This rep is just letting the veil slip a little. Note that he repeated "uppity" again when asked to clarify. \_ So what was it code for in the last election? \_ Catholic. \_ That doesn't really answer the question A) He's a member of an individual? B) He thinks he's uppity? Does it make sense for someone to think they are uppity? Actually, saying elitist means uppity makes even less sense, then he's part of an uppity class that thinks he's uppity. \_ Meh, that's just the kind of think the race obsessed say when they can't find any actual racism. \_ Meh, that's just the sort of thing white people say when they don't want to admit their own racism. \_ Haha. Keep chasing your tail. |
2008/9/4-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:51064 Activity:nil |
9/4 Michael Reagan compares Palin to his Dad with, IMHO unintentional, hilarious effect. http://csua.org/u/m9f |
2008/9/4-9 [Reference/Religion] UID:51065 Activity:nil |
9/4 Even Mormons aren't Creationists. I really can't handle having #2 in line believing the earth is only 3000 years old. \_ Depends on how you define "Creationists". Young-earth creationists believe the earth is less than 10K years old, but no one believes it's 3K years old. \_ Because, of course, believing that the earth is only 3k years old would be silly. \_ But 10k years seems about right. \_ My point isn't that 10k is reasonable, just that the 3k number is way off what people actually believe. 2k ago is when Jesus was walking around. I'm Mormon and believe that God created the world, but the overwhelming evidence is that it was created about 4.5B years ago. -emarkp \_ Is God affected by Gravity? \_ Why are you asking me? And why do you ask? -emarkp \_ Jesus walked the earth. \_ but did he have to? He also walked on water. \_ Isn't Chinese written history longer than 3000 years? \_ The Chinese are Satan's tools. \_ Do not anger me, I am Ping! |
2008/9/4-12 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51066 Activity:nil |
9/4 An example of PDS: http://news.bostonherald.com/news/2008/view.bg?articleid=1116858 \_ Huh, I thought it looked pretty good. \_ I'd keep using terms like PDS if you were. It makes you look so with it and worldly. \_ I use it because of the post a few days ago. -op \_ No reason to stop now! Keep at it little dude. \_ Are you joking? Critisizing someones hairstyle is hardly a sign of derangement. \_ I wonder if OP was up in arms about Edwards' 400 dollar haircut. Or Cindy McCain's $300,000 outfit. |
3/15 |