Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:September:03 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2008/9/3 [Health, Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:51024 Activity:moderate Entry has been invalidated. Access denied.
2008/9/3 [Uncategorized] UID:51025 Activity:nil
9/3     I read it on the motd, so it must be true.
2008/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:51026 Activity:nil
9/3     Wait, wow, the lady who called Hillary Clinton a "whiner" for
        complaining of sexism is now crying "Sexism!"  Hilarious.. Awesome...
2008/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51027 Activity:very high Entry has been invalidated. Access denied. 2008/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51028 Activity:insanely high Entry has been invalidated. Access denied.
2008/9/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:51029 Activity:nil
9/3     why do you hate Mormon troll, hugh downs, and enormous breasts?
2008/9/3 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:51030 Activity:nil
9/3     Okay, my sed and awk skills are obviously not up to par here.
        I want to only see the "500's" in my apache error log, how do I
        do that? I want to see the whole line, not just the 500 error code.
        Never mind, grep " 500 " is close enough.
2008/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51031 Activity:nil 71%like:51020 66%like:51035 Entry has been invalidated. Access denied.
2008/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51032 Activity:nil 75%like:51010 57%like:51036 54%like:51043
8/30 apparently is also start-the-smears JESUS UNICORN_Smear_Site
        \_ Ahh, LGF... must be true.  Can I counter this with a Kos link?
           \_ Did you read the article?  Did you follow up on the IP addr
              \_ What would you say if I buy and HTTP redirect it
                 to  Is that FightTheSmears is also
                 \_ Ah, good point.  Thanks. -op
        \_ Learn how CNAME works and get back to us. This is no more
           than grafitti.
2008/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51033 Activity:nil 75%like:51008 70%like:51037 Entry has been invalidated. Access denied. 2008/9/3 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:51034 Activity:nil 66%like:51004 61%like:51038 Entry has been invalidated. Access denied. 2008/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51035 Activity:very high 76%like:51020 66%like:51031 Entry has been invalidated. Access denied.
2008/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51036 Activity:nil 63%like:51010 57%like:51032
8/30 apparently is also start-the-smears ONE_Campaign_Behind_Anti-TINA FEY_Smear_Site
        \_ Ahh, LGF... must be true.  Can I counter this with a Kos link?
           \_ Did you read the article?  Did you follow up on the IP addr
              \_ What would you say if I buy and HTTP redirect it
                 to  Is that FightTheSmears is also
                 \_ Ah, good point.  Thanks. -op
        \_ Learn how CNAME works and get back to us. This is no more
           than grafitti.
2008/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51037 Activity:high 80%like:51008 70%like:51033 Entry has been invalidated. Access denied. 2008/9/3 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:51038 Activity:nil 72%like:51004 61%like:51034 Entry has been invalidated. Access denied. 2008/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51039 Activity:nil 70%like:51005 Entry has been invalidated. Access denied. 2008/9/3 [Health] UID:51040 Activity:high 75%like:51021 Entry has been invalidated. Access denied.
2008/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51041 Activity:high
9/3     McCain refuses to testify in trooper-gate probe, after previously
        agreeing to testify:
2008/9/3 [Uncategorized] UID:51042 Activity:nil
9/3     what the hell is a MCGINA?
        \_ And more to the point, why not just run a sed on your view of the
           motd rather than insert random nonsense into everyone's view of
           the motd?
           \_ For the lulz.
        \_ I assume he's likening Palin to McCain's vagina.
2008/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51043 Activity:nil 60%like:51010 54%like:51032 Entry has been invalidated. Access denied.
2008/9/3-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51044 Activity:nil
9/3     I changed my mind, Palin is totally awesome.  Please be a part
        of the ticket until the election, PLEASE.  thanks!
        transcript of words from Peggy Noonan:
        "it's over..."
        "palin thing is insulting."
        "they're all bummed out."
        "they went for this political bullshit about narratives. It's not
         what [the Republicans] are good at."
        "it's cynical. it's gimmicky."
        \_ better transcript
        \_ I would have voted for Peggy Noonan
        \_ Are you sure it means what you think it means?
           \_ I just LOVE the backpedalling!  Oh boo who she said an
              obscenity on air and apologizes.  Well good thing that's
              over.  Actually I didn't clue in on the fact she said
              "it's over".  And I don't believe her, not one little bit.
              When she said "it's over", she meant it.  She also refrains
              in her column discussing what she said her about
              the Palin pick:
              Todd: Is she really the most qualified woman?
              Noonan: The most qualified no. I think they went for this excuse
                      me political bullshit about narratives..
              So like I said earlier, please keep Palin!
2008/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51045 Activity:nil
9/3     what the hell is a McCain?
        \_ And more to the point, why not just run a sed on your view of the
           motd rather than insert random nonsense into everyone's view of
           the motd?
           \_ For the lulz.
        \_ I assume he's likening McCain to McCain's vagina.
2008/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51046 Activity:nil 80%like:51023
9/3     Wheew! Good thing running for president has given McCain so much
        executive experience!  (CNN video)
        \_ I love how he compares his current job to McCain's last job.
           \_ The McCain campaign keeps doing this.  It's like no one told them
              she's the governor now.
2008/9/3-8 [Uncategorized] UID:51047 Activity:nil
9/3     Anyone know of a source for Sun Ultra45s?
2008/9/3-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51048 Activity:nil
9/3     Bristol Palin: HOT!!!!!!!!!!!
        \_ No she's not, her mom is.
           \_ Which of them have bigger boobs?  I think Sarah does.
              \_ what are you talking about?  Bristol is ENORMOUS.
                 \_ Which Bristol pics are you looking at?  URL please?
        \_ Pretty good speaker and an interesting person. I take bac
        \_ Pretty good speaker and an interesting person. I take back what I
           said about her being a light weight.
           \_ really.  she sounded dumb as rocks, IMO, and the GOP women
              looked skeptical throughout most of the speech.
              but according to,,,
              she turned in a 'star-turning performance'
              \_ Sorry, I meant Sarah not Bristol (obviously).
2008/9/3-8 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51049 Activity:nil
9/3     Caught a minute of the GOP convention, and I swear I heard
        Obama's name mentioned more often than McCain's. (Granted, in
        negative contexts, but still more often.) This seems...
        \_ It's been like this all year.  The GOP literally has
           nothing positive to run on.
           \_ Vote for Our Guy! He's not... that guy!
              \_ Pretty much.
           \_ HOPE! CHANGE!
        \_ McCain's name was mentioned more in the Dem Convention
           than Obama's name was at the RNC. I guess the Dems have even less
           to run on? The R's appear to have a more uniform distribution
           whereas the Dems are completely focused on McCain and CHANGE!
2008/9/3-8 [Recreation/Dating, Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:51050 Activity:nil
9/3     how does make money?  I used it 9 times today,
        never saw an ad.  Am REALLY tired now.
        \_ Aren't there ads for pay porn sites on the right hand side? I have
           not used youporn in a while, there are better freeporn sites now.
           \_ like youtube, search for cwh, sort by date.
        \_ really tired now?  and chafed?  CHAPPED SKINFLUTE NEED REST
        \_ A better question is why sites like this have not been sued for
           distributing content they did not obtain rights to.
           \_ An even better question is WHO THE FUCK CARES dumb fuck and
              the actual answer is in YouTube (hint: YouTube lawsuits didn't
              come in full force until Google bought it). Don't suck cow
              nipple till you know it has milk. DUMB FUCK.
              \_ The people who created the content probably care.
2025/03/14 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:September:03 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>