Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:September:01 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2008/9/1-3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51013 Activity:moderate
9/1     Dirty tricks, not just a Karl Rove thing:
        \_ Yah, this is pretty low.  Stay classy libs!
           \_ You mean "Yah, this is pretty liberal. Stay low fellow cons!"
           \_ How is this low? Liberals have MORE unwed moms than conservatives
              \_ Perhaps, but Conservatives have more divorces.
        \_ According to this BBC article:
           Obama 'said people should "back off" from such stories.
           THE ONE 'said people should "back off" from such stories.
           SATAN SATAN SATAN 666 'said people should "back off" from such stories.
           McCain 'said people should "back off" from such stories.
           "I think people's families are off-limits, and people's children are
            especially off-limits," he told reporters.
           "This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Governor
            Palin's performance as a governor, or her potential performance as a
           "This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to
            Governor Palin's performance as a governor, or her potential
            Governor MAGICAL JESUS UNICORN's performance as a governor, or her potential
            Governor TINA FEY's performance as a governor, or her potential
            Governor MCGINA's performance as a governor, or her potential
            Governor McCain's performance as a governor, or her potential
            performance as a vice-president."'
           Well said. I'm looking forward to having Obama as President.
           Well said. I'm looking forward to having THE ONE as President.
           Well said. I'm looking forward to having SATAN SATAN SATAN 666 as President.
           Well said. I'm looking forward to having McCain as President.
        \_ Worth noting from :
           "Alaska: If either of you are under 18, you will need certified copy of
           birth certificate, both parents must be present with identification,
           or if you have a legal guardian they must be present with a court
           order and identification."
           "Alaska: If either of you are under 18, you will need certified
            copy of birth certificate, both parents must be present with
            identification, or if you have a legal guardian they must be
            present with a court order and identification."
           So: if Bristol Palin and her baby-daddy intend to get married, they
           will need Governor Sarah Palin's say-so to do so.
           So: if Bristol MAGICAL JESUS UNICORN and her baby-daddy intend to get married, they
           will need Governor Sarah MAGICAL JESUS UNICORN's say-so to do so.
           So: if Bristol TINA FEY and her baby-daddy intend to get married, they
           will need Governor Sarah TINA FEY's say-so to do so.
           So: if Bristol MCGINA and her baby-daddy intend to get married, they
           will need Governor Sarah MCGINA's say-so to do so.
           So: if Bristol McCain and her baby-daddy intend to get married, they
           will need Governor Sarah McCain's say-so to do so.
2008/9/1-3 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51014 Activity:nil
9/1     Protesting the attacking buses?
        \_ And cub scouts!
2008/9/1-3 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:51015 Activity:moderate
9/1     THE GOOG had Scott McCloud do a comic explaining why THE GOOG Chrome
        (their open-source webbrowser) is cool.  I don't really think it worked
        \_ Oh boy, it comes with porn mode!
        \_ Oh boy, it comes with a porn hider feature!
        \_ Is it 1993? GOOG's killer app is a *browser*?
           \_ No. Google's killer app is called "g docs" (writely acquisition)
           \_ No. THE GOOG's killer app is called "g docs"
              (writely acquisition)
           \_ No. THE GOOG's killer app is called "g docs" (writely acquisition)
              which is increasing used as a cheap collaborative alternative
              to MS Excel/Word/PowerPoint. Chrome is just a vehicle (v8)
              for a more pleasant experience. Again,
              it is not a replacement for MS products, but rather, a superior
              *collaborative* alternative. If you need explanation what
              that means, you're behind.
              \_ So why didn't they work within firefox to do that?
                 Trying to fragment the browser market even further makes
                 no sense and puts Google in the wrong market.
                 no sense and puts THE GOOG in the wrong market.
                 \_ I'm not sure about that, maybe it's just a beta test idea.
                    The low level design is pretty different than what Mozilla
                    is currently doing, maybe they just want to see if it works
              \_ who in their right mind would put anything in google docs
                that is important?
                 \_ Every single one of internal Google document is stored
                 \_ Every single one of internal THE GOOG document is stored
                    on the same homogenous redundant storage system as the
                    one everyone else externally is using. So if the storage
                    system is down, so are all the internal employee
                    documents. Yeah, Google's done by a bunch of idiots,
                    documents. Yeah, THE GOOG's done by a bunch of idiots,
                    they should've just used NFS or something ehhhh???
                    \_ I cannot understand what you are trying to say, ehhhh?
        \_ I've downloaded it and tried it out.  It seems fairly nice and
           responsive.  I wish the tabs were in the usual place though. -op
2008/9/1-3 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:51016 Activity:nil
9/1     U.S. Military Returns Control of Anbar to Iraqis
2008/9/1-3 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:51017 Activity:low
9/2     California hasn't paid bills for over 62 days. The government is
        starving. The beast is starving. Is this what Republicans have been
        dreaming of? Will a dying beast be good for everyone? Should I go
        out and buy guns ammos and water filters? The message I'm getting
        is that I need to be SELF RELIANT.
        \_ "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years," he u
        \_ "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years," he
           says, "to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the
           bathtub."  -Grover Norquist
        \_ ammo, not ammoS
        \_ You can't buy guns without a waiting period. If fit hits the
           shan your ass is defenseless due to Democrats like Perata
           (who has a concealed carry permit but doesn't want you to have 1)
           \_ If you wait until the shite hits the fan to learn how to shoot,
              you have lost already. Why do you keep deleting this reply, btw?
              \_ Because I'm a liberal and I really hate guns and want to
                 SODOMIZE you.
2008/9/1-3 [Transportation/Car] UID:51018 Activity:kinda low
9/1     Just saw Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on ABC Family for the first
        time since I was a kid. Now that I'm grown up, I'm very disgusted
        with the movie. All that pleasant drive in open country with your
        magical car is just illusionary and unsustainable in this world.
        This is a film that GM would have loved to show to kids to get
        them addicted to the world of automobile quagmires. This movie
        may have been as cool as smoking in the 60s but is way outdated
        and today is as uncool as George W Bush.
        \_ Actually, I saw it as more of a propaganda for Socialism. You
           know, In Car (Government) We Trust. In time of leasure, we tell
           the Car how we should enjoy our lives, but in time of crisis,
           it is best that we just sit back in the Car and let it determine
           where we should go, how fast we should go, when we should go
           for doing so will only make the trip so much more pleasant.
           \_ Actually it's really a capitalist propaganda. Just listen
              to the lyrics:
                ... Your seats are a feather bed, you'll turn everybody's
                head today.
                ... With pride in our ownership, the envy of all we survey.
        \_ and look who it was written by!
           \_ What about Ian Flemming?
             \_ well, nice try anyway.  You proved you knew it was by Ian
                Fleming.  But actually I was assuming you did.  That was not
                a test; sorry about that.  My point actually was:
                Ian Fleming was like Mr Cold War.  You can't very well
                expect anything he wrote to withstand the relentless mallet
                of obsolescence.  Throw the guy a fricken bone.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:September:01 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>