2008/8/26-9/3 [Politics/Domestic] UID:50965 Activity:nil |
8/26 Republicans are getting violent. How far will they go? http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=160453 \_ They're not Republicans, they're Hillary supporters. \_ They could be "Recreate '68" type bozos. |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50966 Activity:nil |
8/26 How dare anyone question The One! "Obama not only aired a response ad to the spot linking him to William Ayers, but he sought to block stations the commercial by warning station managers and asking the Justice Department to intervene. The campaign also planned to compel advertisers to pressure stations that continue to air the anti-Obama commercial." http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D92PL7400&show_article=1 \_ Obama's response is pretty funny. "He blew things up when I was eight years old, so it's ok!" Ummm... what? \_ Dittohead desperation level: purple \_ Ok, now you're just in denial, troll. \_ You aren't really anyone to call someone else a troll, troll. \_ typical dictator \_ Let's see: someone starts publishing ads slandering you, and you turn around and call them on the slander. Hm, yeah, I guess you're right; only the guilty would call bullshit, right? Btw, would it affect your vote if you knew that McCain had a black baby out of wedlock? -krove@csua |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Law/Court] UID:50967 Activity:nil |
8/26 Bernie Ward, super-perv http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/08/22/BA0912G3V4.DTL \_ Man, that article is full of all kinds of irony. |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Consumer/Camera, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:50968 Activity:nil |
8/26 Recreate '68 tries to start riot in Denver, is shut down cold http://csua.org/u/m6q \_ Son, that urine doesn't look healthy. \_ Here's a great pic from the Denver post: http://www.denverpost.com/denver/ci_10306204 \_ See, once you start attacking police, you should probably just be shot. \_ The problem with shooting people (they learned in the 60's) is, even if the people you're shooting at deserve it, there tends to be collateral damage. I'm very impressed with how these bozos have been handled by the Denver police. I'd buy 'em all doughnuts. \_ no one remembers the nice meek protestors who follow the rules and tastefully politely hang out in the Freedom Cafe knitting and pleasantly expressing their right of free assembly \_ Just what exactly are the Recreate 68 people trying to recreate? The only thing that comes to mind for me is that MLK and RFK were both assasinated leading up to the DNC. |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Finance/Investment] UID:50969 Activity:nil |
8/26 I just place limit buy on Etrade for X amount worth of $$$ but I don't actually have X amount in the trading account. What would happen if the order actually executes? Do I owe Etrade a steep % of interest or it gets taken out magically from my savings/checking accounts? \_ The buy probably doesn't execute, unless you have a margin account with them. \_ I'm going to guess that you get as many shares as you have $$$ for, but it's possible it will execute and you will have to fund the account ASAP (plus fees, I'm sure). This will depend on your brokerage, so ask them and not us. |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Finance/Investment, Industry/Startup] UID:50970 Activity:moderate |
8/26 I just bought GOOG at 500 last week, WHY IS IT DOWN??? What's up? I don't see any news that would indicate that it's in trouble. Argh! -newbie investor \_ http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=324097 Opinion: Why Google has lost its mojo -- and why you should care Sorry. You should have shorted it. \_ that article is awful. \_ if you're going to freak out every time a stock you own goes down, you shouldn't be investing in the stock market. What's your time horizon on GOOG? -tom \_ I'm looking at maybe 5 years? -op \_ So don't worry about the stock price. Do you think the company has changed since last week? -tom \_ No, but it's possible sentiment has. GOOG was driven to heights by investor sentiment more than by any actual quantitative analysis. Number of insider buys over the last year: 0. 399 sells, though. \_ GOOG was driven to heights by making enormous gobs of money. They appear to still be making enormous gobs of money. If you believe they will stop making money, sell. If you believe they'll continue to grow and make more money, don't worry about the stock price. "In the short term, the stock market is a voting machine, in the long term, it's a weighing machine. --Buffett". -tom \_ Interesting that insiders don't see it as a buy, but as a sell. As for the long term, how did GOOG do 5 years ago? Oh wait, it wasn't around. Nice quote from Buffett. I doubt he owns GOOG. \_ Isn't this what they mean when they say "X continues to defy analysts expectations"? \_ Why would insiders buy, when they already have stock built into their compensation package? And of course insiders sell; that's what happens when you use stock or stock options as part of compensation. Microsoft had 77k shares purchased, 40 million shares sold by insiders. That has nothing to do with the propsects of the company; it just has to do with whether people's options are above water or not. -tom \_ Would you buy if you strongly felt it would double in a year and the market was undervaluing it? I'm not saying it's a predictor necessarily, but 399 sells and 0 buys doesn't fill me with warm fuzzies. \_ you really have no idea what you're talking about. -tom \_ Nice rebuttal. Did you spend all day coming up with that? Maybe you should read some of these papers: http://tinyurl.com/5ahs5d One of his conclusions: "This paper provides evidence that insiders possess, and trade upon, knowledge of specific and economically-significant forthcoming accounting disclosures as long as two years prior to the disclosure. Stock sales by insiders increase three to nine quarters prior to a break in a string of consecutive increases in quarterly earnings. Insider stock sales are greater for growth firms, before a longer period of declining earnings, and when the earnings decline the break is greater. Consistent with avoiding an established legal jeopardy, there is little abnormal selling in the two quarters immediately prior to the break." Another addressing the <DEAD>dot.com<DEAD> bubble: "Furthermore, stock corrections after the bubble burst are strongly negatively associated with estimated levels of earnings management and insider selling during the bubble." \_ how about this: find a technology company that uses stock-based compensation, that has gone up in stock price over the past year, that doesn't have a huge amount of insider selling. -tom \_ That's the catch. If the stock went up significantly then why would they buy? It's already higher than their built-in price target. If you only look at companies whose stock has gone up of course you will find few buyers: It's overpriced! Why not find one which has few sales, or at least a better ratio than 399:0? AAPL has had some inside buyers. I am not sure GOOG has ever had an insider buy. (Not that I could find.) Are you implying this guy's research is garbage? It implies that insiders trade on knowledge they have, which anyone with common sense would think is a sound conclusion. Compare AAPL to GOOG. AAPL has some buyers. I am not sure GOOG has ever had an inside buy. conclusion. \_ In the last 6 months Apple has zero insider purchases and > 1 million shares sold by insiders (14.6% of the total insider holdings). That's just what happens when stocks go up. That doesn't mean the stock is overpriced; it means that people are exercising options and having to sell to cover taxes, or just taking profits. If you are getting stock-based compensation, it's probably a stupid idea to buy more stock in your company; you should be diversifying. -tom \_ AAPL has had zero insider buys and over 1 million shares sold in the past 6 months (16% of insider holdings). That's just what happens when you have stock-based compensation; people sell to cover taxes on their option exercises, or they just take profits. It is generally stupid to buy stock in your company when you already get paid partly in stock; you should diversify. -tom \_ shouldn't you be shorting GOOG at 100 ? \_ I'm not the short GOOG at 100 guy -op, different guy |
2008/8/26 [Uncategorized] UID:50971 Activity:nil |
8/26 Dave Freeman, an advertising agency executive who co-wrote "100 Things to Do Before You Die," an adventure-seeking and often unconventional travel guide that personified the way he lived his life, has died. He was 47. Freeman died Aug. 17 after falling and hitting his head at his home in Venice, said his father, Roy. lolz. \_ two questions for you, paolo: 1) "lolz" is fucking stupid. Are you brain damaged? 2) What's funny about this? -tom |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:50972 Activity:nil |
8/26 Gary Glitter spent months in a Vietnamese prison cell. Can I vote for him too? \_ that's a fit punishment for writing "Rock and Roll Part II". -tom \_ What are you talking about? \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Glitter \_ I know who Glitter is--I didn't ask *who* the op was talking about. \_ Did you see the part about how he was sent to jail in Vietnam? \_ BUD DAY doesn't appreciate what you are trying to imply here. \_ OJ Simpson is a black celebrity. Can I vote for him too? \_ Your analogy doesn't hold since Barack Obama isn't so much a celebrity as a politician. Your analogy would work somewhat better if you stated that the similarity between OJ and Barack is that they're both black, but that would make you sound racist, esp. as op drew parallels between experience and not skin color. Would you like to try again? \_ No, because you are incredibly stupid and not worth conversing with. \_ Yay! Win by annoying you! Yay! |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Uncategorized] UID:50973 Activity:nil |
8/26 I *hate* it when that happens http://failblog.org/2008/08/26/golfing-fail \_ Too bad, I was hoping these idiots would fall over and crack on their heads. |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:50974 Activity:nil |
8/26 http://kernel.org seems down and I'm unable to install git-core via macports. is there anything I can do to get this installed? thx \_ sure, use the magic Facebook mirror http://mirror.facebook.com/kernel.org \_ amazing! thanks. that worked. so this is like the new and improved (tm) http://archive.org wayback machine? \_ amazing! thanks. that worked. \_ in the future, you could also try www{2,3,4}.kernel.org, http://www.eu.kernel.org http://www.us.kernel.org etc. |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50975 Activity:nil |
8/26 I've been wondering about the Georgian side of the story, here it is http://preview.tinyurl.com/6bn2co Very interesting. \_ Can you summarize? I'm not going to read this unless it blames Obama for the whole thing. \_ Can you summarize? I'm not going to read this unless it blames McCain for the whole thing. \_ Can you summarize? I'm not going to read this unless it blames Bush for the whole thing. \_ Can you summarize? I'm not going to read this unless it blames Putin for the whole thing. \_ Can you summarize? I'm not going to read this unless it blames Rice for the whole thing. \_ Can you summarize? I'm not going to read this unless it blames Gorbachev for the whole thing. {Obama,McCain,Bush,Putin,Rice,Gorby} for the whole thing. \_ No, if I could summerize in 80 characters, it would not be very interesting. I will say this explanation makes much more sense than the reported one, although I would need futher confirmation to totally believe it. It does have much less "WTF?". \_ This is the part I don't understand. It is Georgia started the whole thing, knowning fully well that Russian is going to step in. Now, they are crying foul? \_ So, you didn't read the article? |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:50976 Activity:nil |
8/26 Damn wind turbines. They're exploding all our bats! http://tinyurl.com/5hfhj5 |
2008/8/26-30 [Recreation/Dating] UID:50977 Activity:low |
8/26 Hey, motd boob guy, I have got a story for you: http://preview.tinyurl.com/6gkcae \_ No pics, damn. \_ I don't understand her outrage. She's got metal on her body. How does the TSA know it's a bra and not a box cutter or whatever? They have to err on the side of caution, because otherwise someone will smuggle something in their bra and they will be taken to task for not being diligent. \_ a 9/11-style takeover with box cutters would not be possible anymore; keeping people from bringing nail clippers or swiss army knives on planes does nothing meaningful for security. \_ Thank you Security Guru. Don't quit your day job. \_ There is no way that confiscating nail clippers makes anyone more safe. It is a "feel good measure" and nothing more, just like most of what the TSA does. \_ The amount of metal in an underwire bra is very small, and overwhelmingly the choice for large-breasted women because of the support. So why are the sensors tuned up so high as to detect that tiny amount of metal? \_ How else would they have an excuse to strip "A big-busted woman wearing a large underwire bra"? \_ Do you want them to detect metal or not? The amount is not very small if you've ever taken apart a bra, by the way, and they have no idea of knowing it's even the bra that's setting the sensor off until they check. She can say it's her bra, but who is to know? |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Uncategorized] UID:50978 Activity:nil |
8/26 natalie coughlin about to get married i lost my chance! \_ You had a chance with her? \_ tjb part deux \_ ob i denied her sex that's why she won gold |
2008/8/26-29 [Uncategorized] UID:50979 Activity:nil |
8/26 Okay, this is a lame request, but I need a copy of IE 6 for Windows unpatched (SP 0, if you will). I cannot seem to find it. -ausman \_ http://browsers.evolt.org \_ Thanks! -ausman \_ I could probably arrange to get you a giant 3 gig VM, would that work? |
3/15 |