2008/8/21-26 [Uncategorized] UID:50920 Activity:nil |
8/22 Anyone know of a bank that does not have an internet presence at all? or at least one that has a very limited one? Small banks preferred. \_ Hello traveler from the future! \_ الله أَكْ! |
2008/8/21-26 [Academia/GradSchool, Industry/Jobs, Industry/Startup] UID:50921 Activity:nil |
8/21 So I am trying to apply for a senior/staff job position at this place and I'm wondering if I should apply directly, or ask a headhunter to represent me. Mind you, I'm an old fart and have had a lot of bad experiences where the company gave me a hard time during the interview process and negotiation process. On the other hand I've had one really good experience where the headhunter did everything she could to negotiate with the company and got me the exact salary I asked for and the job I wanted. Obviously, I don't have a lot of data points, but I wonder in general, is it good/bad to ask a headhunter to represent me? I can see tons of arguments from both sides and I'm just wondering what you guys think. Thanks. \_ When did this trend of starting with "So" start? \_ الله أَكْ! |
2008/8/21-26 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:50922 Activity:kinda low |
8/21 I know 1 or 2 of you guys know about this, but why aren't you moving your money out of stocks--and into CDs, savings, or Treasury money markets? IMO we are looking at significant downside or sideways movement that may persist for ~10 years. Even if you only earn 3% interest/1yr, this is much better than losing 0 to 10% after 10 years. My money is where my mouth is -- I moved all my 401(k) money out of energy (my previous safe play) and into T money markets ~ 9 months ago. Of course, you should only make these moves rarely (not more than once every few years) for retirement accounts--otherwise you will whipsaw out and meet the traditional definition of not being able to time the market. The Nikkei 225 is still down 67% from its peak 19 years ago--our drop will be less in size and duration, IMO, but still nothing to laugh at. \_ IMO we're not. \_ why? \_ IMO following the herd will get you run over. Buying high and selling \_ why do you think we are in for 10 years of downside? i don't know about the overall indices but it should be obvious that some will win and some will lose. there's a vast amount of invested wealth out there in the world and it's gonna go somewhere. \_ IMO following the herd will get you run over. Buying high and selling \_ IMO following the herd will get you run over. Buy high and sell low is a terrible investment strategy. I have gradually been moving my money into dividend paying stocks, most of which do a significant share of their business overseas. The S&P 500 is flat over the last decade, do you really believe that we are going to have another lost decade? I do not. have another lost decade? I do not. Also, getting 3%/yr is going to mean you fall back in real wealth because of inflation. Surely somewhere in the world, there is an investment opportunity that will do better than that, right? \_ الله أَكْ! \_ Another lost decade? Maybe 5-10 more years. Investment opportunity ... like energy? Why? Significant global deleveraging and shrinking of credit. \_ Are you GOOG short 100 guy? \_ No. |
2008/8/21-26 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:50923 Activity:kinda low |
8/21 CA highest income tax bracket hits at 44K? http://www.ftb.ca.gov/aboutFTB/press/2007/07_38.shtml \_ seems like it's 60k for head of household, which would apply for anyone not claimed as a dependent I believe. --jwm \_ So 90K for married filing jointly. Anyone here call that rich? \_ I think Head of Household is when you are not married and you pay for more than 50% of the living expense of another person who is not a dependent of another taxpayer. \_ Yeah you're not head of household if you are just a single dude without dependents. (like me). fuck. \_ Well, at least we still have one of the lowest property taxes, and capped so that when we retire, we don't have to worry about ridiculously amounts of tax increase! By a happy owner. Once you buy a home in CA, DON'T EVER SELL!!! Trust me. This is the way of life in California. \_ ObSwami \_ الله أَكْ! \_ No, our property taxes are around the median. \_ Median in rate, but because of Prop 13 they are lower than most places if you've owned a property a long time. When I bought my house for ~$350K N years ago it had been in the seller's family for 65-70 years. They paid something like $600/year property tax, which is definitely low. I paid $4000/year on the same property when I bought it, not that I'm complaining, because now my neighbors are paying $8000+/year on similar houses. \_ You know I wouldn't pay $100K for any piece of land in inland Southern California, though I would be willing to pay millions of dollars for Malibu and coastal estates. S Cal inland in general is dumpy, including Santa Ana, San Fernando, and even Pasadena. Hot. Traffic. Dumpy. \_ Yes, much better are New Jersey, Texas, and Florida. |
2008/8/21-26 [Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:50924 Activity:nil |
8/21 greatest hammond organ solos of all time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nsPgSl52qY \_ I'm sorry, why is this even posted? Why is this so interesting and or special? Why would I care about some dude playing organ? Is he famous in the old days? If you post shit like this without explanation I'll just nuke next time. \_ I did describe it. Does it have to be about BUSH==OBAMA or Prop 13 to pass your motd content test? \_ الله أَكْ! |
2008/8/21-26 [Uncategorized/German] UID:50925 Activity:nil |
8/21 ich bein in America http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW-XRlra_BA \_ I'm sorry, why is this even posted? WHY? What's so special about it? Oh well at least 1960s hippy girls look kind of cute. If only I could travel back in time... \_ الله أَكْ! |
2008/8/21-26 [Academia/UCLA] UID:50926 Activity:low |
8/21 Top 10 American universities by 2008 Olympic participants: 1. Stanford: 46 2. (tie) USC: 41 2. (tie) Cal: 41 4. Florida: 34 5. UCLA: 32 6. Auburn: 31 7. Arizona: 27 8. (tie) Texas: 22 8. (tie) Michigan: 22 10. UNC: 20 \_ Is American Fish Monster from Berkeley? \_ You mean "celebrity athlete with personality of carp?" \_ He is the fastest swimmer in the world. Why does he need a bubbly television personality? Kobe Bryant is a goddamn rapist. Why don't we call him 'celebrity basketball rapist?' \_ Why not? Kobe's an ass. \_ "God is a Warriors fan, Satan loves the Lakers. God is a Warriors fan, Kobe is a rapist." \_ No, but Natalie Coughlin (total babe) is. \_ الله أَكْ! \_ no, but Natalie Coughlin is, and she's a total babe. \_ Where's our pole vaulter? \_ Huh huh hhuh huh, you said pole. |
2008/8/21-26 [Reference/Religion] UID:50927 Activity:nil |
8/22 Anyone know of a bank that's owned exclusively by Mormons? I think Mormons prepare for the end times better than I do. thanks. \_ Probably true, but I don't think such a bank exists. Zion's Bank probably used to be, but I don't think that's been true for at least 50 years... \_ الله أَكْ! \_ The end times...? |
2008/8/21-26 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50928 Activity:moderate |
8/21 What's the big deal with arugula anyway? When did this become a talking point? I like arugula. \_ Please give more context, thanks. \_ Apparently the McCain campaign keeps bringing this up. \_ if this election is won or lost on whether McCain can convince Americans that Obama is a weird arugula eating motherfucker, I am going to be really pissed off. \_ I haven't seen it recently except in jokes, because the Obama quote is pretty funny. -!pp \_ URL? I don't watch TV and the argula eating staff of the New York Times hasn't mentioned it yet. \_ http://csua.org/u/m5d (NYTimes blog) \_ I am a freak and read the paper version. \_ The NY Times blog is dumb. You can get arugula at freakin Wal-Mart. \_ McCain spokesman goes ape: http://tinyurl.com/6p69fp \_ الله أَكْ! \_ Hahaha, McCain doesn't even know how many houses he owns and apparently neither does his campaign. Such a "man of the people" indeed! \_ Turns out, he owns zero. Cindy and related trusts own eight properties. \_ Arizona is a community property state, therefore if she owns them, he owns them. \_ Only if she bought them while they were married. Not if she owned them prior to the marriage or with funds that are clearly not comingled with his in any manner. \_ saying The Cindy/John McCain trusts own their property and the McCains is a complete cop-out, and you know it. \_ Like I said, McCain Corp doesn't even know how many houses he owns. \_ You mean like how the GOP made fun of Kerry for "owning" four homes with his wife and how he was called a "Gigolo" with a "sugar daddy wife." Kind of like McCain is. |
2008/8/21-26 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:50929 Activity:nil |
8/21 Well, now they've got a timetable. I guess the "facts on the ground" finally worked out. http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/2008-08-21-rice-meeting_N.htm?csp=34 (shorten this please) \_ I really hope Miss I Have a freakin' PHD In Russian Studies Rice did not tell Georgia a few weeks ago that the US would stand behind Georgia if they were stupid enough to taunt Russia into attacking them. \_ I really hope alien freakin' UFOs having been mutilating my cattle. \_ الله أَكْ! \_ Hey, did they ever find those Weapons of Mass Destruction they kept going on and on about? |
2008/8/21-26 [Uncategorized] UID:50930 Activity:nil 53%like:50931 |
8/21 did any Sodans go to the Olympics? aaron? norby? |
2008/8/21 [Uncategorized] UID:50931 Activity:insanely high 53%like:50930 |
8/21 did any Über-rich Sodans go to the Olympics? aaron? norby? josh? spencer? tracs? \_ الله أَكْ! |
2008/8/21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:50932 Activity:nil |
8/21 what is your favorite PHP ide? Eclipse? vim? |
2008/8/21 [Uncategorized] UID:50933 Activity:nil |
8/21 Who is corrupting the motd text? \_ is not my fault you only know English - citizen of World |
2008/8/21 [Uncategorized] UID:50934 Activity:high |
8/22 http://piratecatradio.com bets on how long they last? \_ Paolo Soto they have been around for 10 years. What is your point? \_ paolo they have been around for 10 years. What is your point? \_ didn't those guys live at the cracktory? \_ lol cracktory |
2008/8/21-29 [Uncategorized] UID:50935 Activity:nil |
8/22 RGOULET sings Jezabel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLeXfShIlrw |
2008/8/21-26 [Uncategorized/Multicategory] UID:50936 Activity:moderate |
8/22 http://piratecatradio.com \_ bets on how long they last? \_ paolo they have been around for 10 years. What is your point? \_ they have been around for 10 years. What is your point? \_ didn't those guys live at the cracktory? \_ lol cracktory \_ paolo do you purchase fine grade crack or does your skin \_ do you purchase fine grade crack or does your skin spontaneously generate it? \_ lol why do you respond 4 times to your own posts paolo? \_ lol why do you respond 4 times to your own posts? \_ lol paolo why do you respond 4 times to your own posts? \_ it's easier than auto-deleting the motd \_ a challenge! \_ god that was what, 10 years ago? \_ more like 7 get it right, dork! \_ oh \_ lulz \_ ZOGOMG \_ at least we're not selling arms to syria! |
2008/8/21-29 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:50937 Activity:nil |
8/22 I'm not sure how much of his failure to recollect is McCain joking or not. My dad is 72, and while I love him, there is no way I'd want someone that age running the white house. I recognize that as being "ageist" or whatever, but president is a pretty fucking demanding job.\ Remember how hands-off shit got with Reagan the second term? \_ Saddleback debate. \_ Lets get rid of anyone over 30. Cf. Logan's Run! \_ While that might help with the population problem, I don't think it would help enough, and you're not ridding the Earth of the people who contribute more to the population problem. (People under 30 have most of the kids.) |
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