Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:August:18 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2008/8/18-21 [Uncategorized] UID:50890 Activity:nil
8/17    where are the olympic ping pong torrents?
        \_ I want badminton.
              \_ That's not an Olympic game.  But it's great!
2008/8/18-21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:50891 Activity:moderate
8/18    Hey dim why did you switch your motd edit command? Do you actually
        think you can hide from editting motd? I can read OS logs ya know.
           \_ Who are you?  I'm wondering who would sorry someone
              for reading the logs to figure out who "anonymous" comments
              were written by.  --PeterM
              \_ The issue is that this cowardly fuck has a process which
                 automatically deletes anything I write using motdedit. It's
                 not about reading the logs, but about censorship and
                 harassment. This isn't some running feud, but a moron who is
                 obsessed with me. --dim
                 \_ tell us about the stars dim!
                 \_ I agree that having a process which automatically deletes
                    someone else's motd posts is squishable.  --PeterM
                    \_ unless that someone is a complete moronic troller
                       \_ No, you still can't auto edit a troller. Don't be
                          a twink.
                          \- ethics aside, why can't a motd terrorist
                             terrorize motd? what method do we have to
                             reliabily detect an act of terrorism, and
                             what can we do about it? how is deleting troll
                             worse than adding trolls? who are you to judge
                             troll or content? these questions beg deeper
                             discussions that has yet to begun.
                             \_ I thought current policy disallowed auto-
                                posters as well as auto-deleters?
                                \_ The politburo currently does not posses
                                   much awareness of the motd, but all users
                                   on soda have consented to abide by don't be
                                   a hozer guidelines.  Should anyone step
                                   far enough outside the hozing boundaries
                                   I will lobby them for the ability to squish.
                             \_ Auto-deletion directly denies access
                                to the motd and thus prevents the free
                                exchange of ideas that is necessary for
                                a "marketplace of ideas" to function.
                                Auto-posting doesn't directly deny access,
                                and while it may drive people away from
                                the motd, the motd still remains accessible.
                                Thus, I think that auto-deletion, in which
                                you don't know what you lost, is a much
                                worse form of terrorist, than auto-posting,
                                which only makes it harder to find things.
                                Personally, I think both auto-posting and
                                auto-deletion need to be controlled for
                                the motd to function effectively.
        \_ Fuck off. You are dangerously close to getting sorried.
        \_ how are you determining if dim is editing the motd?  I edit the motd
           ALL THE TIME and no one has picked up my username(yet)
           \_ That's what I want to know. Why is this some secret? Are these
              OS logs world-readable? Please educate us in the name of Computer
           \_ Who are you?  I'm wondering who would sorry someone
              for reading the logs to figure out who "anonymous" comments
              were written by.  --PeterM
              \_ The issue is that this cowardly fuck has a process which
                 automatically deletes anything I write using motdedit. It's
                 not about reading the logs, but about censorship and
                 harassment. This isn't some running feud, but a moron who is
                 obsessed with me. --dim
                 \_ Wow you finally signed your name! Why don't you do the
                    same with your other political trolls
                 \_ tell us about the stars dim!
                 \_ I agree that having a process which automatically deletes
                    someone else's motd posts is squishable.  --PeterM
                    \_ unless that someone is a complete moronic troller
                       \_ No, you still can't auto edit a troller. Don't be
                          a twink.
                          \- ethics aside, why can't a motd terrorist
                             terrorize motd? what method do we have to
                             reliabily detect an act of terrorism, and
                             what can we do about it? how is deleting troll
                             worse than adding trolls? who are you to judge
                             troll or content? these questions beg deeper
                             discussions that has yet to begun.
                             \_ I thought current policy disallowed auto-
                                posters as well as auto-deleters?
                                \_ The politburo currently does not posses
                                   much awareness of the motd, but all users
                                   on soda have consented to abide by don't be
                                   a hozer guidelines.  Should anyone step
                                   far enough outside the hozing boundaries
                                   I will lobby them for the ability to squish.
                             \_ Auto-deletion directly denies access
                                to the motd and thus prevents the free
                                exchange of ideas that is necessary for
                                a "marketplace of ideas" to function.
                                Auto-posting doesn't directly deny access,
                                and while it may drive people away from
                                the motd, the motd still remains accessible.
                                Thus, I think that auto-deletion, in which
                                you don't know what you lost, is a much
                                worse form of terrorist, than auto-posting,
                                which only makes it harder to find things.
                                Personally, I think both auto-posting and
                                auto-deletion need to be controlled for
                                the motd to function effectively.
2008/8/18-21 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:50892 Activity:nil
8/18    Well, that was quick: Musharraf steps down:
2008/8/18-21 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:50893 Activity:nil
8/18    so i have a bunch of tabs open in one firefox window.  i have a bunch
        of tabs open in another firefox window.  how do i combine them all
        into one window ?
        \_ Why would anyone use tabs? I don't use tabs, and I don't
           understand why anyone else would either.     -dim #1 fan
        \_ Install the Duplicate Tab plugin, and hit Ctrl-Shift-M.
        \_ Which version?
        \_ Thank you motd!!!
2008/8/18-21 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:50894 Activity:kinda low
8/18    How long has the command "seq" been around? I just saw it in
        one of my coworkers shell scripts and wish I had known about it
        years ago...
        \_ what does it do?  - bash fan #1
           \_ It prints out a sequence of numbers from FIRST to LAST in
              a specified increment.
           \_ in bash (taken from ksh, I believe), that's
                for ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do echo $i ; done
        \_ soda:~% seq --version
           seq (GNU coreutils) 5.97
           Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
           \- you can also use jot

                                   a hozer guidelines.  Should anyone step
                                   far enough outside the hozing boundaries
                                   I will lobby them for the ability to squish.
                             \_ Auto-deletion directly denies access
                                to the motd and thus prevents the free
                                exchange of ideas that is necessary for
                                a "marketplace of ideas" to function.
                                Auto-posting doesn't directly deny access,
                                and while it may drive people away from
                                the motd, the motd still remains accessible.
                                Thus, I think that auto-deletion, in which
                                you don't know what you lost, is a much
                                worse form of terrorist, than auto-posting,
                                which only makes it harder to find things.
                                Personally, I think both auto-posting and
                                auto-deletion need to be controlled for
                                the motd to function effectively.
        \_ seq shreads.  I use the -w option for naming nodes in a script
           for a linux cluster: for i in $(seq -w 1 200); do echo n$i; done
           will give you node001-node200
2008/8/18-21 [Uncategorized] UID:50895 Activity:nil 50%like:50888
8/17    now i know how to cure a snakebitee with enormous breasts
        \_ That was lame.  Of course you get them to the hospital ASAP,
           I thought the question was, "if you can't get them to a hospital
2008/8/18-21 [Recreation/Media] UID:50896 Activity:nil
8/18    I have a buddy who figures he's gonna put togther the next big thing
        in Web 2.0.  He's particularly interested in rating algorithms based
        on user input/voting.  In other words, if users 1 and 2 both rate
        a giving movie highly, does user 1's opinion on a different movie
        mean to user 2?  (Just an example, I don't think he's interested in
        movies.) Can anyone point to any literature on the subject, or would
        anyone like to chat with him about it?  (Or even work with him on it,
        if you have time. I don't.) Thanks. -jrleek
        \- some of this turns on whether you are doing "revealed
           preference" [say what you actually buy from AMAZONG or rent
           from Nflix] or if it is a voting system, in which case one
           must look at the great arrow impossibility theorem. the first
           is more of a pure stat problem, and the second depends on a
           lot of details about incentives, the exact design of the
           system etc. you know, somebody sends me a question like this
           every 2-3yrs for the past 10yrs at least. another approach is
           not no use generic statistical correlation techniques but to
           do a domain-speific analysis/modelling ... which is what i
           believe those pandora people do.
2008/8/18-19 [Uncategorized] UID:50897 Activity:nil
8/18    You know what's wrong with working at Google? Everyone
        is the smartest kid in the room. Listen to the smartest
        kid in the room.
2008/8/18-19 [Uncategorized] UID:50898 Activity:nil
8/18    Granny keeps burgler at bay with .22 handgun
2008/8/18-19 [Finance/Banking, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:50899 Activity:nil
8/18    It's the War Economy, Stupid:
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:August:18 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>